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Posts posted by ZuluTango70

  1. Do any of you know that Australia, is party to 1952 refugee convention. And since Tony Abbott came to power, boats were not only turned back but towed back to Indonesia on some instances. I didn't see a lot of keyboard warriors, bleeding hearts trashing Australia. I am from Australia and ashamed of it. Where was John Kerry when these happened. Just because it happened in developing countries doesn't mean that international community can take cheap shots at them. Just food for thought

  2. Always amusing to hear Americans complain so much about immigration, when they are basically all immigrants themselves ...

    Yes, the difference is that our ancestors came here legally, but no need to confuse yourself with facts.

    I am pretty certain the native Americans issued visas to your ancestors LOL.

  3. Government in exile is a fantasy. Even so, I don't think I'd want my lawyer spouting off about it while I'm in custody of the military.

    That's one point.

    Another one is that apparently the ThaiVisa editor, in his/her rush to get every possible rumour in print here, didn't bother to wonder, "Hmmmm, 16 hours after this story broke, it is STILL exclusive and no one else is carrying this story." One possibility is that only the ABC cares about the latest developments in Thailand. That's one possibility.

    There is nothing in print or broadcast media anywhere in the world except this (alleged, I suppose) statement by Mr Amsterdam, who apparently during the past 16 hours has earned the 100% Trustworthy Seal Of Approval By ThaiVisa Analysts.

    Rather obviously, Yingluck did NOT address the question of government in exile. A wide-ranging search discovers that, neither did Thaksin. Are the ThaiVisa World Experts really that certain about the bona fides of Mr Amsterdam all of a sudden? It wouldn't surprise me, the amount of slithering and twisting going on here.


    I watched ABC news this morning and Ansterdam was talking to the host.

    Unless ABC as the unfair and unbalanced news channel made it all up, I won't put the onus on the TV editor.

    You ever heard of Google?

    Sent from my SM-G900F using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  4. If I were YS, I would turn state witness and reveal all. All she needs to do is some hard thinking and reflect on what her brother has done to her and put her in harms way. She doesn't even need to think about the country and the people, just think for herself as her brother has done.

    Lose a bit of wealth and still live a rich life and most important of all, she doesn't need to be in exile.

    Think really hard YS, you can still save yourself. Your big brother don't give a crap about you.

    Sent from my SM-G900F using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  5. The 2nd women leader detailed and/or jailed by military in SE asia.

    First as Aung San Suu Kyi by Burmese Junta.

    Now Yingluck by Thai Junta.

    Absurd statement. Aung San Suu Kyi made sacrifices for the people of Burma. She was put under house arrest for standing together with the people against the military junta that shoots you straight if you voice your dissent. What did YS do for the people of Thailand to deserve this analogy?

    "You know nothing Jon Snow"

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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  6. I remember Thaksin using Lese Majeste laws frequently during his first term to intimidate both foreign and local journalists who did extensive investigative reports on him. Every government, whether they were Democrats, New Aspiration, Chart Thai, TRT, PTP etc, all used Lese Majeste laws, but not at an extensive level like TS did.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    I do no doubt what you say but just out of curiosity how would using lese majeste prevent someone from criticizing thaksin? He is not par tof the royal family.

    I do remember that thakisn filed lawsuits against quite a few people that criticized him in print.

    Yes, reading TVF lately and reading the Nation, listening to Suthep et al, witnessing the courts in action along with the military and others, to include coup lovers and advocates of purges, one can begin to gain a more clear view of it.

    For someone with a name of Publicus and Statue of Liberty Avatar, you sure know how democracy works well. If you are an American your forefathers who fought the British for independence would be tossing in their graves for every word you said.

    TS and his faithful accepted the court rulings in 2001 and 2006 when it was in his favour. Now they bitch and moan and slander the courts of having double standards when they don't get their way.

    Supreme Court in the US, Federal Court in Australia and I am sure lots of highest courts in other democracies handed down decisions that were against ruling governments but these governments didn't go around slandering the courts as biased.

    People like you surely deserves to live in TS's lala land to actually see what life would be like under him.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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  7. look, if you can't see the irony in yourself finding the time to spend all day long on a bean bag reading the posts, and then querying how others find the time to write those posts all day long, there's very little left to say.

    He didn't say he did, He said he can, as in could if he had a mind to! do you see the difference now? whistling.gif

    "shakes head"

    Look, there is no difference - if he says he can spend all day blah blah, whether he does or not, he obviously has time to do so if he wished, so why try and make a point out of other people also having the time to do so.


    Splitting hair must be your expertise. Have fun doing whatever you do dude.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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  8. One cannot cease to be amazed at the comments of the Shinwatra clan and Red Shirt supporters. We can all clearly see that the political dogma of both the Shinwatra clan and the Red Shirt leaders is founded upon the total stifling and oppression of free speech and that which currently passes for democracy here in Thailand.

    Rabid screaming and rants concerning the actions of the P.R.D.C. which have and are even now far more peaceful, less destructive and far less disruptive than the action we witnessed and indeed suffered from during the 2010 Red Shirts Shinwatra sponsored attempt to overthrow a government and replace it with a known criminal administered administration which of course we later saw assume power to the detriment of Thailand and its peoples.

    Can any of these supporters really in what may pass for their minds actually believe that Thaksin, Jutuporn, Thida, Ko-Tee etc are benevolent political leaders with only the best interest of Thailand and its people at heart?

    Going by the yardstick the supporters of the aforementioned group employ we can but only assume that Joe Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Pol Pot, Adolf Hitler and Ghengis Khan to name but a few were indeed very misunderstood and historically maligned concerning their merciful acts and deeds.

    It would certainly seem as if those current supporters and proponents of their proposed actions of the Shinwatra clan and the Red Shirts have learnt nothing from history.

    It wasn't the Shinawatras or the reds that enacted the most severe censorship laws. It are these most severe censorship laws that define the limited democracy of Thailand.

    I don't think he said that they did.

    The most severe censorship law is the Lese Majeste law which has been around for donkey's years. No government, Thaksin's, Abhisit's, Banharn's or Chavalit's (to mention the most recent) have had the guts to change it. However it doesn't 'define' democracy - it's just one of the many deficiencies in democracy here, the worst being a lack of the rule of law.

    I remember Thaksin using Lese Majeste laws frequently during his first term to intimidate both foreign and local journalists who did extensive investigative reports on him. Every government, whether they were Democrats, New Aspiration, Chart Thai, TRT, PTP etc, all used Lese Majeste laws, but not at an extensive level like TS did.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  9. "....widespread protests...."

    The operative word here is "widespread".

    I'm waiting for developments to develop, but whatever actions the UDD/RS's make, will be widespread....Like in "Everywhere".

    In the face of this very blatantly orchestrated attack on Democracy, the elected Govt. and Prime Minister by unelectable Elitist political entities artificially masquerading as pseudo solemn, impartial and respectable Independent Agencies, will indeed be far-reaching.

    If they miscalculate and involve the military as well, will be an interesting 'boomerang' to watch.......The facts being that in spite of their guns, the military will be heavily outnumbered everywhere.

    Preparations for this sham unfolding of the Amart's plans has been "widely' (there is that word again) anticipated, and prepared for all-over-the-place.

    The Amart is in the process of throwing down the gauntlet before the Electoral majority.

    Let's all watch and see.

    Good luck mate. While you are at it, slow down on the Kool aid, will ya?

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  10. I find the English words that have slipped into Thai sometimes hard to understand. I learned a new one yesterday. I knew that some Thais call 2 stroke oil autolube but I was asking my nephew why he couldn't use petrol in a plastic bottle (aka stic) and he said mai dai sy talube lao I finally worked it out. I took me ages to work out that yar para was actually paracetamol because I thought it was being pronounced with an l ie yar pala. I still learn new words nearly every day, trouble is if I don't use them often they go out the back door

    I get sick of saying Australia the second time after they always say ahh Austria

    It take it , you mean, when ever you go somewhere, someone always asks...."where you from"....I got so sick of them trying to pronounce Australia in many different ways, I just reply now...."up the road"...job done thumbsup.gif

    It's "Ort taylia" mate :).

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  11. I have been reading Thai VIsa Forum for about 5 years but never signed up. I have been reading a lot more lately and decided to sign up. I can sit on a bean bag with a pot of good coffee coffee1.gif and read all the the posts all day long getting entertained and not finish all of them. I wonder where do people get time to be on this all day long commenting back and forth facepalm.gif .

    Glad you're entertained. Ever thought about the irony in your statement?

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Go back and read my 3rd sentence. Why are you too quick to make judgements? Do you ever think before you write?

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  12. I have been reading Thai VIsa Forum for about 5 years but never signed up. I have been reading a lot more lately and decided to sign up. I can sit on a bean bag with a pot of good coffee coffee1.gif and read all the the posts all day long getting entertained and not finish all of them. I wonder where do people get time to be on this all day long commenting back and forth facepalm.gif .

    Glad you're entertained. Ever thought about the irony in your statement?

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  13. I will keep restating the obvious, this whole debacle is a direct result of allowing a fugitive on the run from Justice the freedom to dictate policy, appoint the prime minister and Gov actions from Dubai. That fact negates everything else going on due to the scale of corruption and abuse being perpetrated across the country including in the so called Issan heartlands.

    The Shins are what are preventing the development of real democracy in Thailand. PTP need another leader untainted by the shame of the Shin clan and then some semblance of Thai politics can return.

    The notion that the Shins will be allowed to just carry on is a fantasy and step by step they are losing control. The next obvious move is legal convictions against Shin sister No1.

    Forget your ideological dreams of democracy, this is Thailand. It works differently here and the likes of taksin give no hope to the whole nation.


    It really starts and ends there. All this BS about elections, rice scams, mega projects, committees, red shirts, yellow shirts etc. is all a smokescreen for the real issue. The fact that a convicted criminal fugitive is running the country through his sister is the root cause. I'm still surprised that all this didn't happen sooner. I guess it took the 4 AM amnesty bill for the fugitive in Dubai to finally push things to this point. What kills me is the guy doesn't even try to hide it with statements like "she's my clone" and campaign slogans like "Thaksin thinks, PTP does" How many times has TS stated he's finished with politics? The guy has some serious ego issues.

    As the poster states above, until Thaksin and his "clones" get out of politics and stay out, this will just be one continuous series of violent protests, invalid elections, and military coups. At the end of the day, the Thai people are the ones who are getting screwed.

    Thaksin Thaksin Thaksin its like a broken record. If he died tomorrow for the next 100 years the Thaksin obsessed will still blame him .Why ? well because they have to blame someone for their own failings by not being able to listen to the people & not being able to change their policies so they can become a electable party that the people feel they can trust.

    The fruitcake wasn't shouting for reform when the military wormed him & is nutters into power. Now he wants reforms ,hahaha this isn't about reforms it is a power grab. He wants in there to rape the country before it needs every Baht to save the country from sinking & drowning. They know that they will never ever get into power again so they blame Mr T , its really sad that grown men be them fruitcakes or currant buns need to blame someone for them being empty-heads .

    I know one thing & that is I want to be in the north when the country splits

    Good luck mate. I am sure Mr. T the grown man will be extremely good to you. It is always easy to ignore facts, evidences and history when you throw away your intelligence to make rational conclusions in defence of any particular person whether it is Thaksin, Bush, Blair, Howard, Putin or Abbott.

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  14. I have been reading Thai VIsa Forum for about 5 years but never signed up. I have been reading a lot more lately and decided to sign up. I can sit on a bean bag with a pot of good coffee coffee1.gif and read all the the posts all day long getting entertained and not finish all of them. I wonder where do people get time to be on this all day long commenting back and forth facepalm.gif .

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