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Posts posted by SMEinBangkok

  1. I guess he's relying on his vast experience with preventing second wave infections from global pandemics.  It's been tragically funny to watch these 'experienced' people say whatever comes into their pointed heads and then see the corona plebes eat it up and accept every pronouncement as the new Gospel.


    When this thing is finally over in a decade or two, you'll see that most of what these 'experts' advised us to do was based on zero experience and zero scientific basis....just made up on the spot because it sounded good.

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  2. 7 hours ago, webfact said:

    Dr. Taweesin Visanuyothin, as CCSA spokesperson expressed the CCSA’s concerns about a further relaxation of measures that may lead to a second outbreak.

    Imagine having such a limited intellect as a 'doctor' to actually believe that there WON'T be a second outbreak.  In the absence of a deployed, safe and effective vaccine, along with a decades-long public health campaign, the coronavirus isn't going to be eliminated.  There's no science behind these junk theories and there's no history to suggest this will work.  


    After the senior man-babies have bankrupted everyone worldwide, they'll understand they have to manage the effects of this virus and attempt to protect those most at risk from serious outcomes from infection.  Waging a war against the healthy and those least at risk is pointless.

  3. 21 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    I'm wondering if any of the  geniuses in this administration actually have any data on the number of COVID-19 clusters that have arisen at swimming pools.

    Or anywhere else for that matter.  You've hit on a key point.  There is data out there on where people are contracting it from countries that have instituted effective contact tracing programs.  But, almost all governments are foregoing making use of that information and instead just making stuff up as they go.  This problem is compounded by the Pandemic Plebes who believe whatever they last heard someone tell them to do.


    Thailand is just one more government that's decided to wage a war against the healthy members of its population....meaning 99% of the uninfected... instead of protecting those most at risk and managing what's going to be long-term issue.

  4. 1 hour ago, johnnybangkok said:

    That's excatly what I'm saying. Why is this so hard for some of you to comprehend?

    And please pass on my regards to your mother; even though she did a lousy job teaching you empathy. 

    And to your limited understanding of human society, we can add passive-aggressive....haha!


    Oh...is that more of your empathy for the masses?

    • Sad 1
  5. 49 minutes ago, chessman said:

     Nice try but you don’t get the choice. Most polls are showing general support for the measures in most countries. 

    it seems the average person understands the situation a little better than you.

    The Great Pandemic has triumphed over personal choice and freewill!


    Long Live the Pandemic!


    At last, I understand the average person and average intellect....someone like you.

    • Sad 1
  6. 1 hour ago, johnnybangkok said:

    If you cannot adhere to the good of the masses over self-interest then I think it's you who should be living in the woods, far, far away from society.

    Sounds like something straight out of the Communist Manifesto....


    If you had any real concern or empathy for the "masses", then you would go with the 99.96% of the world's population that's completely unaffected by this virus (that's a pretty big mass, right?).  But, you don't have any concern for anyone other than that fearful face that stares back at you everyday.

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  7. 3 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

    3 to 5% mortality - Now looking at around .5%' - Thanks to self-isolation and social distancing


    'Hospitals overwhelmed - Not one listed by name so far' - Thanks to self-isolation and social distancing


    'Much more deadly than any other respiratory illness' - Not according to US cases and data from the CDC - Thanks to self-isolation and social distancing.

    You're not very bright are you?  A disease's mortality rate has nothing to do with mitigation measures, which if effective, would show up in the transmission rate.  I know...two big words and more math, but there you go.  The reason the mortality rate is continuing to go down is due to the greater number of asymptomatic infections being discovered through serology studies and the zombie apocalypse that people like you predicated, failing to come true.


    There is no proof of self-isolation/social distancing being the cure for the coronavirus.  On the contrary there are studies suggesting it has no appreciable effect, and nations that did not follow these rules have fared better.




    You're just another frightened germophobe who doesn't like to read much.

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  8. 6 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:
    7 hours ago, webfact said:

    has released a questionnaire via Google form for Thais


    7 hours ago, webfact said:

    The centre will gather their opinion

    And completely ignore it, as they have no say in the matter.

    The tyrannical man-babies running this country don't want to know what to ignore....they want to know what the Thai people would prefer so they can enact 'emergency' decrees against those wishes.


    Just trying to guess what will make the average person's life awful is tough to do....this is much more effective. 

  9. On 5/8/2020 at 9:55 PM, yuyiinthesky said:

    But you're missing the point. The goal was never to keep people from dying, the goal was to stretch those deaths out over time so that hospitals don't get overwhelmed. That was the goal. The area under the line has the same amount of sickness as the peak above it.



    This graph, like so many others, should be studied as an example of the lack of basic math and analysis skills in the vast majority of the world's population.  It's essentially nothing more than a cartoon with unlabeled x and y axis, and visually, the same area contained in each 'equation'.


    Nearly all of the reactions to this virus have been exaggerated by a few well-meaning, but frightened people.  NONE of their predications regarding it have come true, but one from the 'opposition' has.  Global economic disaster with no plan or understanding of how to recover from it.


    Let's take a quick look down memory lane:

    3 to 5% mortality - Now looking at around .5%

    Hospitals overwhelmed - Not one listed by name so far

    Much more deadly than any other respiratory illness - Not according to US cases and data from the CDC

    Social distancing, lock downs, business closures are the only solution - And yet the countries that have fared the worse are the ones who applied this in the most draconian terms and the others that didn't have fared better.  It's counter intuitive and it'll take time to determine what measures worked or didn't, but the results are NOT uniform.

    Don't wear a mask because it won't help and you're hurting health care workers.

    Wear a mask unless you're a heartless monster.


    And on and on....the same thing is playing out in comments here and on other forums.  The catastrophe ghouls know everything about the virus because they're listening to all of the experts....of which none exist because this is the first one in modern history.  


    Here's a 'novel' solution.  If you're old, and especially if you're a man, with underlying health conditions, then YOU shouldn't go to work, YOU should self-isolate, YOU should practice social distancing, YOU should wear a mask.


    Oops...almost forgot.  Mankind has only eliminated two globally-present, disease-causing viruses in the past.  Smallpox and Rinderpest.  It took effective vaccines and a decades long public health campaign.  So....eliminating the virus isn't a realistic option.

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  10. 18 hours ago, Mavideol said:
    18 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    If there is no vaccine, COVID-19 will ensure that all governments need large sums of money similarly, whether they are democratic, dictatorial, conservative or liberal.

    that's the good and bad thing, the virus doesn't discriminate or segregate

    Of course it does.  75% of the deaths occur to those over 70 years of age and in that group it's men with health issues who fare the worst, by far.  It's a respiratory tract infection with an overall mortality of .5% where the vast majority of those infected are asymptomatic and never even know they have it.


    And I like the fleeting mention of Singapore in the article.  It was meant to be instill fear by showing what happens when you let your guard down and that's exactly what DIDN'T happen.  Singapore had a daily new infection rate in the double digits, showing a moderate and arguably manageable rate of increase.  They then ordered almost all businesses closed which forced their mostly foreign, low-wage work force to 'shelter in place' in crowded dormitories.  13 days later the rate of daily new infections climbed in the 4-digit range.

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  11. 15 hours ago, Crossy said:


    Indeed, it's always going to be a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation. 


    We are all going to have to adapt to the "new normal" whatever that turns out to be. If it means employers becoming flexible about working hours so their employees can travel at "less peak" times then so be it.


    The 'new normal'....the entire world being inconvenienced so a few sick old men can live a few more years.  Not normal.

    • Sad 2
  12. 15 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    Some of the measures being considered by the Cabinet concerns the reopening of shopping malls, with people being given a two hour window in which to do their shopping.

    If that's the case, then I won't go....now what are you going to do?  I don't pay people to inconvenience me and 90% of the Thai population can't afford to buy anything in those malls anyway.

  13. 18 hours ago, graemeaylward said:

    Looks more like a whimper to me!  

    Fact 1.  Nobody wants to travel by plane at the moment.

    Fact 2.  Nobody has the money to travel at the moment.

    Fact 3.  13 Flights out of 17 cancelled is hardly a roaring success.

    Fact 4.  The ticket machines are not 2 metres apart, social distance.

    Fact 5.  The 2 members of Air Asia staff pictured in the photo of the machines are not 2 metres apart.

    Fact 6.  PerkinsCuthbert is talking out of his backside and should spout his rubbish to all those who have lost loved ones due to this terrible contagious virus!  Then he would realise how dangerous it is!

    You sound hysterical to me.  Hope you find a way to come to terms with your fear and the negative emotions that it naturally produces.  Like many similar-thinking people you try to mask it, but "Fact 6" gave you away.  I don't know a single person who's even been sick from it, much less died.  Using your logic I should deny virus' existence and lethality, which I don't.

  14. I think that you two individuals are prime examples of how the hysteria behind this disease has been spread.  Your confirmation bias refuses to allow you to just look at the well-sourced and well-documented information that's out there and free to read.  Not some unqualified person's opinion about how everyone is going to die, but actual data and analysis from well-regarded, professional scientific journals.


    So, Chessman....you intentionally chose a graphic from the AJPH that you think confirms your bias about how COVID-19 is more deadly than influenza.  Unfortunately, the graph you cherry-picked represents total deaths only.  You do realize that the population of the US increases each year, right?  So what sort of figures could one use to accurately compare numbers of deaths in previous years taking into account population increases?  Deaths per 100,000 population....which was contained in the graph below the one you picked, but the one you didn't use because it clearly shows over a dozen different MONTHS where influenza death rates per 100,000 far exceed COVID-19, which Johns Hopkins University is tracking at around 18 currently.  Any answers on why you did that?  Let me attach the graph for you:




    Let me know if you have any trouble reading this part of the journal you chose to intentionally not reference in order to attempt to prove your already self-confirmed notions about the mortality of influenza and COVID-19  Here's a twist for you:  Do the same research and compare pneumonia deaths to COVID-19.  It's the 6th leading cause of death in the US each and EVERY year.


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  15. Throw the sheeple some table scraps and watch them run!  I guarantee you the cruel man-children running this country were probably sitting around last night, drinking and laughing about how they got the Thais to be appreciative of this sort of nonsense.


    As a potential customer, why on Earth would I spend money to go and sit in an un-air conditioned space, sitting at a table by myself wearing a mask and trying to eat, without the drink of my choice?

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