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Posts posted by Zzon

  1. Unfortunately for foreigners to openly own land you will have to change the national anthem as a section of it is rendered variously as saying:

    Nation of the people; belonging to the Thais in every respect. Land of Thailand belongs to the Thais. Every inch of Thailand belongs to the Thais.

    Many Thai people consider it is their nationalistic duty not to cede the land of Thailand either to foreign nations or to foreigners.

    A bit like that nasty spoilt child who won't let others touch his toys but will take the other children's toys
  2. There is love everywhere in the world which overcomes the odds of Society.. What I'm saying is predominantly women in America are more centered towards their self rather than the outcome of there future... When they divorce they know they will come out better than they were .... Your an very sheltered and naive person to think you have any idea what my profile is .. I adore my wife and will do anything in my power to make sure she is the Happiest person .....regardless what she does for me . !..... You self deprecating idiot!

  3. Okay you want to go there..., bombs are against the law but some magical way suicide bombers kill more people in one instance ( Iraq, England )... Criminals and idiots will always find a way to kill what ever is available ... Don't know why I keep responding just not use to the shallow minds of thinking!

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