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Everything posted by Dumbfounded

  1. I'm hoping they're doing this to keep prayut & co off their backs, you never know, some of them might actually want a better future for their kids here, yes I'm drunk
  2. Bad Guys (zero dollar asian tourists) Out, Good Guys ( western tourist/backpacker pot smoker) In
  3. I think this is so the Thai govt can control the commission and to negate China's loan sharking repayment policy
  4. I can see the tobacco cartel introducing their own brands of pot cigarettes and e-cigs in the near future, and when they're ready it will become legal to do so
  5. They're probably non violent, not all Thais are like him, so hopefully the court deals with him severely as the attack was non-provoked. But I do understand your sentiment
  6. I paid 44.98 for gasohol 95 the other day, saw it for 40 something today
  7. If the Govt wants Thais to have cheaper room rates than foreigners then they will have to giddy up the discount through some kind of rebate scheme. The hoteliers won't kill their business with dual pricing
  8. This won't help the local people on the ground, it will just make the hotel owners richer. They won't be increasing the workers wages due to extra profit. I'd love to see a list of the hotel owners and wouldn't be one bit surprised to see some familiar names
  9. Do you really think the warplane crossed into thai airspace without prior permission?
  10. I don't think anybody really judges them on their skin colour, it's more about their attitude towards drinks, girls, etc. I've seen them do the 4 straws 1 drink thing and been told about others waiting in the bathroom when a girl is brought back to the room. It's their behaviour that gets them noticed
  11. I bought a case (12 x 620ml) of Leo 8 today from Makro. Price has jumped from 589 to 638 baht per case (49 baht or 4 baht per bottle). Brew date is 3rd June
  12. I prefer Leo 8, think it's better tasting than standard Leo, but dream most nights of a case of James Squire One Fifty Lashes (Aust)
  13. It's all just theatre, like a pantomime
  14. I've been to a few ordinations of relatives who's kids were going in the wat for 2 weeks. The drinking (whiskey) and music started at 6 am at the home and continued till midday then moved to the wat, and continued till whenever
  15. 1 decent joint..... or 4 bongs, maybe 6 if you use spin (tobacco)
  16. I use Wise but the last time was a month ago and I haven't received any notifications from them. Maybe try to do a small transfer with them to see if it's legit, at least up to the transfer funds from your bank account part, and check if the Wise a/c details arer the same as your previous transfers
  17. If it takes 6 months to count the votes again at the next election then it's a forgone conclusion
  18. Why is COD stupid? I won't by anything on Lazada that isn't COD so I can check that I'm getting what I paid for. If you prefer to prepay and hope for the best up to you. Also the tech is there - use it. I shop at Makro with cash in hand but have to wait up to 5 mins for those in front of me that pay with their phones. Cash will always be king
  19. Wow, that was powerful, total respect for this guy, he should be running the country. And I hope the aussies look after him. Respect too for the old aussie who befriended him but a Blues cap would have looked better
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