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Captain Flack

Global Moderator
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Everything posted by Captain Flack

  1. I have locked the topic as the link is behind a pay wall and can not be accessed by all posters.
  2. A reported post and replies have been removed. Please discuss the topic and not deflection to push a political opinion.
  3. I have moved the topic into the motoring forum so hopefully you get more responses.
  4. I have removed a report post as it was considered inappropriate to post details of how to mix and make an explosive liquid in a public forum. I know the information is available online but sorry but is unsuitable here. The concerns are from the Computer Crimes Act (CCA)
  5. A couple of off topic flame posts have been removed, so topic does not get deflected into more bickering.
  6. @Finlaco I have edited your picture to remove your personal details.
  7. A number of off topic, flame, personal attacks and racist posts have been removed. Please discuss the topic and not just attack each other.
  8. A flame post and replies have been removed, please offer more than name calling to the discussion.
  9. I have removed an off topic flame post. It is not against the rules to post facts supported with credible links.
  10. A couple of posts quoting previously deleted inflammatory posts have been removed. Please discuss the topic and not each other.
  11. Posts using nicknames have been removed. @NickyLouie please take this as a warning, if you use the same nickname again, you are facing a time out.
  12. A post breaking forum rules has been removed. Rule 17. ASEAN NOW news team collects news articles from various recognised and reputable news sources. The articles may be consolidated from different sources and rewritten with AI assistance These news items are shared in our forums for members to stay informed and engaged. Our dedicated news team puts in the effort to deliver quality content, and we ask for your respect in return. Any disrespectful comments about our news articles or the content itself, such as calling it "clickbait" or “slow news day”, and criticising grammatical errors, will not be tolerated and appropriate action will be taken. Please note that republished articles may contain errors or opinions that do not reflect the views of ASEAN NOW.
  13. A disrespectful comment about the news article, which breaks forum rules has been removed.
  14. View this quiz 10 September - World Currencies Past and Present 10 question quiz, have you used these currencies? Submitter Captain Flack Type One Right Answer Time 5 minutes Total Questions 10 Category General Knowledge Submitted 09/08/2024  
  15. This topic has been reported a few times already, but no action is being taken as it does not break the rules, and it is in the pub. This poster was investigated by Admin after the first topic was removed and the poster has been ok’d to post. Each post made, like everyone’s, will be judged separately. If it breaks the rules it will be removed. So if you do not like this topic, please refrain from posting, making accusations and just ignore it and comment on something else.
  16. Some off topic posts about US elections have been removed.
  17. A number of off topic posts discussing spelling and leading to name calling have been removed. Please discuss the topic.
  18. I have removed a reported message, as it discusses information from private messages, without the consent of both parties.
  19. Post breaking forum rules have been removed. Rule 17. ASEAN NOW news team collects news articles from various recognised and reputable news sources. The articles may be consolidated from different sources and rewritten with AI assistance These news items are shared in our forums for members to stay informed and engaged. Our dedicated news team puts in the effort to deliver quality content, and we ask for your respect in return. Any disrespectful comments about our news articles or the content itself, such as calling it "clickbait" or “slow news day”, and criticising grammatical errors, will not be tolerated and appropriate action will be taken. Please note that republished articles may contain errors or opinions that do not reflect the views of ASEAN NOW
  20. I have removed a blind link. Please post the name of the movie in the comment.
    • One Right Answer
    • 5 minutes
    • 10 Questions
    • 25 Players
    10 question quiz, have you used these currencies?
  21. A reported post to a unsubstantiated social media link has been removed.
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