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Posts posted by zyxwv

  1. My friend and I and his Thai wife are looking to take a kayak trip.

    We are considering a portion of the Mekong river, but there are also other rivers we could do.

    Any thoughts?

    And experiences?

     {I have noted that purchasing a Kayak in Thailand is rather expensive...and so far, haven't seen a lot of selection) Again thoughts

    and pointers would be appreciated.

  2. It shouldn't be hard to unscrew the metal sheeting....roll out insulation under it over the battens and / or between beams (with foil-backed insulation for extra reflection of radiant heat) Could be as little as 50mm of insulation but more is going to be a lot better (best quality you can find is worth it). Then screw the sheeting back on. making sure that the screwholes are  (roof and gutter silicone) waterproofed.

    screw down partially, then apply silicone so that it squeezes up around base of screw and down around sides of screw's inclines spiral plane. If there are any sharp ridges around screwholes file / grind them off...you can put in a rubber washer for extra safety from water.

    • Thanks 1
  3. I agree with Elvis. My first contact with Khaosan was one of wonder. It was 1988 and the place was different. The street vendors came out at night but ONLY on the sidewalks. The bone of contention at the time was that they could NOT set up during the day, when storefronts wanted people to walk past.

    That is reasonable don't you think.

    then during the nights there came a time when the storeowners wanted you to ask permission to set up in front of the store (and even made you pay a fee)

    Now the entire street is filled with vendors at night . It is hard to walk. The storeowners put up their own stalls in front of their places or no one even sees the entrance to their shop. That doesn't seem fair that customers can't even see the shop , which people pay rent for.

    All in all, Elvis has stated a very good solution.

    • Like 2
    • Sad 2
  4. For whatever political reasons the mine was closed. People in areas far from the mine complained of sickness, and even though it was shown that the mine does NOT use mercury in their process.....the people clamored that the mine was causing the sickness.

    Rubbish....but the politicians saw political clout in closing the mine.


    Now the company will get going again, hundreds will regain their jobs. The villagers will continue to be sick....and complain it was the mine's fault. But the gov't has done what they could to right this situation without being sued.....and without losing face....in the international community....which is important for the Thia people. They want investment but listen to rubbish.



  5. may I make a short complaint and thanks.?

    When I came to Australia 30 years ago, I was told by the powers that be, that I would be entitled to a pension after 25 years. Now they  have change the wording to "eligible'.

    one year before retirement age, they changed the rules and said I had to work here for 35 years (starting Jan 2015)

    Now I get a partial pension based on my assets and time worked here. I get 82% of the pension that I would get if I had been here 35years. (working age years) that 82% is not 82% of the full pension by a long shot.

    Just thought I would throw that in while reading this thread / topic. Some good info here, and it has helped me in understanding how things are (now anyway) should I leave for more than 6 weeks. thanks


  6. I'm curious to know just were there is a trail near Krabi where someone would be at that time of night, where one can run and  fall off 45 meters.  but that is not important. What is important is that Krabi has a good reputation ....and this girl felt safe (for a time). Now that reputation will be tarnished.

    But what a goof the guide was....story sounds strange to say the least.


    that seems to clear things up. I was really hoping that you (or someone else) would tell me that they can't just change the rules on a person who is about to be pensionable. But it seems they can and have.

    A friend of mine said there should be a line drawn in the sand that was dated some years back. But for people like me....it seems that 1 year is just 1 year too far. jumping from 25 years to 35 years is a big blow...financially.

    thanks again


    • Like 1
  8. I HAVE read all the above posts. I have read the links too. I have read the Human Resources pages over and over again.

    And I still do not know a couple of things. Perhaps this is because of information overload. Or , more likely, I just don't compute everything I read correctly. Perhaps someone can help.

    I am 63.6 years old. I will be elegible for a pension Dec 2015. On that date I will have lived in Australia for 29 years and 9 months.

    Do I now have to be living in Australia for 35 years to get the full pension? or is it retroactive to those who are starting to work at 16 yrs. or some other method of calculation that I am unaware of?

    I just don't know if I get the 25 years treatment or not. Some help here would be great.

    question 2 I can't figure. If I go away for a year, (now) and come back in October next year....do I get punished when I apply for my OAP?



  9. Prik Chee Fah (พริกชี้ฟ้า)....are you saying this is Cayenne Pepper? I assume so.....But not sure if it is

    " Prik chee fa (พริกชี้ฟ้า) which is a largish Cayanne looking pepper that is not as hot as the little Prik kee noo (พริกขี้หนูเม็ดเล็ก)" Note Cayanne """looking"""

    pepper...but is it the Same????



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