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Posts posted by pandip

  1. 349 had failed to report their residential addresses or violated the alien business law.

    Mr Big Joke, you have taken very big job in hand , but please check each and every place to see if foreigner reported their address, honestly and without any resist policy. As I saw that they are targeting particular areas and condos , and even in condos only particular peoples. If they are checking one condo 2-3 times but nearby condo not a single time...  

  2. 22 hours ago, bluesofa said:

    I just wonder roughly what percentage do in reality report their address?

    I'm sure it will be a flash in the pan, but who knows.


    This is the quite stupid rule and Immigration officers are enjoying to fine 1600 THB for it. 

    They are charging for not to report to Immigration within 24 hours of arrival, than what is the need to write address in arrival form... 


  3. I am happy to know that the expats are happy. Yes, I am also happy to be in Thailand.

    But I would like to know , whether there was questionnaires about colour discrimination and security in the inner streets in Bangkok.

    because we have to face colour discrimination in most part in Thailand , starting from Immigration to visit any place. In Immigration white skins are often preferred to provide faster service than others and no cross question for this with the staff.

    In inner streets in Bangkok , there are many areas where if you walk alone in late evening than anybody can robe you easily by showing knife or even gun also.

  4. It's not a good sign for the development of a country.

    But at the same time all must have to think that if their are not enough security personal than how we can keep country safe from enemies those are inside and out side.

    Now security and development are like rail tracks. There must be balance in both.

    If we go to world history, all army invasions was success because of lake of security.

    Also if a man is put in army by fear of jail term, than weather he will be dedicate to his job or will be just a matter of number.

    So, it's government job to encourage Thai men to join army instead to show them fear of four year jail term. Encouragement can be economical benefits , social reputation and so on....

  5. This is the reason , why I always oppose the shelter to refugees from particular world.

    They only have one motive , spread themselves any how, either by terror or by human relation or by as refugees.

    Once they increase their population to significant number than they show , what actually they want, and now it's happening to European countries.

  6. they are right not to let them in,just look at other countries the uk is one and full.the eu is full too so let them go back to there own country is better.

    But they don't want to go back to their own country because there they will not get free water, food and other facilities which they can get here as refugees.

    Also another reason they don't want go back because their own country Bangladesh (originally) don't want them back.

    Thai navy must not allow them to enter otherwise in future they will do same, as now they are doing in Myanmar.

    It cannot be said that this is a simple matter of return to Bangladesh. These people have been in Myanmar for 100 years and several generations. They have no ties to Bangladesh. The solution has to involve resettlement and/or a change of attitude in Myanmar ( and most notably from the treacherous vixen who should be handing back her peace prize before it is withdrawn).

    I am sorry, but these people fled to Myanmar during Bangladesh liberation war as refugees , also to India. that time they were few thousands but now as they have been multiples and they describe them-self as Myanmar people, but reality is this that they all are only refugees and they must go back to their native nation.

  7. they are right not to let them in,just look at other countries the uk is one and full.the eu is full too so let them go back to there own country is better.

    But they don't want to go back to their own country because there they will not get free water, food and other facilities which they can get here as refugees.

    Also another reason they don't want go back because their own country Bangladesh (originally) don't want them back.

    Thai navy must not allow them to enter otherwise in future they will do same, as now they are doing in Myanmar.

  8. We asked all our soldiers, none of them did it --> ok must be true then

    They didn't want to land in Thailand ---> right , they all wanted to stay on the boat and continue suffering

    No, all they want's to settle in Thailand without legal permission and to exploit their population so as they can demand separate nation in future same as they are doing in Myanmar and Thai navy is just trying to keep them away.

    What happen if somebody will try to enter in your home without your permission or illegally , will you allow them or push them back. Here Thai navy is providing them assistance to keep their journey continue to another destination but even if they try to enter in Thailand, Thai navy should shoot them also, as everybody has right to save their own home.

  9. Many men, women and children may die while trying to escape persecution. Thailand and other nations in se Asia should be ashamed of themselves.

    Don't think so, the military have seen what happens in Europe and elsewhere when these Islamics decide to go where they want for a better life or perhaps to cause further mayhem. My view, they either go back and be good citizens (good luck) or let some other local Islamic country take 'em in (good luck again).

    Absolutely right , why Malaysia and Indonesia refused to take them, because they are Islamic country and don't want more. And if Thailand will allow them than again these refugees will increase population without thinking , how they will feed their new generation? And once they will be in big number than will call for separate nation, same as Myanmar.

    So send them back to their own nation without any mercy.

  10. Many men, women and children may die while trying to escape persecution. Thailand and other nations in se Asia should be ashamed of themselves.

    I don't know why they should ashamed. If you look in history than will find that these are the people those fled from Bangladesh during Bangladesh liberation war to neighbouring countries. At that time they were about few thousands and were refugees but than they increased population drastically to hundreds of thousand. Now the time they call them self as Myanmar people and wants all rights as local which has created conflicts between local and these refugees.

    In fact these people must to return to their home land Bangladesh instead to create riots and crime in Myanmar.

    Now as Myanmar refused to give them citizenship they are coming to South east countries as refugees. If these countries will allow them to come , than after 10-20 years they will do same as they are doing now in Myanmar.

    So these countries must to think about their own citizens future and send back these illegal migrants.

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