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Posts posted by GoNavy

  1. Luckily he did not live in the United States. As a citizen of that great country I can attest.............if it happened there he would have been laying in a morgue. The cops would have shot him from the get go. Sad but true. I like this result much better. Perhaps we should send some cops here for lessons.

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  2. "So, this is an ongoing problem that needs to be resolved, as it can lead to a shortage of English teachers and guides," he said during his weekly TV programme.

    How about enforcing the schools to adhere to the law and providing work permits instead of keeping teachers semi-illegal.

    Foreign English teachers get mixed messages. The law is the law. Yet, others and even Thai's say 'not to worry.' English teachers are in demand. The government wants their citizens to learn English yet it is an Olympic hoop to get the proper permission.

    It seems to me, if the government would relax these hoops, make it easier along with ensuring good teachers it can be done. I know of 2 who went to school 'in Thailand' to teach. They are professionals in other areas so not vagabonds. If the government allows these schools to exist, any graduates should have a shoo-in to work in their schools.

  3. I know there are folks who are strict ........'rules are rules.' Obviously these vendors were not inquired as to suggestions on spots for making a living. They rely on the foot traffic passing by versus folks who go specifically to buy. Like the markets. I rarely to never go to browse to past the time. Too crowded and repeat repeat of items. Definitely is an issue for the citizens with none to very little safety net for financial health. Western nations seem to be prosperous because of enforced rules, certain amount of common sense and stable governments.

  4. This business of being tried in the press is nauseous. We the public are not privy to details other then salacious data. I first heard/read of one child. Now it is twins. Then one side says they didn't know of the other child. All is printed. Do DNA tests on both infants to see if they are siblings........then do the supposed father and test if he is also.

    I read the article saying he was a convicted child molester and spent 3 years in jail. If that is true, why haven't the Australian authorities said or done anything regarding the infant girl in their home? Is all this true? Is it the law protecting him/her?

  5. "What we have here is a failure to communicate."  The Thai command speaks a language I do not understand.  Not to wear a crash helmet while on a motorcycle is like smoking 4 packs of cigarettes a day!  


    Not to wear helmets as a 'security measure' is ludicrous in my opinion.  Security for who?  Security exchange for the endangerment of its citizens does not seem to be a sustained concept.   

  6. I just turned 67.  I had thought about my longterm but not too seriously.  IMO, the immigration demands would be the toughest.  Perhaps it is between my ears, but the constant 90 day report is a real drag.  Though I do mine in Jomtien and during low season I can be in and out within 10-20 minutes.  Then there is the retirement visa hoop every year.  I have to go to my outreach embassy service at the Dusit Hotel to get the financial paper certified by them for immigration.  After that there is the necessary exit permission to visit family once a year or I lose my retirement visa.  By my count that is a minimum of 6 different trips to immigration.  My solace is that I am retired and have the time.  But it is all a drag.  


    Other then that, ageism is respected.  My group would say no one would pay attention to us unless we fell off the bar stool Then they would most likely just step over us!  


    The standard of living here is much higher even on a reasonable pension.  That and a retirement plan also one can live quite well.  The rest of it depends on your personal health, mental attitude and activity.  


    I have a couple of friends who became so bored, one a lawyer and another a financial business owner, they both went into teaching children English at local schools.  I am content with reading and doing projects on my computer.  I go out with friends to restaurants, rarely go to the beaches, and use the swimming pool. 


    I am aware of one couple who have had a spring/fall romance.  One is 60 the other in their mid 80's and failing.  The younger is able to do the 90 day  report for the other with consent of immigration.  They know the situation.  But, American Embassy insists they both appear for the financial report.....thus it is a project with wheelchairs etc.  But, the Thai immigration is more lenient.


    The icing on the cake is to find a companion to share your time and willing to take care of you if times get tough.  Then it is all golden.   

  7. "Never thought of this....call me Tingtong instead of Tingtau!"


    I saw this 'tingtau' word.  What does it mean in comparison to tingtong?  


    My autocorrection favors tingtong but redlines tingtau.  It wants to correct it to 

    Tsingtao.  Going to that lists only a Chinese brewery.  


    So, is this a made-up word that you coined? 


    My curious mind would like to know.  

  8. "According to Inspector Tianchai, him and and his team are also now strictly enforcing the requirement for hotels and guesthouses to report details of all guests within 24 hours of check in."


    Governments!  They set up all these rules/laws to control the population.  They make us jump all these hoops telling us it is to keep order and discipline.  Yet, with all this paperwork.....unless they have a super computer to keep track easily it is all stacks of paperwork in a corner.  I have seen it.  I have experienced it.  All busy work.  Do you think if one of us does wrong they will go through stacks of paper to track our route while in country?  I doubt it.  


    Regarding teachers and work permits.  Thailand is crying for English teachers.  The national movement is to make English the secondary language.  That was decreed by the King decades back.  Yet how many and what kind of Thai's speak it, more then beach English?  So, why do they make this permit business so hard to attain?  More would get them if not.  I have spoken to a few teachers.  Some do, some don't get permits.  Word from the schools is not to worry.  Others say they have known and taught themselves and never been bothered by anyone about permits.  


    If the country wants something, they should charge the schools/universities on obtaining these papers.  

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     I reckon I'm going to breach this rule then and pay up the 2k when caught. Replacing the passport with all it's stamps if it's stolen is a far larger risk.



    I also agree.  I have a laminated copy of my passport with visa stamp on the back.  Losing that is much better then my original passport.  That would be a nightmare to replace.  And cost much much more then 2000 baht.  I do carry my passport when traveling in country.  But not to go shopping. 

  10. I am Dutch. I have taken this particular flight several times before. As it happen ALL flights from Londen, Amsterdam etc. to the whole SEA region travel over this particular area of the Ukraine.

    Although a slight shiver went down my spine ( as in: "jezus, I might have been on that flight") not ONCE did it make me think of scrapping Thailand of the list of destinations because it simply has nothing to do with that: It has to do with the dangers of flying over a conflict area where the local cowboys play with toys that are far to powerful for them to handle.

    Now that all flights - all be it belatedly- have been rerouted there is nothing at all to worry about.

    They will have to finda more feasable scapegoat for the dwindling numbers, I'm afraid!

    I did NOT think this was a bad headline. Traqedy usually does bring up the 'what-if's'..........and 'what does this mean for the rest of us.' I travel west to east. Outside of Russia shooting down the Air-Korea jet in the '80's I felt safe. Jealous on the short leg my European friends take versus my double that time sitting in a jet.

    I had thought of changing and traveling over Asia-Europe, but not now. Flying over the middle east and now Ukraine with SAMs being held by these thugs will be a turkey shoot. Of interest to me.........guess who is the common demoninator on both of these tragedies?


    There is too much 'bloodlust' wanted on these type of topics.  Of course, adults should not be raping or molesting our youth.  That is a given.  But the comments I read makes me think of 'mob justice.'  Where is the security in these prisons?  We will investigate is a rather pablum but expected response.  Fear of being put in prison means more then just going behind bars.  


    Comments of similar to 'oh well if he is innocent' does not cut it.  That is NOT how it should work.  Everyone deserves a trial by appointed officials.  Not a vigilante.  

    You are correct to point out that the process for holding prisoners pending trial is in need of review and that ideally everyone should have a trial before any punishment is given, etc. However, we are all commenting on what has happened and not what should have happened. We didn't create the situation or report it, but are merely commenting on it.


    I would like to pick you up on one thing also; a seven year old is not a youth. Seven year olds are infants - I think that is a reason for our reactions.





    That is my point.  People are commenting on what happened and praising his murder IMO.  Before a trial or conviction.  That is what I'm speaking to

    Regarding your definition of infant versus youth.  I work in the medical field and have a different perspective.  neonates......up to 1 mo.  infants......up to 1 year..... Child 1 yr up to 9.   [ technically by definition children are from infancy to full growth ]  juvenile 9 to 12 which is puberty then adolescence  12 to 18. 


    Also.............definition of YOUTH.............is the time of life when someone is young : the time when a young person has not yet become an adult


    Just saying...........and learning.



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  12. Don't see any problem here!!

    Hummm..........with opinions like this perhaps we should just get rid of the judicial system. Afterall, society does like to save money! Lets just have cops who want to get cases solved and out of their way do everything........apprehension, interagation, judging & execution. Just think of all the money saved!

    Opinions like this and others on this board are exactly why dictators are able to survive. You all should be ashamed.

  13. There is too much 'bloodlust' wanted on these type of topics.  Of course, adults should not be raping or molesting our youth.  That is a given.  But the comments I read makes me think of 'mob justice.'  Where is the security in these prisons?  We will investigate is a rather pablum but expected response.  Fear of being put in prison means more then just going behind bars.  


    Comments of similar to 'oh well if he is innocent' does not cut it.  That is NOT how it should work.  Everyone deserves a trial by appointed officials.  Not a vigilante.  

  14. I have mine sent by electronic transfer. I have it sent by my stock market company directly to my Thai bank. Over 3 times per year they charge $25 each. So, I try to keep it to under that amount. Social Security of the USA doesn't have a contract to deposit directly into a foreign bank. I have mine go into my stock market account and they transfer, No problem. You can do it automatically by setting it up with them, or you can call and have a one time transfer whenever you want.

  15. Really can't argue with it. I'm sick of hearing how these monsters deserve "human rights" etc, etc when they take away the lives of young children. Incarceration of this type of scum is a burden on society.

    Whilst I'm all in favour of the death penalty in instances like this where there is no doubt about the identity of the perpetrator problems arise when it is left to the justice system to determine the guilt or otherwise of defendants. The system of law throughout the world nowadays seems to be a game between lawyers who appear only interested in making themselves rich and 'winning' their cases with little or no attention paid to actually achieving true justice.

    I totally agree with your comment. I also am not so in favor of the death penalty because man does make mistakes. In the USA there are many who have been freed due to DNA results. And those were done only because some benevolent judge or even DA went for it. Governors have stopped executions in some US states.

    IMO, spending life behind bars........not a soft prison, but like solitary confinement would be far worse then a quick execution. The cost is not all that much. Punishment should be that, and the state should be willing to pay for it. The building is maintained whether empty or one. Bulk food is not that expensive.

  16. Costa,

    I had breakfast with my 2 friends today teaching. The one who has no work permit said that his headmaster said he could get one if he wanted. But, it really was not necessary. As many others have written here, yes it is written down as law to get one. But, very few do. And they are just not bothered as it is a big push for their citizens to learn English. There are NOT enough teachers. The issue I wrote about on the American who started a private English school who was caught by immigration..w.as because he started a business competing with a Thai citizen who happened to be his daughter. Your situation is much much different.

    Then as I recall, you are going to a rural area. Far far different then a city.......aka Bangkok, Pattaya, Hua Hin, Chang Mai or even Chang Rai. There are very few farangs living in the hinterlands of Thailand who want to teach. So, whatever concerns you have are just being built up I suspect with all this advice.

    If you really want to do this, then just do it. I suspect that the powers that be in your community will protect and save you from the hierachy as you are helping their kids. If worse comes to worse, I suspect all you would get due to volutnerring to teach their children without the law is a slap on the wrist. Then they would smile, give you one probably and you can carry on. Just my thoughts.

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  17. I have a couple of friends who are teaching English. They went to the school here and learned the skills. They are here on a retirement visa and have said nothing about getting a work visa. I should ask them. I thought, since they went through the school it was taken care of.

    GoNavy, Thank you, I will be waiting to hear from you.

    It will be a great help for me and other, non teacher, members that would like to do the same thing like me.

    I have a call in now to ask one of them. He was in school he said when I called. I endeavor to check on both of them today.

    Costa................I just spoke with one of my friends. He is in his last week of schooling for teaching. He said that it is the law that you have to have a work permit whether it is volunteer or income producing. He said he would have to change his retirement visa over to a work permit if he wants to follow the law. My other friend has not changed over and decided to take the risk.

    Now, living in Thailand there is the law........and there are many not following it and get by. Teaching English and the fact that it is needed may get you by. But, as others have mentioned..........piss off a Thai and they know.......or they are jealous.....or the parent is upset with your teaching.......etc. You are at risk if they want to spill the beans. I saw it happen with an acquaintance in Bangkok. He started his own English school after teaching and another teacher turned him in. Because he took students from her...........and her father worked at immigration. He damn near got deported.

    If it were me, I'd look into the work permit business. Especially with your headmaster in favor, they can assist. The hoops to jump can't be any worse then gettingar retirement visa. Good Luck.

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  18. I don't smoke. I go to bars and am not bothered, meaning I don't see it around me. Also, restaurants I have gone to have been smokeless. Not because of rules, mostly, probably farangs go there and smoking has become alien to our desire. So, IMO, I wouldn't worry about it. If you see it happening it may not even bother you.

    • Like 1
  19. I have a couple of friends who are teaching English. They went to the school here and learned the skills. They are here on a retirement visa and have said nothing about getting a work visa. I should ask them. I thought, since they went through the school it was taken care of.

    GoNavy, Thank you, I will be waiting to hear from you.

    It will be a great help for me and other, non teacher, members that would like to do the same thing like me.

    I have a call in now to ask one of them. He was in school he said when I called. I endeavor to check on both of them today.

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