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Everything posted by Canuckluck

  1. "In mother Russia nevermind color traffic light,you can go you go!"
  2. It's common in Canada. I've witnessed the staff at my Rec Centre save someone life who overheated and passed out.
  3. I won't even bother reading this i already know it's a load of rubbish....sorry crow.
  4. Well as Iron Mike Tyson once said "Everyone's got a plan till they get punched in the mouth"
  5. Sorry Rooster you could not pay me enough to live 24/7 in Bangkok.I'll share with you a story that cemented the idea of NEVER living there,caught a taxi to the train station it took 2 and one half hours to get there!I promised myself that day to never live in Bngkok. I've been back plenty of times to visit the wife's family and like you i tolerate it for a few days tops then it's time to get the hell outta Dodge. Then there's the pollution.It is brutal in the dry season and the traffic jams are still as horrendous as that day in the taxi. Thx but no thx ,i;ll pass.
  6. Then there's the cheater lane, first time i seen it <deleted> lol. As for checkpoints both times they waved me thru,wife said "you farang,they don't stop"
  7. They do post the speed limits on major highways albeit not as much as in Canada. You got a variety of answers b/c that's how the speed limits work here.Left lane may have a posting of 60,middle lane 80 ,passing lane 100.
  8. One has to appreciate Thailand's efforts to raise their road safety standards, but it won't happen overnight. Hard to break driving habits that are ingrained today, gotta get 'em when their young and impressionable before real change can happen.
  9. Careful,that may be the end of Jacko 45 Thai visa news.
  10. Isn't it obvious? Tell them take a Cab or Tuk Tuk....that or sign a waiver releasing you of responsibility.
  11. I did raise a Spockian eyebrow when i read it. Though every year we hear about multiple car pile-ups on American Interstates when they get hit by a snowstorm,granted you guys are not used to them as we are in Canada.lol
  12. A couple of factors contributing to the USA rank: 1) Americans own the most cars per capita 2) Many of them don't know how to drive properly in snowy/icy conditions. Using the 'rocking method to get unstuck is something they're not familiar with.I personally know examples of this. As a Canadian it's second nature how to handle driving in wintery weather.
  13. Second time this issue has occurred for me. Hope it gets fixed quick.
  14. First time i went coach from Bangkok to Surat Thani let me tell that was a real adventure,the toilet was a hole in the floor hilarious,no AC and then at night it got bloody cold,i used my beach towel for a blanket.An unforgettable experience.
  15. In Canada it's mandatory to renew your driver's license every five years,any outstanding tickets that are 'on the books' have to be cleared up.No pay ,no renewal,can't get auto insurance in other words you're hooped. Btw if you chose not to and get caught driving with an expired/suspended licence or no insurance Ai Yi Yi look out.
  16. Does this mean i don't need to apply for an extension beyond 30 days?
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