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Everything posted by Raymonddiaz

  1. Crimes committed: stealing Thai ladies from Thai men. ???? lol
  2. I need stamps from the consular affairs in Malaysia and the thai embassy in Kl. I will go there as soon as I can . Thank you everyone for your suggestions
  3. My country has an embassy in Malaysia. Need to go there , get that paper, go to the consular affairs of Malaysia, and Thai embassy for another Stamp and come back to Thailand. I am really busy right now to do it. I will take me more than a week to do it.
  4. I have been living and working in Thailand since 2010. I got married in 2011 and officially divorced in 2021. I want to get married again but the district officer wants to see an affidavit saying that I am single from my embassy. My country doesn't have an embassy or consulate in Thailand, I showed them my divorce certificate and my passport stating that I didn't travel outside Thailand since I got my divorce certificate but they don't really care, No logic , anyone who knows a reputable agent who could help me get officially married for a fee would be greatly appreciated.
  5. The immigration doesn't usually make you pay 1 day overstay. They waive it.
  6. If Alcohol is legal so canabis should be legal too because alcohol is more dangerous than canabis....
  7. Foreign countries should prohibit Thais from buying properties in their country.
  8. Don't worry Thais, most non Asian foreigners won't buy land here.
  9. Du déjà-vu ! Every few years same news. LOS is simply an amazing country to live in.
  10. The same way you made it to Thailand, I guess.
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