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Posts posted by Banshee

  1. Congratulations!

    My only word of advice would be that the sooner you understand you have little or nothing to say about it the happier you'll be.

    Pick your fights VERY carefully!

    Not in all cases, depends if the man has a set or not.

    • Like 1
  2. I've seen this so many times. Go to visit my girlfriend's family and everyone just expects you to buy the beer because of your skin colour.:) Its quite funny to see how quick the moochers disappear when the beer runs out. And they never offer to buy for me. Seems to be more an Issaan thing as my ex wife's family from Phayao would always buy for me.

    Another reason why I prefer the more educated and wealthier Thais to associate with. They tend to have better manners and be much less of the freeloader mentality.

    Exactly, I have had them share the tabs even in isaan, however it's as rare as hens teeth.

    They to often look to us, and to often come out in droves when you arrive, but p off quick when not getting a free hand out every minute.

    Those that stick around prove their there for the right reasons other then whiskey and a feed.

    • Like 1
  3. All individuals, I have met thai girls who live well who like farang above thai men, I have met poor girls who would not touch a farang and vice versa.

    It's not always money, some may have been mistreated by a thai and now look elsewhere, others may just be attracted to farang for other reasons besides cash only.

    • Like 2
  4. Worn by men any slippers or sandal shoes are offensive.

    Worn by small feet hotties they look so hot <3

    Didn't Jesus wear sandals? Was he offensive?

    He certainly offended someone enough to get crucified.

    Can't really offend people more then that, still talked about two thousand years later, now that's rattled someone's cage.

  5. Do certain cultures actually look down on Thais or unknowingly just see themselves as being so grand and above all, judging others makes them feel a little power.

    When they disrespect Thailand they should look in their own backyard, or cesspits.

    We all know many a Thais behaviour can and does set a poor eg, however those with a little common sense and who are not so ignorant should understand that you do not judge a nation by the behaviour of a few.

    The Thais who do set a bad eg though should endeavour to set a better eg, the good Thais suffer as a result of their behaviour.

  6. I actually enjoy the part of the evening when the women go off. Means I can have a good gargle away from the wife's beady eye. I enjoy hearing nefarious and sometimes shocking tales from the boys too which allow me to live vicariously. I also have a cannon of jokes which don't lose anything in translation which always go down a treat.

    I heartily actually agree with Beetlejuice here. It is amazing how so many blokes can't survive here for less than 3 minutes away from the wife's apron strings....

    I was at a party recently where there were two other Westerners there. Both charming, pleasant and intelligent lads who seemed to have a smattering of understanding of what was going on.

    When the women went off inside to wash up and natter they were nowhere to be seen and we were having decent conversations up to that point as we'd been lumped together.

    That's right heavy drinker, only you understand Thailand, only you can survive without your wife, not us, only you as you seem so eager to brag about.

    We are all in envy of your amazing ability to fit in, you amaze me, us however, we are completely in the dark.

    You very much seem to be given you clearly spend every social occasion you attend in Thailand hiding behind your wife like a shy 5 year old child at a birthday party hides behind his mummy....

    Your absolutely sure about that, have you got tabs on me.

    Just because I retreat inside when bored at a rare event, does not mean I'm doing that every other day every where else.

    Often do things alone, only took two posts to realise you not to free with the truth, and like to make same broad assumptions, don't like guys who bs, no offence I got no time for it.

    No time for argumentative trolls, to much fun here for that heavy drinker.

  7. I actually enjoy the part of the evening when the women go off. Means I can have a good gargle away from the wife's beady eye. I enjoy hearing nefarious and sometimes shocking tales from the boys too which allow me to live vicariously. I also have a cannon of jokes which don't lose anything in translation which always go down a treat.

    I heartily actually agree with Beetlejuice here. It is amazing how so many blokes can't survive here for less than 3 minutes away from the wife's apron strings....

    I was at a party recently where there were two other Westerners there. Both charming, pleasant and intelligent lads who seemed to have a smattering of understanding of what was going on.

    When the women went off inside to wash up and natter they were nowhere to be seen and we were having decent conversations up to that point as we'd been lumped together.

    That's right heavy drinker, only you understand Thailand, only you can survive without your wife, not us, only you as you seem so eager to brag about.

    We are all in envy of your amazing ability to fit in, you amaze me, us however, we are completely in the dark.

  8. Photos in uniform to prove this stories genuine please.

    I wouldn't worry about silly nonsense like this. There is a bitter element here who get into a froth of envious rage that other people have wives who are gainfully employed and not working 'the scene'....sad really...

    Hhmmmm, another with no sense of humour, come on heavy drinker it was a joke.

    Insinuating my wife works the scene is a bit below the belt and very very shallow and cowardly.

    • Like 1
  9. Sometimes you have to visit these people, it's not always optional.

    To beetle juice, I love Thailand and don't sit on the PC all day as you assume, however i will come on here and share my experience so if it's not to your liking you can click past it, or perhaps you had nothing better to do.

    The wife and I and our children have a great time when out and about, however when visiting their distant relatives once in a blue moon you cannot choose the associates as one suggested.

    So to h90, would I visit them in my own country yes, you visit the awesome mother and of coarse have to wander around a few nearby streets visiting other more distant less appealing relatives, a card game always pops up.

    In general I enjoy the visits in short bursts, two or three day, many many good points but that's another story.

  10. Photos in uniform to prove this stories genuine please.

    Is this for real? Really, photos? Like I would post photos with some of the people on this thread. Yeah let me exploit my relationship because I have something to prove to people I don't even know. What the hell man? You post photos of your wife. Just unreal. Why am I even responding? I didn't even want to mention it because I was afraid some weirdness would come about, low and behold. I have nothing to defend here, brother. Peace.

    Some friendless advice, thai woman love to laugh, they have a wicked sense of humour, think about that before you head back to her.

    I see my post went straight over your head mr happy.

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