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Posts posted by sailbuddy

  1. The thing is as wages go up skills and education need to as well. They simply haven't so there is little reason for foreign companies (the major large employers here) to not just go to another country where the wages are lower and the skills are equally lacking.

    Tescos are trying to sell. If Tescos want to leave you have to ask some serious questions.

    Thailand will struggle to advance because of corruption and so many Thais that never leave the country believing they can do no wrong , particularly the vast amount of over spolit men.

    Major reform and money needs to be spent on education before the country advances, it will take decades, if it ever happens at all.

    Good points except about Tesco. They are considering the sale of Tesco Lotus because of their company's financial problems not because of the Thailand environment. In fact their Thai and S. Korean markets are big profit makers.


  2. as I predicted 2 years ago - the minimum wage policy would fail due to inflation getting out of control - another vote buying policy of Thaksin that has proven to be destructive

    I hope the Thais realise now that voting for these unworkable populist policies has backfired in their faces - promising people a 40% pay rise to get their vote

    I wonder have the voters learned from this

    Some very careful fiscal control needs to take place now before this completely implodes

    Inflation must be held in check or this country is going to get very expensive

    Droping interest rates and fuel tax would be a good start

    which in turn will devalue the baht - that keeps the export business alive including tourism farming and others - the downside is that Thais wishing to travel abroad have to pay more - so what

    The various schemes that PTP introduced to win votes is going to cost this country dearly but they need to do the right thing now and take it on the chin

    Where do you get a 40% increase, Min wage was 150B and it went to 300B that is a 100% increase. We were paying workers at our factory 200B a day, of course we followed the rules and paid the 300B but we could go any higher than that. Not only did our labor rate go up but our raw material rate went up because our suppliers had to pay more for labor.

    allot of People don't realize how far reaching it is when you make such a drastic increase in labor rates. You can see what happened in food prices and everything else here in Thailand. I'm sure allot of farmers are still using Cambodians and not paying 300B a day, only 100 or 120 a day. If all of the framers ore forced to start paying 300B you will see increase in the local markets too. We are having a hard time competing with manufactures in Vietnam and China. Any more increase we will need to look at relocating to Vietnam, Cambodia or China.

    Well my opinion is this. As has been mentioned in this thread the 'problem' is a systemic one. It has to do with profits and how labor is just a resource in the current economic system that rules the world. It's not a mystery. The majority of the world runs on this system and the majority of the world is poor. It creates poverty while creating wealth for a few. The many who argue from within the tenets of the economic system are 'right' according to the economic theories of do this and that will happen but completely off the mark if not blind as many are to the larger picture that the tenets, rules, relationships of the system are designed in such a way as to create the horror that envelops the world today. This is the same everywhere not just Thailand. The decades long race to the bottom has, according to this economic systems tenets, been carried out with the best intentions of being competitive, increasing productivity, gaining market share, giving investors a better return on their money. Intentions of the business model in other words. This model does not seek to create a better life for the people in the world but profits for investors. The necessary fallout of these policies of social economic governance are all around us. Middle classes being decimated, wages stagnant for decades in the face of rising inflation, quality of life ruined, insecurity, fear, opportunity only for a few and even basic needs of health care, shelter etc. crushed and ignored as the only real benefactors to be considered are those with capital and the consequences of this business model be damned. Despoil the planet, the food supply, the environment, the ability for families to have a stable abundant life and old age as they are nothing but human resources to be used as part of a business equation to earn more profits and benefits for the few servants of capital. The rape, pillage, looting has reached levels in the last 20+ years that would make even the Romans blush. The mass of people who live on this planet are served only incidentally in this system and in spite of it not because of it. By any measure except how are the few percent are doing it is an abysmal failure and yet the comments roll on that we just have to use the system's tools and everyone will do better. Has no one paid attention these last decades? While the productivity has soared and profits ballooned the mass of people have been cut loose and seen their lives go to shit as they are virtual slave labor that is not needed anymore. There is so much more, but if this is not already obvious then why belabor the point. So to speak. Better to make the argument redundant as it is not needed to produce the intended result. Build some more palatial homes, malls, condos. Create more billionaires and show the world cup for distraction. Not to worry. More new mobile phones coming out soon, all will be well.

    • Like 2
  3. Hi. Sorry for your troubles. I am relatively new here. 3 months. I rent a studio in a condo. One big room and a/c. The owner said the electric should be about 800bt a month if run the a/c 10 hours a day. I ran it maybe 18 hours a day and got a bill over 3000bt. She said, just pay it. I don't know what the answer is but it put budget out of whack and I am locked into 6 month contract. Which is why I am curious if it is the right bill or rates have gone up.

  4. They are both pretty easy, the main difference regards the price. If you don't have a visa for Laos already, you will have to pay in Thai baht if you take the train to Thanaleng/Laos, and of course you will be paying more that way, also the minivans that take you from the train station have been whacking their prices up for a while now. The last time I used them it was around 300 baht, I don't know what they charge now. If you go via road you have the option to pay in dollars for a Laos visa if you don't have one, and there is a sign showing you the correct price as well as several exchange kiosks, the transport into the city is more varied meaning you have more options, meaning you will pay less. In total, I thought I saved myself about 600 baht last time. In terms of time there's not much in it, sometimes you have to wait for the train to fill up but visa processing is usually quicker. Hope that helps. It's a year since I did it so things may have changed slightly. If you want less hassle, then the train is probably best as the queues overland can be much bigger if you are behind a tourist bus.

    Thanks. You mean visa processing usually quicker at Thanaleng... Ok. And it will be Friday. Perhaps a lot of traffic for visas. I'm a little confused about the actual immigration place. If going by road. You get off Nong Khai, and there is a Thai immigration building there? and then you walk across the bridge and there is a Lao immigration building on the other side? Is that correct? If the train is on time I have till noon to get to the consulate so that should be no problem. Shame I can't pay in dollars at Thanaleng. So the cost one way is the train ticket and minivan and some extra on the visa in baht. And other way, Save some on the visa in dollars and pay, 3-600bt for transport to Vientiane? Time maybe similar perhaps a little faster at Thanaleng. tx

  5. Hi. I am taking the train from bkk to Nong Khai tonight to go to Vientiane for ed visa. I am trying to decide which is easier, get off at Nong Khai, go across the bridge and go through immigration there. Or take the train onward to the new train station in Laos and go through immigration there. Anyone have any ideas I appreciate it. I'm looking for the least hassle, waiting, walking on my bad feet. Oh, and if anyone knows the proper cost for transport to Vientiane.


  6. Hello everyone.

    I have found a desk, chair and bookcase for good price, sold by owner.

    But I don't know how to get it back to the condo!

    Any advice on how to find movers for these 3 items and what it should cost about would be greatly appreciated.

    I am paying 2000bt for the 3.

    Seller is at Sukhumvit/Silom BTS area and I am at Onnut


  7. Since you said 'barber', I assume you are a male. I live on On Nut Road. I pay 70 baht for my hair to be cut. That price was 60 not too long ago, but he had to raise prices due to inflation. I don't often tip in Thailand, but I usually give the guy 10 baht because he does a good job. I've been going to the same guy for 5 years, so he knows me pretty well. I don't know where you are going to get the prices you are getting, but it sounds like a beauty salon or something.

    Hi. I am living close to OnNut BTS. Can you tell me where to find that barber? TX

  8. Every time that I apply for a visa at an Thai Embassy or Consulate, I have to show a copy of a ticket in and out of Thailand.

    Ok. Sorry for the delay in replying to all of you. I went to L.A. Applied at the Thai consulate. Showed them my one-way ticket and next day had a 60 day tourist visa, double entry. So, I didn't need the return ticket. Hurrah.

    Thanks for all the info everyone. It seems alot of answers to a lot of questions are 'it depends'.

    So, the next decisions are about staying longer than the visa, extensions, border runs, getting an ED visa perhaps. I will do some reading on the forum because I'm sure the info is there. I have a lot of questions about practical stuff so I guess I should hop around the forum topics.

    I've got a bank account and I have found a condo to rent. Good start.

    Hello LOS

  9. Thank you for replies. Ok, If I got it right it seems to be sure I should get a visa and not come in on 30 day exempt country status. So, I live in San Francisco. I will go to Los Angelas and get the visa before I leave.

    Can I get double or triple entry and will that then extend the visa life? Also, I really would like to stay longer. Maybe a year. It seems the best way is to take Thai language at a school getting education visa. Sounds great. So I will be getting an apartment which requires 6 month or 1 year contract.

    Will I be able to do that after I arrive? Convert tourist visa to education visa.


  10. Hi. I am coming to Bangkok in less than a month. I wish to stay in Thailand a year or more. I'm confused about which entry option I should get for visa.
    Should I come in on 30 day exemption at airport? Or get a visa at the embassy here in the U.S.?
    It seems, later, that I can join a school for learning Thai to have 1 year visa. I also may teach English eventually as i have done in the past.
    I'm also worried about the round trip fair requirement. I really have no intention on returning here anytime soon so just plan to get a one way ticket. One webpage I read said that was fine if I had the visa first.
    Any help? Thanks.
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