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Posts posted by srsv1238

  1. Actually, I would read Into this further.

    Many Politicians around the world have seen the writing on the wall. The Thai military can do a better job of fixing it's own internal problems than what the Politicians can. Actually, a mess created by the politicians is being cleaned up by non politicians. Must be alarming for those fools as many of them could end up facing similar situations, one day In the future.

    It's so amusing that half the countries on the list have more internal problems than you can point a stick at but their moronic leaders like to huff and puff their chests out and point in a different direction.

    Really, the article should read, "Western douchebag Politicians get nervous".

    So the answer is... a military coup? 0have you read 1984? Is that legal in Thailand? So uneducated.

    Sent from my SM-N900T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  2. A character he certainly is. Nobody who lives as long as we have is going to have a past path free of critics. Certainly some criticism is deserved. I lose patience when I see misinformed memes repeated about Yon, as I do know him quite well.

    He makes no bones about his personal politics, and he is as entitled to his preferences as any of us. I will say that his personal views derive from a much deeper analysis than many realize. He is also quick to publish a correction or a retraction.

    As for his personal finances, he is under no obligation to share that information with anyone. It is between him and the IRS. As for the sniping about Yon's "work permit," or his visa, the Royal Thai Government is acutely aware of his presence and his activities in the kingdom.

    I thought it fascinating, in fact, that Yon remained unmolested by the former Puea Thai government, as his coverage of the Whistleblower protests continued. The Reds, who know him well in Chiang Mai, likewise left him be. When Yon visited the Red protest site, he was not abused in any way.

    For all those critics of the coup who claim that the media is not free in Thailand, I will agree to the extent that lèse majesté is illegal. Aside from that, it is possible to publish just about anything here. I will add that I think that CNN and BBC both merit their sustained time-out on TrueVisions. I hope that it costs them both a ton of money. If they are smart, they will tighten up their editorial processes and pursue a more balanced and sober reporting from the kingdom.

    As an American, I believe in a free press. But this is Thailand. The generals are now in charge. They are loyal to their people and to their King. Bottom line.

    I would finally add that the press in America is not free. We believe that it is, but if the recent character assassination directed at Glenn Greenwald and Edward Snowden is any indicator, the mass media in America is outright owned by corporate America, the same malign actors that Ike warned about in his infamous address on the military-industrial complex.

    There are efforts afoot, moreover, to bring the wild parts of the internet under control. We are living in historic times, in the infancy, still, of the internet, which only was born for practical purposes around 1995. Next year, the internet as most of us know it will be twenty years old.

    I pray that it may never be regulated. The eruption of the net in the past twenty years has been the most momentous development in the history of the human race. Nothing matters more.

    I hate spam.

    Nonsense.There is no deep analysis from Yon.He is an opportunistic semi educated goon with no credibility at all with other than the gullible.Your remarks about the generals in charge are ridiculous and could have been borrowed from the Yonster.

    What's sad is to see Americans who profess patriotism but despise the ideals of Jefferson and Founding Fathers..

    And on his snake oil fund raising activities you are simply wrong.He is guilty of defrauding the public.

    Save this mindless junk for the the bars where there are many veterans who ruminate endlessly on these US military trivia matters.There used to be places on Washington Square where ex US army drunks, some of them quite amiable wittered on endlessly in this manner.None of them as far as I know had been commissioned officers.

    Yon is a fraud and a huckster, and knows nothing about Thailand beyond what he is fed..If you see him as informed or interesting, that's your privilege.


    I got spanked by a moderator, apparently because I was too direct, or my language stung. I took a timeout to ruminate on my sins. Now I am back.

    1. I was a commissioned officer. So what? What does that have to do with anything?

    2. You say that "Yon is a fraud and a huckster." Do you understand the definition of the term, "defamation?" Moreover, do you understand the legal definition of this term in Thai jurisprudence? This simple, declarative accusation that you lob like a hand grenade is devoid of factual content. It may end up being the most expensive statement that you ever make.

    3. You say, "Yon...knows nothing about Thailand beyond what he is fed."

    Another ad hominem attack, empty of factual content or evidence of any kind.

    I asked, repeatedly, for factual support for the ad hominem attacks that you waged on Mike Yon. You responded with more ad hominem attacks, more dismissive verbiage, and you failed to answer any of my questions, or to substantiate any of your poisonous remarks.

    So, I would like to give you one more shot.

    What else you got?

    I hate spam.

    As to your Point Number 1 immediately above, you state you were a commissioned officer in the armed forces of the United States, yet you appear to support the coup.

    And it is bizarre to hear an American say he supports freedom of the press but simultaneously say, hey, "this is Thailand and the generals are in charge," and that such an American should be glad to see CNN and BBC et al "shut out" and that he hopes each "loses a lot of money".

    I also see in your post above you have the standard line of the fascists in Thailand that the press in the USA are not free.

    Michael Yon is a veteran of enlisted service in the U.S. armed forces yet he also supports the military mutiny coup d'état, and you speak well of Yon. As if that weren't enough, I don't see how someone with these views has any claim to quote Pres Eisenhower as if he and you had anything in common that would be consistent with the constitution you swore / affirmed to preserve, protect, defend with you life if need be.

    I speak as one who also was a commissioned officer who appreciates when someone voluntarily and by military service puts his arse on the line for the United States, and I say for the record that IMO these views as held by such an American as yourself are shameful yet shameless.

    You are of course entitled to your views. As a former commissioned officer of the armed services of the United States, however, I have the opinion that such views as same dishonor the armed services of the United States, and are a disgrace to its constitution literally and in its spirit. I have rarely seen such attaint from a former commissioned officer veteran of U.S military service, or such contempt of the values he swore to uphold and to defend.

    I have to say that I continue to be ever aghast by the nature and character of so many of the people this county attracts from among the native English speaking countries.


    Well written

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  3. Who on earth made that drivel?

    The people that suffered for the past six months, because of the political situation in Thailand.

    The people that dislike John Kerry's intervention and comments on Thailand politics.

    The people that are happy and welcome the army, that already brought calm and justice to Thailand.

    The people that are proud of themselves and disapprove foreign intervention.

    The people that live in this country and love their country.........THE THAIS.

    Some Thais....

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  4. Ginjag,

    You do realise that protestors were the both sides of the camp, and they were BOTH to blame, you're like a stuck record with this anti government , if it was so bad, why did you chose to stay?

    I'm sorry that your business was killed off too, and that goes for anyone else who's business has been effected by the current political situation, may I be so bold as to ask what your business was?

    I had no opinion of the Government as they never did anything to me, or caused me any hardship or difficulties, wasn't in Thailand long enough to be able to judge the apparent ineptness of the Democrat run one, or the Robbing PTP one, but you bang on and on and on about the failures of the PTP one, as if they are the only ones to have ever done wrong.

    The amnesty Bill is a red herring, and given that you have lived in Thailand for a long long time, should be very aware of the "issues" going on behind closed doors that is at the root of the current situation, but you can't and will not because you're so blinkered that you're focusing on the woods, and not seeing the trees, I might be relatively new to Thailand, but I know that there's things going on that can't be discussed, about an event that's imminent, I don't care about the PTP, I don't care about the UDD, I don't care about the PDRC, what I do care about is how that event is going to effect all the Thais.

    Now, in saying all that, it's evident that the PTP were very poor Government, but voting them out after making claims that the "majority" wanted a change WOULD have been the logical step to take, but there is no logic in Thailand, there never was a "majority" it was political spin, if that "majority" wanted the PTP/UDD out, they would have and should have had the opportunity to VOTE them out, but you are the one who will cry but but but Thaksin will buy the votes... utter and complete , the truth is the PDRC and anti Government groups NEVER ever had the majority, what you're really saying is that yes, the "majority" is there in spirit, but they will be bought for 500 baht, and Thaksin wins, well you have a very very very low opinion of the this "majority" if they can easily be swayed to vote for 500 baht, the vote buying is an excuse, a very poor excuse, because the bottom line is that you either have the majority who want reforms and the PTP out,and they will not be swayed by 500 baht regardless, or there never was a majority as it was never given the opportunity to cast their votes, and rid the Regime that way.

    Not everyone is as blinkered as you appear to believe they are.

    Now enough about that crap, who are you rooting for in the Champions League Final tonight? biggrin.png

    I think people are smart enough to take the money and still vote however they want. Wouldn't you? So this view buying charge is a irrelevant.

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  5. For 6 months the PTP and the toothless CAPO were unable to do what the General has done in a week. Open government house, stop the deaths, invite reform and pay the farmers.

    Opening govt house is a step back to normality. A step towards true democracy. Everything is starting to steam along swimmingly again.

    Why do you think the general has been more successful?

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  6. Thaksin was a self made man. He was a billionaire. Thailand's economy grew at the fastest pace in 25 yrs. His only error was in supporting the more poor majority party in Thailand and trying to uplift the poorer communities in Thailand. Of course, the minority Dems/PDRC/Elite/Military hate this fact. The only illegal act that Thaksin is even accused/found guilty of is a relatively small land deal that his wife signed for. They bid on a land and used his wife's name. This was deemed a conflict of interest. So lets not be misleading. He has never been found to be stealing money from the Thai People. It was a simply conflict of interest. He failed to report that his wife was the buyer of the land.

    If anyone has any other illegal acts that he has been charged/found guilty of, please show me.

    My definition of a self made man would be someone that started out poor and built a career, empire, wealth or whatever on his own. No starting out having family contacts in high places or family wealth both of which thaksin had so does not qualify as self made. Granted he took advantage of his family connections to a greater degree than most but without his connections he would not have succeeded anywhere near to the degree that he did.

    As for supporting the poor being his only mistake I disagree. If he would have truly supported the poor by making sure they all got an education etc instead of creating a cycle of debt for them then I would revere him as a good man but that is not the case.

    I can not look up to a man that makes comments like he has done. Such as stating that it does not matter who he chooses for cabinet ministers because they will all do as he tells them anyway. Stating that democracy is not the goal but only a tool and many other inane comments he has made not to mention financing the riots in bangkok. Look up the youtube video where he comments that if he gets back in power the people will not have to stand in line to get their 500 baht.

    There is so much wrong about this guy that i can not understand how any sane person can support him.

    Before anyone pops up but but but what about suthep, I think he should probably be in jail along side thaksin.

    didn't he expand access to education nationwide?

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  7. You need to get your facts straight. The Democrats did accept the election result in 2011 and operated as the opposition until December last year.

    If they accepted the results than why quit early? And why not run again when parliament was dissolved?

    It's time for reforms now.

    these reforms won't be legitimate.

    Sent from my SM-N900T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  8. democracy does not work here..

    .there are elections and one party does not like the outcome and attempts to have the results overturned.

    they succeed and now the army is in power..

    perhaps the army should stay in power, so the elite city dwellers can continue to oppress the poor

    who will have no voice because the popular vote, the majority vote is not accepted by the losers... .

    who will always have some excuse to invalidate the results they dont like ...

    like the voters were bribed...or someone was promised this or that...

    so the perfect becomes the enemy of the good.

    until the poor decide to riot and anarchy ensues and the chaos rules.

    and the cycle repeats itself as those who fail to learn from history ...

    democracy will never work here

    You need to get your facts straight. The Democrats did accept the election result in 2011 and operated as the opposition until December last year.

    If they accepted the results than why quit early? And why not run again when parliament was dissolved?

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  9. Military had shown a sign of change over the past 7 months. I truly thought the military would provide the security, force political parties to negotiate, find a happy medium set of reforms, and quickly implement an election. Unfortunately, the Army chose the path of old, outdated methods to deal with its people.

    I guess you missed it when Prayuth held meetings for two days, and Thaksin forbid the PTP & UDD to compromise.


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  10. 100% Agree and yes I'm an AMERICAN.

    Yes, many Americans who move to Thailand sadly abandon the principles their parent country were founded upon. Thankfully, I am not one of them.

    Kenney is doing a good job representing US interests in Thailand and defending the rights of the people of both countries with her actions and words. If you truly prefer living in a military dictatorship then by all means enjoy yourself while it lasts. coffee1.gif

    America has abandoned its own founding principles quite some time ago. Domestic politics became all about image and doing one's best to destroy that of the other party. It's a superficial practically two party system where ideals are replaced by utter propaganda. Your mass media are amongst the most manipulative in the world where nowadays even comedy shows are used to wrap political messages. Corporations are running your country now, not your politicians. And let's not even begin about American foreign policy and its effects and the resentment it's creating.

    The Thai are very clear: don't mess with their internal affairs for whatever reason. And don't project your own American dogma on a country with a completely different culture. Especially Americans have a few lessons to learn about keeping an open mind, not in the least toward their own society.

    And no I'm not American. I come from the country with the second highest freedom of press in the world. You can look up which one that is.

    So what do you think of press censorship then?

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    With you bringing it up, take a trip down memory lane and look up what Thaksin did during his dictatorial reign ---Thai Rak----TV propaganda-----no opposition voice allowed---I remember I was here. then you will know what censorship really was.

    couldn't care less about Thaksin. How was press censorship under pm Yingluck?

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  11. I will be waiting for those wearers of the red eyed patches to be in here with cry's of unfairness as they were for the PRDC leaders yesterday. Oh wait..,almost forgot...the bias is the same one sided slant as shown by the Shinawatra regimes governance...as you were.

    Ridiculous. The Cory still hasn't moved on the illegal airport seizure that took place 6 yrs ago.

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  12. As an American citizen, I am so ashamed of my government. Please understand, this does not reflect the American peoples wishes. We continue to provide aid to countries who hate us, but go after our friends. Shame, shame, shame.

    Exactly! As an American who left at the age of 28, lived in Asia for 25 yrs, I haven't looked back!

    Who cares what Murika thinks. To hell with them.

    why are you still an American? Why not renounce your citizenship?

    Sent from my SM-N900T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  13. 100% Agree and yes I'm an AMERICAN.

    Yes, many Americans who move to Thailand sadly abandon the principles their parent country were founded upon. Thankfully, I am not one of them.

    Kenney is doing a good job representing US interests in Thailand and defending the rights of the people of both countries with her actions and words. If you truly prefer living in a military dictatorship then by all means enjoy yourself while it lasts. coffee1.gif

    America has abandoned its own founding principles quite some time ago. Domestic politics became all about image and doing one's best to destroy that of the other party. It's a superficial practically two party system where ideals are replaced by utter propaganda. Your mass media are amongst the most manipulative in the world where nowadays even comedy shows are used to wrap political messages. Corporations are running your country now, not your politicians. And let's not even begin about American foreign policy and its effects and the resentment it's creating.

    The Thai are very clear: don't mess with their internal affairs for whatever reason. And don't project your own American dogma on a country with a completely different culture. Especially Americans have a few lessons to learn about keeping an open mind, not in the least toward their own society.

    And no I'm not American. I come from the country with the second highest freedom of press in the world. You can look up which one that is.

    So what do you think of press censorship then?

    Sent from my SM-N900T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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