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Posts posted by TimInThai

  1. Gentlemen and Ladies....

    I would appreciate your input into my situation.

    I've been in LOS for about 2.5 years. Up until now, I've been doing In andin and outs, with 2 tourist visas thrown in a year or so ago.

    I work as a substitute teacher for AYC and travel all over the country to jobs.

    Several month ago, I decided to go ahead and get the afidavit from the US Embassy and work on getting the retirement visa(I'm 57). Well, after putting it off, and never really wanting to use the funds to make the trip, I now find myself in a mess with the new crackdown.

    I am leaving in a few hours for a one month trip to Nakhon Si Thamarrat, and had planned to take a trip to Penang to get the tourist visa and start the retirement visa process.

    Now, today, I'm reading on TV that I may end up stuck in Malaysia if I can't show proof coming back in that I'm an actual tourist. I have no money to buy any airline tickets, and no 20000 Baht to show and a whole bunch of visa exemption stamps in my passport that make it pretty obvious that I'm not an actual tourist.

    Overstay is starting to look better and better.... Any suggestions?

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