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Posts posted by zianlim

  1. This is my case, the hotel that im working with just extended my working visa “ Non-Immigrant Visa –B “ for one year yet the the immigration just stamp it to be for a month and then later on, I need to come back to them to finally extend/stamp it for 1 year which I payed its full amount.

    My question is, can I still use this visa even if I will resign to the hotel im working with this month or later?

    What happens when I surrender my working permit to the hotel?

    Does it mean that my working visa non-b will be cancelled or just my working permit?

    I would like to know if I can still stay here in Thailand even if I already resign to the hotel im working with using the working visa non b that I have extended earlier?

    Thanks and GODSPEED wai2.gif wai2.gif wai2.gif wai2.gif wai.gif wai.gif wai.gif wai.gif

  2. If it is the same employer/company, it is only the work place that changes and that needs to be changed in the WP. That will not effect a visa or an extension of stay.

    Make sure you keep the same position too, otherwise that needs to be changed too in the WP

    The name of the hotel is not the same and the management, However the owner/employer is the same. Well my position also is not the same as of the new company give me different position. Is this can be done by wp6 such as CHANGE JOB DESCRIPTION and CHANGE OF WORK PLACE?

  3. The easy way to solve the problem would be to add your new job to your existing work permit. It takes permission from your current employer to do it which should not be a problem.

    It might be possible to change the work place on the work permit since it is same owner/employer.

    Both can be done by submitting a WP6 that you can download here. http://wp.doe.go.th/wp/index.php/2013-07-25-03-44-08/form-english

    Thanks Joe,

    How about the valid visa in on my passport? I it still valid? if I change my work place? And the permission from my current employer how can be done by this?


  4. Hi Everyone!,

    I hope someone could give me any idea about my case: I am currently working at XXX hotel with a valid working permit for 1 year and a visa to stay and perform my job here in the kingdom for year.

    Now the XXY hotel pirate me to work at their company. XXX and XXY hotels are the same owner and my employer too, but not the same name of the hotel. Now I want to know if my working permit and visa is still valid if I accepted the job to XXY hotel. Or do I need to get a new Non B Visa and Working permit again?

    I'm confused about it;sad.pngsad.pngsad.png

    Please someone out there have any idea about this?

    thanks and looking forward,wai2.gif

    love yeah!wub.png


  5. Has she still gone the Visa sticker ?

    few years ago on one of my 90 days went to Cambodia sticker fell off long ago still loose in passport, the page it was fixed to has long since been stamped over...

    back on extensions now, but almost every time I go to Immigration for the 90 day report it fall out [the sticker] they just pick it up and put it back into passport.. [often wonder why they do not just staple it to a page, like the 90 day reports ?]

    Guess as long as she still has the Visa sticker if asked or questioned about it would be no problem if it can be produced.

    If she has not got the Visa Sticker to be 100% sure of no problems, maybe as another poster said get a new passport

    She had the visa from UK already!stick to her passport. and now she ripped off the macau visa sticker to her passport because its long expired already and its so messy no one can read the visa already! so she annoyed with it! so she ripped off. and her passport was a lil bit ripped off the skin not the page but the skin of the page! (do you know what i mean?) uhhmmm is she had a problem with this? when she enter to uk?


  6. Hello everyone,

    I have a friend and she’s so worried about her passport! Her case Is, She travel to hongkong October 2013 and she go to macau by ferry and they gave her a visa sticker on her passport, and she went back to hongkong again, and immigration gave her a new visa to stay in hongkong.

    After her travel she flew back home and she decided to ripped off the macau tourist visa to her passport (not the page of her passport but the visa) well the its because its expired already and 1 of the page of her passport was a lil bit ripped off skin page. And now she had a new visa sticker from UK and flying in a few months!

    Now her question was, is there any problem when she arrives at UK immigration and officer find out that 1 of her passport page was a lil bit ripped on the skin? Maybe officer think that something wrong to her passport? What do you think guys?! Any sort of advices for this matter?!

    Hongkong sticker still on her passport arrived (October 26 2013)

    Macau visa sticker ripped off from passport page (October 27 2013)

    Hongkong new visa sticker (October 28 2019) still on passport page


  7. Hi Everyone,

    I just wanted to know, if I can get a new passport to my embassy even I still have like 10 pages unused and still valid until 2017. What would be the suggestions of getting a new fresh passport?!

    I want to get a new fresh passport because I have overstay stamp on it! It might affect to my future to travel soon! anyone can help me for this?

    zian :)

  8. I suggest apply or get a tourist visa!! its not that hard or difficult to apply! all you need is a passport and 2x2 pictures! and of course the payments! TIP's: when you entered thailand just clip some 500thb on your passport and your good to go! of the kingdom, welcome to land of smiles...

  9. Let me tell and share to you my exhausted, stressful and successful experience getting a new NON B VISA at PANANG MALAYSIA.

    First is my case was I’m overstay for 200 days. I wouldn’t tell you the whole stories why I am overstay! I have a personal reason and so don’t judge?! Well so I just decided to surrender myself to the immigration officer at Sadao Borders heading to Penang Malaysia. Before I surrendered myself of course I have a cash on hand 20,000thb to pay my overstay that’s the maximum when you overstay for more than 40 days!

    Before I arrived to sadao borders heading to penang. I was waiting the mini van KBV VISA RUN comp. to pick me up at the bus terminal around 11:00pm. I was standing there and while waiting around 10:45pm police car came and they are like 9 police men interviewing all those thai/farang people waiting for the bus. I was like oh! NO!! shit!! I’M dead! My heart is pumping so fast and my hands are sweating! Police ask me where I go and I answered huahin khrup! And follow up questions is there any someone will pick you up here? I said YES! With my hands and lips shaking!

    After those questions before they will ask my passport to show kbv visa run is on time 11:00pm. Police said is that the car will pick you up here? I said YES! And they just let me GO! And get in the car! I was relieved all the tension when I got inside the car! What the hell!

    We arrived at the sadao borders around 06:00am and It was queuing on the line for overstay! It’s my turn to talk with immigration officer and he found out that im overstay for 200 days and he said pay 20,000thb and I gave the price! So he said please don’t do it again! And I answered krup! His nice!

    And when I entered malaysia borders they called me at the office to ask me something I think for my overstay at the kingdom! And I was right! They ask me what I am going to do in Malaysia! I said to obtain a NON B VISA at thai consulate office! And they ask me for all the documents to my company they just wanted to see I think! And to make sure! That im telling the truth! So I showed to them, and they stamp my passport for only 5 days!! Not a normal visa for 30 days! So if you have a overstay stamp on your passport you must be aware! And warn if they will give you a visa or not!

    When I arrived at my hotel we have a good breakfast and kbv comp. was checking all the documents if it’s complete or not! And my documents are luckily completed! And an hour they send my passport to the consulate! I thought everything was OK and smooth! Because I am with kbv! But an hour passed agent came and said I have to go personal at the thai consulate! And I was like what? The <deleted>! This is a big problem again! And agent said its ok ill go with you nah! And he drove me going to the consulate office! And consulate officer ask me why I overstayed at the kingdom! So I explain everything and they believed me and I was telling them the truth I swear! and the agent talk to the consulate too they speak thai and I am not sure what are they talking about! In the end the officer said I will give you a visa but don’t do it again! I don’t want to see you here again with the same case! SO I think they HATE overstay but they are nice and relax to talk with! So they gave me a NON B visa and I am so happy! I gave a tip to the agent also and say khap khun khap! For your help! And he said maipenrai krub! Thailand is a nice place to stay and the people just be polite to them!

    So everything was OK and fine! We have a couple of beer at the night with the agents and drivers of the company! And talk before go to bed! So in the morning around 7:30am we have a very good breakfast and coffee while waiting for the passport. Around 12:00nn we drove back to the kingdom! Everything was going to smooth in Malaysia when we exit but when we arrived at the sadao borders around 15:00PM. Officer who’s in charge to stamp our passport was insane! Everyone of us dint stamp our passport for arrival. Even we got the visa fresh from our passport! One of the guy from USA had a fresh visa tourist visa and officer said show 20,000thb! Cash! And the guy said I don’t have cash on hand just a bank account with the money! Officer said it doesn’t count! If you don’t have a cash on hand to show stay away talk to your driver!! And next is a SWIDISH guy had new ED visa. Officer ask same thing to a USA guy! And he don’t have a cash on hand also! And officer said! Talk to your driver now!! And it’s my turn officer dint find me a cash on hand instead he ask me for a working permit! And gave it to him! And he reply its expired already! And I answered YES! It’s expired already I know that’s why I have a fresh non b visa to obtain a working permit when im at the kingdom! And he said NO!! I don’t stamp my passport talk to your driver!! Same thing with the group and other nationalities always talk!. This officer always telling us in the end of the sentences that “TALK TO YOUR DRIVER” so we talked to the driver and ask why he don’t like to stamp our passport?! We got the visa!! And the driver said “Put at least 500thb to your passport and come back to the officer! He will stamp your passport for sure!!! And we did!

    The driver was right! Officer stamp our passport and said “WELCOME TO THAILAND CONGRATULATIONS SIR! What a <deleted> system! But its OK! We got the arrival stamp for 500thb! But special mentioned to KOREANS and RUSSIANS officer demands for at least 1,200thb must prepare!!!!

    So this is my experienced for getting non b visa at penang its not easy like before!! Even you are not overstay!! I recommend go with KBV VISA RUN in phuket they will help you a lot!! And they have all the powerful connections.


    NOTE: If your documents is not complete applying for any kind of visa's you must prepare for a payments under the table!!! money is the most powerful thing here! not a documents!!!

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  10. @Bangkok45 - I just wanna know if your booking flights bkk-hanoi and hotels are made for how many days/months you stay in thailand? I wanna help my friend shes in the same case like you. We just need an advice, before she will apply for a tourist visa. many thanks

    Example: booking before she apply for a tourist visa:

    shes going to apply a tourist visa on 28 of may her booking flight is june 9,2014 BKK-SIN

    and hotel booking is like june 1,2014 - june 9,2014 is this correct?


  11. Thanks for the detailed report.

    You mention letter from the sponsoring company. Do you still need a WP to apply for the 1 year mulitple entry B visa or are Penang not requiring that?

    Yes you must have a work permit and it must have 8 months remaining on it.

    What if I'm going to get my first ever Non Imm B visa....and obviously I don't have a WP yet? I'll only get approved for a single entry Non Imm B visa?

    Please do not apply for a non b if you dont have a WP3. I swear! you will be denied by consulate

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