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Posts posted by danasutton

    • I have been in Thailand for two years and I have dealt with bad fingernails. My left hand had all my nails infected. I used many types of drops I bought from the Pharmacies here. I now have LOROX. It does not seem to do much. I did was soak my nails in vinegar and they finally healed. The edges would turn black under the nails and the edges would die. They would turn red around and in the nails and hurt. Pus would come out. After that my nails would gradually get better. My right hand is now infected. I have been using  the red liquid Bentadine and that seems to help. I have also been rubbing Snake Brand Prickly Heat powder on and under my nails and putting a glove on and that seems to help. I also put Bethasone N cream on my nails and I put gauze over them with medical tape or a band aid to saturate the nail and that is working the best at healing my nails. I have taken anti biotics here for a sliver that I had removed from my toe but they made me feel bad so I stopped taking them. I think also a good diet of mostly fruit and no or low meat and dairy intake will help. Exercise and sun is also good. No drinking or smoking. I hope this helps.
  1. Gluten is the culprit.

    A gluten free/paleo diet is the only way to get rid of obesity.

    Humans are designed to eat only meat, fruit, and vegetables.

    The paleo diet will also cure type two diabetes.

    When a person eats gluten/wheat based products he is going against his genetics.

    We are not designed to eat gluten and the body can't digest it.

    Societies that eat a paleo diet do not have diabetes, tooth decay, obesity, cancer, etc, etc, etc.

    Google Dr. Peter Glidden and or paleo diet.

    • Like 1
  2. I would go with a Honda because that is the most popular bike so the repair and parts should be easy. I have a Honda wave 100 cc and it is enough power to pass and lead the field but I wish now I have a 125 cc for more power. The Honda Phanthom is a nice looking bike at 200cc and 225 cc. They don't make them anymore but you can get a good used one. Also if you are traveling to Bangkok from Chiang Mai you can take the night train and they will load your bike on the train with you. I hope this helps. 

    good luck

  3. HI,

    It looks good to me. I have been on a gluten free/paleo diet for about three years and I feel that it has been beneficial. Check out a site by Dr. Peter Glidden. I think he is the best nutritionist that I have found.

    Good luck


    • Like 1
  4. Ever notice the liberal media never gives the details of how the murderer killed his victims? We are quick to go to war to impose democracy on countries that don't really want it and when democracy is used to let the voters approve of capitol punishment the media, lawyers, and politicions do everything they can to overturn the voter's decision. Thank God this killer will never kill again. Don't rest in peace but go directly to hell.

    • Like 1
  5. Can we stop having an orgasm over the terrorist mandella. He bombed many innocent people, promoted violence, was caught with land mines, explosives etc. That is why he was sent to prison. He was offered to be release many times if he renounce violence but he never did. Mandella and his wife Minnie encouraged necklacing, the burning to death with a tire, fellow blacks who opposed the ANC. mandella also sang songs encouraging the killing of white people. Google it if you don’t believe it. His legacy in South Africa is 50% unemployment, One white farming family is killed on average every day- in a very barbaric way. The once prosperous country is now reverting back to the jungle without white guidance and is the murder and rape capitol of the world.

  6. Israel stole Palestine by hook and by crook.  The Zionist steal more and more land from Palestine, bulldoze hundreds if Palestinian villages, kill men women and children, all the time claiming that the jews are the victims. 

    The true terrorist is Israel.

    Stop the genocide of Palestine.

    • Like 2
  7. HI

    I have a MacBook Air. I noticed that when I recharged my computer the white serge box would get very hot. If I power the computer down and then recharge it the box is cool. I don't know if the heat can hurt anything but I now recharge my computer with it turned off.


  8. My bike has been running rough and I took it many times to the Honda dealer Nat Motor in CM on Huay Kaew road. The fourth time the mechanic showed me an old corroided spark plug. Now the bike runs great. Fourth time is a charm but three strikes and you're out with me. I will find another mechanic.

  9. I wish you the best with this. It is often hard to tell. I have seen several Asian countries that raise one of their sons to be a woman. Philippines has lady boys, I just saw a story of a lady boy on a Samoan soccer team, and they have Katoys here. I had a friend in the Navy who had a few too many beers in the PI and he took a "lady" home and was gobsmacked buy the extra plumbing! It could be a man's worst nightmare but let's not forget we're dealing with a human being with feelings so I would let the lady boy down gently if your suspicions grow into something to big to handle.

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