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Posts posted by GoNavy

  1. Quote
    21 hours ago, Chris.B said:

    Why didn't he marry his girlfriend/partner in June when he had the chance? He could have been back now. 

    REALLY!!!  Don't you have the wisdom of looking into the future!  Here I am living with my 'partner' and want to go on vacation.....But oh, we should get married in the event we are not allowed to return.  There is no one on this planet would have thought this pandemic would have stopped world travel as it has.

    What are you saying, get married in June?  Last year?  This year which is the beginning he was in the UK in March.  Either way, your response is a deflection.  It is the fairness or equality of honoring valid visas etc.  But this is Thailand and being supper protective.

  2. Quote

    I've been looking at Mexico.  I've always wanted to go and after spending 15 years in Thailand, maybe now is the perfect time to try somewhere else. 


    Maybe they will treat us better too...

    I lived in Acapulco during winters for about 10 years changing to Thailand in 2006.  Good thing as the drug cartels moved in and violence increased significantly.  Larger cities, Mexico City, Taxco, Cancun, Cozumel, Cabo San Lucas & Puerto Vallarta English is spoken.   

    • Like 1
  3. This all so very convoluted. First, if one is too sick to fly how are they going to haul themselves to immigration every 30 day?  Why such emphasis on checking in so frequently.  Similar to a helicopter parent.


    Then, secondly it is the Thai government itself who have put such restriction on entering and leaving there are none to damn few flights out.  Then the expats who are here have family, marriages various obligations that once out may not be able to reenter.  my understanding that now flights are closed until December to next year.  Talk about a Catch 22.

    • Like 2


    Busted pelvis,right side, shattered wrist, internal bleeding, broken fingers on both hands, dislocated right shoulder, exploded left testical, broken left foot. 1 million thb and my expat club insurance paid 220k.. oh I know why; i live here, married and have a thai family to look after..and i wore a crash helmet.. so be it.  :0) 

    I understand the belief of the sun & wind blowing on your face and the feel of your hair [if you have any] flowing due to no helmet.  I having worked in O.R's in my career you would have a change of heart.  I myself when in Pattaya riding a 125 bike took a curve too fast slipped on a curve, took a dive over the handlebars and went like a rocket headfirst into the pavement.  I distinctly remember the second waiting for the hit.  I remember the feel of the top of my head slam against the top of my helmet.  I stood, feeling dazed seeing blood running down my knee not feeling pain.  I was so grateful.  Wearing a decent helmet is the best method to spend your.  Like insurance, you may hate the cost but if you need it you are damn happy to have it.


    He writes above he 'wore a helmet.'  If so lucky he is.  Even seatbelts don't guarantee survival but does improve the odds.

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    • Thanks 1
  5. Quote

    Non-Thais in need of medical treatment in Thailand, except for treatment of Covid-19, including people accompanying them (not exceeding three persons). These tourists are only allowed to arrive by air.

    1. Evidence showing financial ability to bear medical expenses or equivalent documents

    2. Health insurance or other forms of insurance

    3. Letter from referring hospital in the country of origin stating reasons for medical treatment in Thailand

    4. Letter from the receiving hospital in Thailand accepting the applicant for treatment and confirmation of quarantine arrangements 


    Most medical are voluntary cosmetic IMO.  So how would one get #3 from above?  Search for one refusing just for a letter.  Most IMO would do you if wanting it.  


    Also,  did I miss those with a "retirement" [non-immigrant] visa.  Are they allowed realizing quarantine is still mandatory.

  6. When foreigners live in Thailand for a time they begin to feel as if they ARE at home forgetting they are guests.  Being 3 sheets to the wind when complaining does not help.  The Thai's probably didn't understand the drivel coming  out of these guys mouths, thus just stood back.  Laws here do not seem to be pressed as in western nations unless someone gains money or power.  It is always easier to catch flies with honey than vinegar and these guys should think of that.  Even though it is 'their' country they shouild be midful of their license, time and neighbors.  

  7. This is sad indeed and more common than one may think.  I have seen what I determined to be a botched 'enlargement' though it may be a regular result.  It was hard like a rock, looked like a blown up hotdog without more length.  They certainly are not like the ads, that is for sure.  The tissue making up the penis is limited to what you are born.  It CAN NOT  be enlarged by injection of silicone or any other substance.  The only enlargement is through a penile implant for folks with impotence and they only stiffen not lengthen the penis.   https://coconuts.co/bangkok/news/news-hospital-sets-up-special-unit-to-deal-with-botched-penis-enlargement-victims/

  8. This my 13th year here.  I lived in the city of Pattaya for 10 years and enjoyed its fruits for a spell.  Made some farang & Thai friends.  Later tired of the beach with  vendors then farang friends moved or changed.  I did not want to have a liquid breakfast and accepted that I had been there done that.  Traveled to Cambodia and northern Viet Nam.  My roots are rural so met a nice Thai and moved to Isan and live in a small village building my own castle Thai style..  


    I fly back to the states once a year for a couple of months and then ready to return.  Flying is not fun but go business class and that helps.  I make it an adventure and enjoy the folks along the way,  Have been told  aging is NOT for pussies and I learn about that every day.  Life is what we make of it and if we don't like it, change something.  Attitude?


    • Like 2
  9. Air travel throughout the world in one way or the other has become almost intolerable.  Much of it is the luck of the draw on leaving or arriving during a rush.  You'd think with the electronic technology there would be a quicker reaction.  I don't think I've had it this bad but close.  In the Twin Cities of Minnesota about 3 large planes arrived and when entering immigration NO ONE was at the desks.  OMG, I coming from an international flight no less.  Waiting another  15" or thereabouts finally officials were dragging their asses and not moving all that fast started setting up their stations.  There were a few thousands of us also.  So this debacle can happen anywhere.  The United States, though they say they are improving, remains a mess and I dread returning or leaving due to the snake lines.  Then to save on labor the States have gone into kiosks for check-in with minimal assistance. Then haul your luggage to another location for the X-ray check before lining to the security line.  We all know of folks, myself including having missed a flight by minutes due to this bureaucracy.  I know.........better to be safe then sorry.  But are we?  Really?  Then you haven't even entered the plane yet with seats for teenagers.  

  10. Pattaya is growing from a fishing village in the 60's to a now bustling tourist & entertainment community complete with all that that brings.  Many communities throughout the world are experiencing this and it will continue.  The population is growing and people look for jobs and any method to maintain sustenance.   Government officials are faced with timing, expense and future costs in improving and maintaining congested community living.  As we all have seen the need to get around and method of private conveyance whether it be by auto, motorbike or public they all compete for space with the cost of time.  New methods are being developed from electric, solar, light rail to even individual air transports.  If only the StarTrek 'transporter' would be developed soon!  


    Affordable public conveyance seems to be the only way to transport mass population.  It has to be easy access, affordable and safe.  That in itself will have its own set of issues.  What is the alternative? 

  11. Certainly a lot of 'naysayers' in this blog!  How in the devil do you think mankind makes progress?  There were complainers when the 'horseless carriage' came out.  Sure, accidents happened and people died.  People fell off horses also and buggies went into the ditch throwing Mama into the creek.  Wonder what the gibberish among the folks was when the Wright Brothers took their first run off of Kitty Hawk?  Didn't stop them and look how we fly now!  


    This all starts somewhere and the longest journey begins with the first step.  There is high speed rail now in the world and Thailand will learn.  Too bad a few other so called 1st world nations don't do the same.  Population is growing exponentially folks.  Streets are clogged now.  People want to and will move.  I say go for it.  

  12. Having been a 'health care professional' in a previous life I empathize with these nurses.  All professions are a slice of the pie in maintaining a healthy society.  All of us should be aware that many are not paid in equitable rates in relation to education, type of labor, responsibilities, labor or mental, office or 'in the field' along with expense of maintaining of licenses.  Does the top of the hill recognize this or is he/her only concerned about the bottom line of money and stability.  This article says nothing of salaries, hours worked, average hours etc.  It said 37 shifts.  What are they?  8 hours, 10 hours, 12 or 16 hour shifts?  We should also be aware that health care costs are very high in some societies......aka the United States.  Labor costs, infrastructure building and maintenance, capitol of equipment and cost of new, utilities and miscellaneous drive the health care industries  top line.  All this is supposedly covered by patient's billing, government input, donations, & charity otherwise,  IMO it takes a wizard accountant to keep the hospital treading water.  

    Does the head of government take all these into full account or is he like others writing, at the top of the heap, lives his life and family equal to the royal family and thinking of only the bottom line.......power and cash?  

  13. It seems that in many cultures dealing with ones 'plumbing' needs is such a sensitive and embarrassing moment.  As if people with stature don't do such basic things.  Also it has to do with ones sex and OMG that is such a personal thing don't ya know.  


    Yet we all know that each of us have to perform these events out of 'nature's call.'  IMO it is worse of human nature to act as if it doesn't exist........aka  smelly, dirty public toilets then seeing someone relieving themselves in a sanitary as fresh as can be spot.  Even in the military cleaning the latrines is considered worse than KP duty.  When I was in Paris in 1973 I walked into the men's room in the train station in Paris and there was a line-up of 2 tables with ladies receiving money in direct linear vision of all the guys at the urinal.  I was surprised and just leaned in further while urinating and smiled.  I haven't seen the stand-up urinal on a street as a previous poster supplied but have seen these fancy total service units on sidewalks that are automated with self wash down after each use.  Certainly much better than the public running from store to store or searching for a public one............or go in a bush or against a wall.  That is civilization at its best IMO.  


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