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Posts posted by Dub2dub

  1. Jesus,

    You lot make the local thai police look good with your wild speculations and scenario's

    Not one of you can claim to know, have worked out, deducted anything. There are a million scenario's that could have occurred.

    For the sake of the family, please stop your assumptions, turn your efforts of keyboard warrioring into applying pressure to the countries authorities to put a proper investigation into place.

    Yes we can probably all agree the last thing they want to do is hurt the tourism or accept any blame, but your efforts here are not helping the family, or thailand, just some kind of guessing game.

    Write a letter demanding a proper investigation, there are not that many people in Koh Tao!

    I've written my letter to the British embassy, maybe you should to.

  2. So,

    GF and I are traveling this coming Saturday, we as many others are understandably concerned about the military action. Whilst my understanding is this is to protect the peace this will also impact our long haul trip fairly significantly.

    Reading mixed opinions on whether the curfew is affecting the whole country, being ignored in certain locations etc. etc.

    We're both confident to head to Thailand still, there is still a lot that can be done, and we can always find a hotel with a decent bar etc. should needs must..

    However, should things get tighter/more restrictive we would be really tempted to head somewhere else, somewhere our insurance is valid and evenings are not cut short.

    With many of you knowing this part of the world better than we do I was hoping from some advice?

    Singapore? Bali? Vietnam? Laos? Cambodia etc. etc. we could only really afford to fly to one of those locations, but would you have any opinions?

    We were heading Thailand for a 3 week round trip of the country, Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Phuket, Phi Phi, Samui, Tao, etc. etc.

    Opinions greatly welcomed.

  3. This is a must watch video. I'm pretty anti-FMP. Was on KPN a few days after the party and it was literally a human zoo of people there. I don't really need to see men's pierced nipples. bah.gif The FMP is not what Thailand should be about.

    Anyway, here's a must watch video:

    Hi Craig,

    I've seen this a couple of times before, certainly a good watch for raising awareness although that could also scare some people half to death!

    To be fair, I do understand your views, and reading the history for what started as a fairly relaxed party in the sun has turned into a mental full on beach rave can see why many of those locally would not appreciate the extent it has been driven too.

    The flip side, I do like a good party, the FMP has been something on my "bucket list" for years so pretty excited to visit, I do however think I'll have that feeling of "wish I was here 20 years ago".

    To note, Thailand for us is not all about the partying, it's about having a very mixed bag of things in a very short period of time so we can get a feel for the different aspects of the country - I can see my self moving to Singapore/Australia in the next few years so would be great to visit Thailand again.

    Thanks for all the advice provided in this thread, my GF and I are really excited.

    I would like some of your "personal" favorites of Thailand that we could try and incorporate into our trip, if you would be so kind to share?

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  4. So after about 5 years of saying I'll make the trip I've finally got around to doing it! Go my lovely girlfriend and me...

    In that 5 years I've always had the Thai Visa newsletters which to be honest often suggest awful things but imagine that is mainly the focus of Media Headlines.

    With that being said I was hoping you friendly folk may be able to offer some tips, guidance and advice.

    First, the unrest, from what I understand avoid the south, avoid the Cambodian border and protest spots in Bangkok, Chiang Mai.


    Is that a fair summary, do we need to take an extra pre-cautions?

    Then comes the trip itinerary, well for want for a better word.

    Our loose plan is 2 nights per spot, starting BK, upto Chiang Mai, down to Krabi/Phuket and then into the Islands ready for the full moon.

    This leaves us a week at the end for re-visiting anything that was particularly attractive.

    It's more of a, lets at least see the temples, jungle and animals then head down for a party. We're both in our twenties, I personally love my "festivals", especially those with that Thud Thud Thud music (Techno/House etc. :)) so we want a bit of the party, a bit of the beach and a bit of the tradition - It's a 3 week getaway.

    Any guidance, tips or advice greatly welcomed there.

    Last but not least, I'm planning to travel light and be very flexible.

    By that I'm thinking basics/essentials in backpack and buy what I need when I'm there (lead to believe it's cheaper to do that..)

    Then the flexibility is to not book anything, just arrive and have a bit of an adventure (bad idea?)

    What is the best method for carrying cash around, Visa charge €3 a transaction (well the bank does) but I'd rather that and not risk losing.

    A friend advises a 2 wallet system, due to pick pockets and robberies, is this wise? One with "day spending cash" and the other hidden?

    Be grateful for any tips, suggestions, of any nature, this is our first trip and we plan to make it a big one.

    Thanks a million

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