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Posts posted by Nobb

  1. "this was drunken thuggery fuelled by alcohol as a volatile situation spiralled, albeit just a brushed arm initially, albeit just a brushed arm initially"

    It's pretty amazing that so many farang dismiss the initial contact as trivial 'brushed arm' when the video clearly shows the Brit man grabbing the Thai man by the arm and casually pushing him aside as if he were a child.

    This was an incredibly offensive act and is what led to the confrontation Had the Brit sidestepped to avoid someone who had been clearly drinking, none of this wouldve happened. Instead he acted out in an arrogant and clearly aggressive fashion. Perhaps he had been drinking as well prior to this altercation?

    Let's not forget the same Brit restraining another Thai man from behind so his dad could assault him. What was he thinking? I'm in Thailand surrounded by Thais, but no matter, I'm going to hold another Thai so he can get his face bashed in.

    And what about the Brit mother? Clearly she wasnt thinking straight and was under the influence of alcohol to so rashly slap a local in a foreign country.

    What kind of people act this way as guests in a foreign country? Clearly theyre not as innocent as many other farang and western media make them out to be.

    Being elderly does not give one a free pass to assault others without retaliation.

    Joined at the hip.

    It seems to me you and the author of this post are in each other's pockets having previuisky worked out everything for us dumb imbecile avid tv members.

    No use us trying to interject with biased or personal views when it's all been worked for us already. This masterpiece is second to none and by all accounts or so it seems be addressed and considered as final. Therefire are we to abide by this op and your kind selfsame apparent rendition of how we should think or act accordingly.

    Freedom of speech is a myth like democracy in Thailand.

    Just saying .........

    Kuhn Nemnut as they say a man who has a whole in his pockets gets solution on hand. Your hand has many solution i see!

  2. unprovoked?

    they started it by pushing the thai guy and then she punches him in the face.

    ThaiVisa has terrible journalistic standards. Did you even watch the video before writing the article?

    Are you serious Metapod? You can justify what that guy did to a women? I wouldn't even call the maggot a man. Hitting women just ain't on.

    This so called real man or lady boy is not seeing the big picture. Are you serious that the 68 year old lady punches him in the face. Probably broke his nose and knocked out a couple of his teeth. To get it straight moron she slapped him in the face just like any 68 year old mother would do to try to protect there son. But these drunk morons who are probably related to you you see what is not there. Moron what would you do if they did this to your mother trying to protect you.

  3. Originally i thought they had to work in the morgue. As usual the so called law enforcement was not doing what they stated before the holidays. You will never stop the drunks from driving as long as you let them of with little or no punishment. Did they fine the drunk drivers and impound there cars for 30 days? Why has those question answers been so hushed up?

  4. This so called Monk is guilty as hell but his money keeps the Thai police from bring him in. Only in Thailand could he be free this long before he leaves Thailand. Money in Thailand means no jail and special treatment. Just ask the Red Bull police killer and the texting phone b-tch who killed nine people. The law is the law but why is it not enforced the same for the rich and the poor. New junta same rich and poor arrest actions.

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