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Posts posted by jxe63

  1. Arm Chair critics. The majority of these post are blatantly bias, derogatory and racist. You call it Thainese - I call it Thainese bashing. As a westerner I'm pretty appalled and disgusted with what I read on this forum. The majority of you should return to your native countries as you have no consideration, compassion, understanding or respect of your host / adopted country. I do believe the country you call home is not what you remember if it ever was what depict it to be. If it was SO good why are you in Thailand ?

    How many of you ARE former Police Detectives or Agents of special services of and for your native country ?? Only those that are can offer expertise opinion. The rest of you watch to much CSI; The Bill; FBI or the Bourne Identity trilogy to base your vast worldly knowledge of outspoken ill informed opinion on. Your posts are if not more than a pathetic indictment of your pathetic and sorry miserable lives but plausible for a poor excuse of entertainment.

    I'm glad I don't know any of you as I would much rather call a Thai a friend than any of you.

  2. Having lived in Malaysia for a few years and not once threatened of harm due to being a Christian, & nor am I one. I'm just a Lilly white westerner.

    There are predominantly 3 races/cultures that make up Malaysia as such 3 main religions being, Malays, Chinese, Indians.

    Malay Malays are the only ones that are Muslim and more likely to dob on each other sending in the religious police. The other cultures are exempt of Muslim followings. It's an even balance in Malaysia that accept others faith.

    No one group of foreigner is anymore a target group than another and the same the world over.

    Like the world over prostitution is everywhere but Malaysia will never be the sex hub of Asia - an absurd notion.

    Whilst I lived there you couldn't even buy a vibrator.

  3. I think the answer to your question is to go and make appointment with your child's school administration officer and see if it is at all possible to exempt your child based on your religious beliefs.

    I'm sure if it is possible they may allow it if not, then you may want to consider another school; home schooling or move to a Christian country or a country that doesn't promote religious studies in the school curriculum.

  4. Your g/f only needs a tourist visa for a nominated period under 3 months.

    It takes about 4-6 weeks to process.

    You are acting as a sponsor and that also includes financial support for her stay. You need to prove you have money for this by way of copies of a recent financial institution monthly statement.

    You will also need a certificate of employment or letter from your employer proving employment and salary.

    You need to prove your relationship so a letter of introduction is required as is photos, and email corro between you, outlying how met, when, where, etc and at what point she became your g/f. (For me I highlighted a sexual relationship as there are varianances of relationships in Australia). You can type a simple letter for your girlfriend to sign outlining essentially the same to corroborate. I would assert in your application & invitation letter you have been b/f & g/f for a period greater than 12 months otherwise you may not be successful.

    A letter from your g/f employer that she is an employee and earns x amount.

    Book a return flight with a travel agent (not under 2 months before travelling to allow visa processing) and provide the itinerary to support the fact that she will return. Buy travel insurance and provide a copy of this so it shows she is covered for illness, injury or accident that won't impact financially on the Australian Government or services BUT can be paid if anything untoward occurs.

    All documents provided get certified as true copies.

    You can complete 99% and have your g/ f sign the rest. Send all docs by DHL courier to her. Once done take to the Embassy agents VIS for processing with the nominated fee.

    DONT engage a visa service (unless you're rich and money is no object) it does not guarantee success.

    You do not need an agent nor do you need to go to the Australian Embassy. The immigration website provides more than enough info and if you can read/write/type and think then u won't have s problem.

    I did this for my g/f, now wife and numerous trips and on a PR visa in Australia which all were accepted first time around without amendments or outside help from anyone.

    There are some posts within that are ignorant and unhelpful. As an Aussie Im Happy to assist with samples of my applications obo my Thai wife at those stages if need be.

    Cheers & goodluck

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  5. I read this with great amusement from all responders.

    There are two types of testing equipment used used by the majority of Police Jurisidictions worldwide including Asia.

    Firstly the Lion Breath Testing Instrument - a positive reading (over the prescribed limit - usually a greater concentration of alcohol in the blood and essentially for the layman over 0.05%) advances you to an official test using more accurate instrument usually being the Draeger Alcotest Analysis Instrument. The difference is one costs about $5k the other $15k..

    Equally, both are accurate as long as calibrated annually which is pretty much a legal requirement in any Policing jurisdiction with a calibration certificate to be produced in any court.

    As their names indicate one is a testing instrument the other an analysing instrument.

    The 2nd instrument is the only Instrument that is accepted by any court - world wide as it provides the following:

    1. a self testing component that automatically tests that Instruments accuracy before the caught/responsible driver must blow into the instrument - if it is not accurate it will not proceed.

    2. The details of the Operator (Police Officer), details of the caught responsible driver, and location, time and date of the test/analysis is captured ensuring - essentially points of proof pertaining to the offence.

    3. A final self test of the instrument after the caught responsible driver has blown into the instrument to verify the instruments accuracy or not.

    4. A print out of the above information herein, that can not be changed or altered after input.

    The amount of blood alcohol concentration is individual to every person. Meaning that it depends on your size; how often you drink; what you drink; how well you dispell/disperse that alcohol naturally. NO calculator will provide this information and should be used as a general guide only. A blood test is the only way to accurately capture your blood alcohol concentration withing 12 hours of that session.

    There is NO way to beat a breath testing instrument using straws, holding ones breath; breathing lightly or heavily; drinking water before hand - laughable.. The only way is by instrument failure or by another person providing a sample of breath for the caught responsible driver..

    I recall only 1 responder to this topic and a follower providing an appropriate response. Regardless where you come from or where you now call home, if you plan to drink DON'T drive. I highlighted this topic with "responsible" driver but those that do drink and drive are anything other than responsible. Your putting your life, and those around you at risk for your choices being wrong.

    There are defenses that allow for excuse provisions relating to driving whilst over the limit and usually in defense of a life or a life threatening situation but the process remains the same if caught and should only be raised in court with supporting evidence.

    BY seasoned posters within this site making suggestion and condone the behaviours of both the responsible driver and some Thai Police I say this, anyone that equally as much offers a bribe or agrees to pay a bribe to ANY Police Officer for their wrong doing in the first instance deserves Gaol/Jail. You are also advocating and promoting corrupt behaviour that can be stamped out or minimized.. You being caught for drink driving is a blessing to get you off the streets.. As if there are not enough bad drivers in Thailand. You don't deserve to hold a licence if you drink and drive.

    I have visited and lived in numerous Asian countries; stopped many times whilst driving merely for being foreign but have never been asked to pay anything, nor given a reason to be subject of a traffic infringement (fine) for any offence. After checking vehicle registrations and licence I was always allowed to go freely. On principle I would never pay any person and would challenge their system every time but thats me..

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