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Posts posted by lalitv74

  1. You know that is hard to answer. It is a matter of perspective I presume. A whole bottle could derail you for days. A couple of glass might not be evident after a day or two or any at all. I believe if you drink plenty of water it will help get rid of it quicker.

    For me I wouldn't drink more than small glasses of wine or about 8 ounces. I don't want the added calories and sugars. I would at least be sure it a dark red wine.

  2. Hey dude

    it is unfortunate that you are going through this situation but i would suggest both of you to sit together and take wise decisions. as you sad above she is a very intelligent girl i dont think you both would take a wrong decision and why would you resent her for this decision, i mean i respect your beliefs abut she is not ready for a baby now because of all 3 reasons and these 3 reason sounds genuine to me. other thing is rather than taking medicines i suggest you to go for an abortion and make sure this mistake wont happen again. you can have a baby when ever you want but time is not right now.

    make wise decisions.

    Lalit Verma

  3. Aircraft maker must try to extend the security when plane is on the air, such as installing an emergency system, that can be activated by airlines. It's more than a GPS or signals captured by radar.. It's a close system, similar to the government in usa has now asked phone companies to locate stolen phones.. Just rely on a transponder, that got to be activated by a human isn't a means of security at all, same thing with blackbox..Inherently this is a huge risk..

  4. My son has a slightly allergic reaction to mosquito bites. It is scary because they get the size of a half dollar at times. Big, red and angry. It's even more scary because I have recluses all over. We spray, found out it makes them more aggressive. So, now we just trap a female in a bowl she can't get out of and kill all the males that try to get in. So, when he swells up like that. It scares me big time. Make sure there isn't any lines stretching from the bite which is a bad sign. Also, make sure there isn't a bullseye pattern. If it is a typical bite that is infected, it shouldn't leave a scar unless you have scratched the mess out of it. I put Bactroban on my son. Yes, it is prescription, but any bacterial over the counter ointment should do. Cold compresses help with the itching. As well as Benedryl.

  5. I would suggest you that if you can speak Thai now, you have to begin at reading. You should learn it with Thai people and use Thai language in your class. The Thai reading book will edit your sound of pronuciation through rehearsing exercises. Those exercises provide your chance to correct your tone sound because of listening. You cannot think that if you can pronounce maa mha ma ma...aaa maha, you will acheive the combination of complex vowels and consonants. Most of foreigners at first cannot speak Thai precisely. But after they are able to read and have a chance to communicate in it for a while, their tones come close to Thai people. The important problem of learning is because learners are too aware of their tone accuracy so their fluency is very slow. They think that Thai people may not understand in what they say but if they are not hurry when speaking and try to speak long enough, Thai people must understand. Then, they can edit the sound through their litsening.

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