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Posts posted by cassaya

  1. We can't stress enough, please do your research on Vaccines before opting in. We see hundreds of awful reports of young children going through hell, check for yourself the results of Gardasil vaccinations. Likewise with flu vaccines for children had severe long term effects. How can anyone in their right mind inject mercury into a new born infant? That's equivalent to giving a grown adult 30 shots of Mercury, GMO's, MSG, animal & human red blood cells, and other heavy metals in one session! It's criminal, it's genocide. Ask your Doctor if he or she has had given their child the vaccines? Please feel free to check out these links, & should they not make you think twice we have hundreds more to keep it interesting,



    This is by far the biggest health issue for families to be aware of, this is an evil practice which is causing much more harm than good,

    "if you do vaccinate your child, you are taking the biggest potential risk for the future for their health.


    http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/02/18/leading-vaccine-doctor-states-cancer-linked-to-polio-vaccine.aspx 90% of NY measles cases are actually vaccinated kids


    Vaccination Voodoo: New book reveals truth about vaccines. Eye-opening research, expert testimonial and the cold hard statistics on vaccines converge in a groundbreaking new book:


    THANKS to you for supporting to awake people and spread the truth...

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  2. Vaccines Have Serious Side Effects....


    Ahhhhh they know months before what kind and type of viruses is coming up.......and they mix exactly the rigth CHEMICAL stoff together...... how much money make this industrie......they are happy the coverment bought this.....

    Italian court sentenced doctors for vaccinations........ http://pravdatvcom.wordpress.com/2012/10/02/italienisches-gericht-mmr-impfung-verursachte-autismus-zahl-erkrankter-kinder-steigt/

    Natural antibiotics without side effects......... http://naturalantibioticshut.com/

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