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Posts posted by carstenp

  1. All this change to be done under the cover of martial law. Without discussion on any of the areas to be looked at, the will of one person/or group are only considered. Consultation appears to be with a very small minority.

    The problem with this process is that the problems that came out of the 2006 constitutional changes, have the capacity to repeat themselves down the track.

    Its like the box that was developed to detect bombs, approved by the defence force. There was the person recently that came out to support the box as a working and useful product. They don't work. But for the sake of pleasing the new regime you have people supporting change even if that change is of detriment to society.

    Until martial law is lifted and freedom of the press/free speech is restored, the junta may suffer with sheep; that is people coming on side agreeing with process, without the thought of what that process may do to Thai society.

    At least the Daily Mail is not blocked on the internet now


    When i click onto the sports section khun Junta blocks it,weird man????

    No wierd. Block for results. Gambling not allowed ;)
  2. Yes it's going to be hard time for the rubber farmers here in Asia. The good time is over and the future don't look good. I hope the farmes have being saving money.

    Thais are right now investing in Indonesia , cause of cheaper production cost than Thailand.

    For people there want to read deeper about it here is the link


  3. After about 8 pages I will try to explain what to do to "own" legal right for house and land.

    The right way is using usufruct on land.

    Let a thai buy it registered it as usufruct for lifetimes with you name in thai on the backside

    Make the thai to sign a paper, where she is unable to claim the land, borrow money in it and so on.

    He/she will not be able to go to the bank and borrow money on it.

    You has now a land and house for you lifetime. He/she will then get it when you die

    At least until your Thai house owner invites you on a free holiday to the Chaing Mai tiger park, accidents will happen :-)

    Well I can only say, then you don't need the land and house anymore. Problem solved ;)

  4. After about 8 pages I will try to explain what to do to "own" legal right for house and land.

    The right way is using usufruct on land.

    Let a thai buy it registered it as usufruct for lifetimes with you name in thai on the backside

    Make the thai to sign a paper, where she is unable to claim the land, borrow money in it and so on.

    He/she will not be able to go to the bank and borrow money on it.

    You has now a land and house for you lifetime. He/she will then get it when you die

    The laws

    Under Thai Law, the owner of a piece of land (immovable property) can grant the right of usufruct to another person, or many people, foreigners or not. The person receiving this right of usufruct is called usufructuary. The usufructuary can enjoy, use and possess the land for a limited period of time (maximum 30 years) or for his lifetime (even more than 30 years).

    Following a Supreme Court judgment, a usufruct agreement must be registered to be valid. And you

    can only register a usufruct contract on land having title deeds Nor Sor Sam or higher (like Chanote).

    You must register a usufruct agreement at the local land department.

    A usufruct is a real right. It means that it's attached to a thing, meaning the immovable property.

    Even if the owner of the land die, or if the land is sold, the usufructuary will keep his right to stay on this piece of land. Usufruct agreements are a very easy way to protect a foreigner married to a Thai spouse, in case something happens to her.

    This usufruct contract ends at when the usufructuary dies (if it's done for lifetime) or when the period of time is expired according to the contract.

    Sections 1417 to 1428 of the Thai Commercial and Civil Code are related to usufruct contract in T


  5. If Thailand permitted majority foreign ownership of companies and land, China would own Thailand.

    It's not a level playing field because Thailand has a substantially weaker economy compared to many many other countries. It is totally reasonable for a nation in Thailand's position to welcome limited financial investment from abroad, with regulation that keeps them in charge of their own economy. Is it the best possible legal framework? I am sure economists could present many differing arguments. Is it irrational xenophobia aimed at milking money from Europeans? Um, no.

    I'm agree with you on this one.

    So my opinion, will be that it should be able for foreigner to lease some land from the government. I know I'm dreaming, but this will help foreigner to legal have a house here in leased land, so you are able to be in a house even you wife or gf. I know there are different rules to allowed that now, but you still need a thai person to sign.

  6. I feel sorry for the foreigner using Thai Nominee Shareholding .....

    I dont. It's illegal. It's always been illegal. There has never been any suggestion that it is anything other than completely illegal.

    Anyone who does this chooses to do so in full knowledge of the fact that it is totally illegal, and so they only have themselves to blame if it goes pear-shaped.

    That said, from the report it appears that they are targeting active businesses rather than just house-owning nominee company structures. Though I would not be at all surprised if the latter were not targeted also at some point in the near future.

    Agree with you. But I know a few people, where the lawyer don't tell them about it. It seems like the lawyer just accept the way to do it.

  7. Is this really going to go as far as confiscating property bought using this method, if so it has huge implications for many

    what part of

    Foreign business operators

    is it you don't understand? huh.png

    First at all. I don't think they are going to confiscating property . But many do this to keep control of land and property

    Create a thai company with shareholders by the foreigner and split it out to share holdes from 3 to 7 thai persons payed a sum of money to accept a signature

    The company is just a empty foreign business, with no income and expenses

    Company buy the land

    Company buy/build a house, buy cars and so on

    Keep the assert in the company, and the foreign has full control. Many do this down here to protect there investment.

    So as you say it's a company by a Foreign business operators

  8. Well... I don't give my girlfriend any money. I'm against it. I pay everything. School, food, rent, car, motorbike, electricity, water, close and so on. So on some way I still giving here I good life.

    Another thing, nobody says is against the law to find a job the make living or savings. Because you have a farang don't mean you don't have to work. :)

    My thai teacher told me a story, where she was a translater between a English old man and his young wife. The wife want to explain to the husband, she was a young woman, and was not happy with here husband, because he was only giving here 10000 baht month. So she ask the tranlater to explain to him, if she did't get 20000 baht month she will leave him. The old man say okay.

    Many relationship down here between old man and young women's , is just business :)

    • Like 1


    All the good things that the Army is doing and trying to do,
    will be quickly return to what has gone on in the past,greed,nepotism,
    and corruption,as soon as the politicians return.
    regards Worgeordie

    Your are of cause right, if this corruption don't stop. I think this junta is trying to stop the corruption and begin law in force on long terms, my opinion will be only small corruption will be here.

    Before the army take over, I was reading about 30-40% was going to corruption on project, now is "only" about 15-20%. Much better and hoping for even better figures in the future.
    You cannot eradicate corruption in 10 weeks, I very much doubt it has been halved.
    There is a general acceptance of corruption right through society as people do not seem to question people in authority. You only have to look at police tea money, blatant corruption that everyone just shrugs and accepts. Also remember the Pattaya police chief publicly announcing that he was expanding the police station with his own money! No one batted and eyelid,,
    The only way to do this is to create an incorruptible and fully empowered department such as the ICAC in Hong Kong. They are almost wholly responsible for the clean up of Hong Kong which has gone from rampant corruption to a shining example of how to tackle corruption, but it takes years not weeks or months.
    A department that puts the fear of god into people will immediately push corruption underground, it will have to become more discrete which inevitably means a reduction,, but then big heads will need to roll sending the message that they mean business and are to here to clean house and keep it clean..
    I cannot ever see it working unless this happens.
    I can only tell what I read.. But here is the link http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/745524-thai-editorial-corruption-abates-slightly-but-not-nearly-enough/

    Sorry not 30-40% but 25-35% I remembered wrong
    The survey also showed that bribes paid to officials and politicians by the private sector had declined to 15-25 per cent of project costs, from an average 25-35 per cent previously.


    All the good things that the Army is doing and trying to do,
    will be quickly return to what has gone on in the past,greed,nepotism,
    and corruption,as soon as the politicians return.
    regards Worgeordie

    Your are of cause right, if this corruption don't stop. I think this junta is trying to stop the corruption and begin law in force on long terms, my opinion will be only small corruption will be here.

    Before the army take over, I was reading about 30-40% was going to corruption on project, now is "only" about 15-20%. Much better and hoping for even better figures in the future.
    A query. Could you tell me just where you read that the junta have managed to reduce alleged project corruption costs from 30-40% to 15-20%, i.e halved, in just 10 weeks?
    Yes of course .. Here is the link http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/745524-thai-editorial-corruption-abates-slightly-but-not-nearly-enough/

    Sorry not 30-40% but 25-35% I remembered wrong
    The survey also showed that bribes paid to officials and politicians by the private sector had declined to 15-25 per cent of project costs, from an average 25-35 per cent previously.
  11. All the good things that the Army is doing and trying to do,
    will be quickly return to what has gone on in the past,greed,nepotism,
    and corruption,as soon as the politicians return.
    regards Worgeordie

    Your are of cause right, if this corruption don't stop. I think this junta is trying to stop the corruption and begin law in force on long terms, my opinion will be only small corruption will be here.

    Before the army take over, I was reading about 30-40% was going to corruption on project, now is "only" about 15-20%. Much better and hoping for even better figures in the future.
  12. This article says a lot about the problems Thailand has to see in the future.

    I'm follow a blog/forum about the currency from some investors here In thailand and investors look for facks not talks

    Thailand has actually find infrastructure projects, but again nothing of substance and so far Just talk, wish investors see a positive signs in the economy, but as long it's not in action, the future cut be bad.

    Another imported fact, is Thailand can't just depend on them selves. The world economy has big imported to Thailand.
    One ex. Is the FED cut it's junk bond buying by 25 billion this time instead of normal ten.

    Look at this picture there will explain how the exchange rate was tried to be manipulated, but good economy data just changed that.


    Compare and contrast the rise of the Baht against the USD in the chart above from the 9th July and then the fall of the Baht at the end of July:

    The rise of the Baht against the USD was, at best, on the back of hot money for the bond market and the carry trade and, sadly, more hot air from some who really should know better there was neither economic data from Thailand supporting a rise in the Baht nor data from the US which would have supported a fall in the USD.

    The fall of the Baht against the USD was supported by economic data from the US (and on more than one front).
    While smoke and mirrors can move markets in the short to medium term ultimately, when not supported by hard economic data, they (like Wile E. Coyote) cannot defy the laws of (economic) gravity
    • Like 1
  13. i would like to hear overstay story about cambodian border , not by air.. dont ask why .. for me this will be easier and i need rush cuz want to go back to my family thats all

    I deeply Understand getting back to you family.

    Like other says, if I was you I don't want to get stocked in a country and denied entry to Thailand again, so leaving via the Airport it's a good options to be sure, cause no reports about problems. Travel to Laos and try to get a new visa. If your are married bring the prober papers to a non o and extend it here in Thailand.

    If you want to run the Cambodia border, let's here how it go, so other people can hear about it.

    Good luck
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