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green job

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Posts posted by green job

  1. Well with VW closing down!! No room for them now!! no work work work

    Where did you get the earth shattering news that VW is closing ?

    NongK, I think he was being facetious because of the emissions scandal gripping VW at this time.

    Volltreffer,, Yes VW built in D by Turks . Invented und screwed up by Deutsche

  2. Some people may find this disappointing, but Germany will not collapse. It will cost a lot of money (again), certain problems will arise but in the end Germany will manage and solve this crisis. But the refugee pressure will continue with or without Merkel's "welcome". And then it will be interesting to see how other European countries will position themselves. Some nations already showed that they see the EU as an ATM and nothing else. At a certain point even Germany will be overwhelmed, not this time, though.

    Germany will collapse but not now, of course. for Roman Empire it took generations to fall. now history passes faster.

    those "refugees" need some time to feel themselves at home in Germany and start to fight for Sharia law.

    They will raise many kids ("The wombs of our women will give us victory.") on German taxpayer's expense, do whatever it takes to relocate all there relatives to Germany. They will get some representatives in Bundestag - thy will cry like crazy about "anti-Muslim German regime oppressing peaceful Muslims"

    Germans will pretend like nothing happens, hide crime statistic until one day Muslims will say

    come on, we are already a majority there! so now we will tell you how to live, what to believe into, what to wear, what top eat etc.

    and no one in the world will raise voice in support of German minority on Germany.

    do you know why?

    because they fully deserved everything they got and will get in the future.

    karma is a bitch, as some TVF members like to say

    YES true, Give those refugees rooms + wombs ,in no time they will rule. D is finished Hope the UK gets its freedom soon,from the sodding EU

    That water between won't safe you.....Europe wakes up, or Europe goes down. I doubt one country can single itself out.

    I hope for Le Pen in France, that might shake up things.

    Yep true

  3. Some people may find this disappointing, but Germany will not collapse. It will cost a lot of money (again), certain problems will arise but in the end Germany will manage and solve this crisis. But the refugee pressure will continue with or without Merkel's "welcome". And then it will be interesting to see how other European countries will position themselves. Some nations already showed that they see the EU as an ATM and nothing else. At a certain point even Germany will be overwhelmed, not this time, though.

    Germany will collapse but not now, of course. for Roman Empire it took generations to fall. now history passes faster.

    those "refugees" need some time to feel themselves at home in Germany and start to fight for Sharia law.

    They will raise many kids ("The wombs of our women will give us victory.") on German taxpayer's expense, do whatever it takes to relocate all there relatives to Germany. They will get some representatives in Bundestag - thy will cry like crazy about "anti-Muslim German regime oppressing peaceful Muslims"

    Germans will pretend like nothing happens, hide crime statistic until one day Muslims will say

    come on, we are already a majority there! so now we will tell you how to live, what to believe into, what to wear, what top eat etc.

    and no one in the world will raise voice in support of German minority on Germany.

    do you know why?

    because they fully deserved everything they got and will get in the future.

    karma is a bitch, as some TVF members like to say

    YES true, Give those refugees rooms + wombs ,in no time they will rule. D is finished Hope the UK gets its freedom soon,from the sodding EU

  4. You purposely drove through a red light, did you not think of the possible accident that you could have caused by doing such an act. You are the one at fault here not the Police

    He admits that... so you can jump off that high horse of yours and recognise the message in the OP.... I'm pretty sure the Junction was clearly visible and open, sufficiently enough for the Op to drive through safety without any other traffic around. One of the reasons perhaps why the BiB didn't care.

    Many of the issues concerning Thailands traffic are not the laws themselves, which for the most part are perfectly adequate... The major issue is the apathy involved with enforcing those laws.

    For what ever reasons, and there may be a multitude of reasons ranging from plain laziness, to the fact that the lower ranks don't ever act independently or proactively for risk of reprimand from a senior.... the BiB in Thailand simply do no act on the laws.

    There is no proactive culture in the Thai Police force, everything they do is reactive and for the most part their actions are based around securing monetary income.

    Given that their pay is so low its hardly surprising that this is the current 'status quo' in Thailand's police culture.

    What is the fix????

    - Securing taxes so that the government have a greater budget for the critical Services: Police, Fire and Hospitals (ambulance), Military.

    - Increasing BiB salaries and intruding honour (somehow), less incentive for corruption

    - Stornger pentalites for those who abuse the system (internal Affairs Police)

    - Cut the numbers of the Police force which is somewhat bloated - at the moment its simply job creation on very low salaries (almost social welfare on its own)

    BS of the highest order

  5. He should have just tried to conceal being a kiddie fiddler instead of coming out as gay then the Vatican would have transferred him instead.

    Why do you equate pedophiles with gays ? The two don't always go together. You should read more.

    Because despite being a small percentage of the population they do over a third of child rape. The "Gay Movement" was set up by pro-paedophile activists. Mosst homosexuals were sexually abused in their childhood or youth. Australia's leading "gay activist", Garry Burns has just got caught out on a Facebook-based paedophile site. The UK's top homosexual activist (who knows Burns but Burns denies this), Peter Tatchell, who used to have a live in under age "boyfriend" and used to promote PIE (Paedophile Information Exchange), and still insists that he has friends who were raped at nine, but that it gave them joy and that they consented, and are totally normal. Harry Hay, the top US "gay activist" refused to kick out the paedophiles from NAMBLA out of their organisation, but when they were criminlizes, he lead the march with a banner, which said "NAMBLA walks with me".

    That's why.

    The truth,nothing but the truth.

  6. Not a normal way of life?

    Gay people have been around since humans climbed down from the trees.

    Attitudes towards homosexuality change from century to century and location to location.

    The Spartan and Athenian phalanxes, which in their day, were unbeatable was mainly composed of homosexual couples who fought fanatically for each other.

    Yes,but still not norm to be shirt lifters.

    You have zero authority to declare what is or is not normal. You have the guts to say this in real life and face the consequences? I would doubt it.

    Well Well Well . I would never of beleived it !!! I feel truly sorry for you. There is nothing wrong,in being right. Nothing wrong with being homophobic

  7. Not a normal way of life?

    Gay people have been around since humans climbed down from the trees.

    Attitudes towards homosexuality change from century to century and location to location.

    The Spartan and Athenian phalanxes, which in their day, were unbeatable was mainly composed of homosexual couples who fought fanatically for each other.

    Yes,but still not norm to be shirt lifters.

    You have zero authority to declare what is or is not normal. You have the guts to say this in real life and face the consequences? I would doubt it.

    I do!! I being norm. Not Homo. Putin is 100% right

  8. Not a normal way of life?

    Gay people have been around since humans climbed down from the trees.

    Attitudes towards homosexuality change from century to century and location to location.

    The Spartan and Athenian phalanxes, which in their day, were unbeatable was mainly composed of homosexual couples who fought fanatically for each other.

    Yes,but still not norm to be shirt lifters.

  9. I think you have all said enough now. What ever you write will not change anything that happens in the Thai court. Personly i find most of your comments

    offensive and disgraceful. The Miller family have stated in the JEP ( Jersey evening post ) that they were hoping that the press and forums such as these

    would have respect.and leave the matters to the lawyers and other people involved.

  10. This topic is not the actual court case, whatever is said here is not going to have any meaning as to the court's decision. Some of the accusations posted recently in this topic have been pretty nasty and if the family members of the deceased would have read those posts, I am sure they would have been utterly appalled to say the least.

    Topic is now re-opened, if the discussion continues in the same manner as all the other topics in this case, will be closed again.

    This as I have said before should not be open for discusion, I agree with the MOD I suggest it is closed now for good. Period

  11. The police had to get this guy to confess one way or another... otherwise someone might have asked them to give back the 3 million baht reward !!!

    Sorry But your kind of stupid sxxx stirring post is what puts TV posters in the eyes of Thailand down. Just one question how often do you clean your keyboard a day?

    My veiw is this a too serious matter to take the piss Suspicion always haunts the guilty mind.

    Do you think 'Thailand' reads Thai Visa?

    No but without a doubt being monitored. 100% they may even be able to trace??

  12. The police had to get this guy to confess one way or another... otherwise someone might have asked them to give back the 3 million baht reward !!!

    Sorry But your kind of stupid sxxx stirring post is what puts TV posters in the eyes of Thailand down. Just one question how often do you clean your keyboard a day?

    My veiw is this a too serious matter to take the piss Suspicion always haunts the guilty mind.

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