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Posts posted by hEaDy

  1. 2 hours ago, Muggi1968 said:

    I choose to be happy that things seem to be improving and not always see things from a negative angle...

    Me too! But don't bother regarding the spiel from most of the monkeys on TV; they crave negativity :passifier:

  2. 6 minutes ago, 55Jay said:
    noun: conspiracy; plural noun: conspiracies
    1. a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.
      "a conspiracy to destroy the government"
      synonyms: plot, scheme, plan, machination, ploy, trick, ruse, subterfuge;
      "a conspiracy to manipulate the results"


    When you exist in darkness then 'the light' hurts and the reaction is to generate fear because that's all that's known to you.

    As we move into more light the power of the old school/old energy diminishes, so this fear-mongering is actually a good sign :violin:


  3. 1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

    It seems you fail to acknowledge the scientific reality that the climate change we're talking about here is because of HUMAN ACTIVITY.

    Al Gore could be a scumbag or a saint, doesn't change that reality.




    The earth has been around for 4.5 Billion years-ish - how long has science been around?

    The science you refer to is based upon records, however, no one is qualified to to actually know because humans have only existed for an instant in the big picture.

    So just relax and go about your day without worrying, everything is fine. Just clean up the air, water and food and we'll all live longer.

    The earth will be fine regardless of and in spite of anything humans do...


  4. Pfft, climate change will happen anyway as it's a natural cycle of the earth.

    Of course, lying scumbag politicians such as Al Gore will say anything for a buck :passifier:

    That's not to say we wouldn't enjoy better health by implementing cleaner energy systems worldwide...

    But again, we have to make our health more important than money...

    There's enough Geo-thermal energy beneath our feet to provide clean power for all...

    However, tapping into it and channeling it requires cooperation and, sadly, money :welcomeani:

  5. On 4/20/2017 at 3:06 PM, thequietman said:

    No, they said its the Buddah's foot print in their province. He clearly wasn't there. I don't think anyone is claiming the same for Jesus' foot print, although I could be wrong.

    You are wrong! Have you ever looked into the idea of actually reading the article before posting?

    No. OK this is from the article: < Asia has thousands of “natural” Buddha footprints imbedded in rock, chiefly in Japan and Sri Lanka, usually appreciated for their symbolic value rather than as literal relics.>

  6. 1 hour ago, thequietman said:

    Siddhartha is said to have spent 29 years as a prince in Kapilavastu, not Thailand. For the remaining 45 years of his life, the Buddha is said to have traveled in the Gangetic Plain, in what is now Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and southern Nepal, not Thailand.


    Anyone wanna tell them he was never in Thailand.

    Do you mean that in the same sense that Jesus was never in the UK, the United States or many other Christian countries? :wai:

  7. 22 hours ago, MikeN said:

    I have been using PayPal for many years, and the only problem that I have encountered was with a recent hotel booking that only accepted PayPal , but I suspect there was a glitch in the link provided as the system would not accept my payment so I had to pay cash on arrival...inconvenient for the hotel owner but certainly not a scam !

    I'm speaking from personal experience, not hearsay. Best policy is to maintain zero balance in your account, so they have nothing to gain by freezing your account,.

    Their MO is: Freeze your account. Hold your money for 6 months. They get the interest on YOUR money while you do not. You struggle to get your money back.

    This has happened to thousands of people already - do your research.

    This is simply a friendly head's up from someone who's been scammed by PayPal - do with it what you will!

  8. 23 hours ago, mstevens said:

    I've been using Pay Pal for 10 years and never had a problem.  Yes, some people do have problems but as for Pay Pal scamming people, I very much doubt it.

    I'm speaking from personal experience, not hearsay. Best policy is to maintain zero balance in your account, so they have nothing to gain by freezing your account,.

    Their MO is: Freeze your account. Hold your money for 6 months. They get the interest on YOUR money while you do not. You struggle to get your money back.

    This has happened to thousands of people already - do your research.

    This is simply a friendly head's up from someone who's been scammed by PayPal - do with it what you will!

  9. 8 hours ago, taichiplanet said:

    more proof of how stupid people can be, by putting convenience over saving lives. The PM should've stood his ground on this one. The laws are already there, either implement them or shut up about the constant pontifications of government departments wanting to save lives.

    8 hours ago, taichiplanet said:

    more proof of how stupid people can be, by putting convenience over saving lives. The PM should've stood his ground on this one. The laws are already there, either implement them or shut up about the constant pontifications of government departments wanting to save lives.

    More proof of how stupid people can be, by not understanding that you create your own reality, so once you decide to die you will do so...

    Thus, the idea of saving lives is pathetic lol... For whomsoever loves endless laws being implemented, please move to the West! Thanks :welcomeani:

  10. By paying any extra entrance fee money than a Thai person you are saying:

    I support racism

    Racism is OK

    Please continue racism in other areas of Thailand


    The only way to stamp out racism and any other idea you disagree with is by not supporting it!

    I do this every single day by only buying goods from companies I want to support and not buying from those I refuse to support...

    It's not rocket science!

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