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Posts posted by GuruWilma

  1. It's also important to note how studies are done. For example, if celery is grown in lead rich soil then the celery leaves will have high concentrations of lead. If fish is caught from polluted waters then it will have high mercury concentrations.


    So here is another question to forum viewers: Can peas grown in a certain type of soil contain a certain amount of msg, and peas grown in a different type of soil contain a significantly different amount of msg?

  2. Thanks H90 thats a good idea. Actually i just remembered i have empty capsules so i can fill half with msg and half with flour and then swallow so i wont get any flavor. Im getting one of my old weight lifting data speadsheets and adapting it for this experiment. If you want to join the experiment please like this post and ill send you a spreadsheet

  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Arsenic also occurs naturally in many foods, for example in rice. But when we eat too much of it, we die.

    Same for MSG. Proteins contain most or all of about 20 amino-acids, including glutamic acid, but Mother Nature never intended to isolate one of them artificially and dump it in huge quantities into our food, to induce people to consume more of that particular food.

    Any substance, when consumed in excessive amounts, will kill us. And that includes water, sugar and salt.

    MSG may not affect some lucky people, but it is toxic to many of us.

    Oh nice, snuck this one in here right before I could post mine.

    With any substance you can generally do a self test to see how it affects you. Just track how you feel at set times after eating the substance. I did this 2 years ago for body building after reading the 4 Hour Body. I put 15 pounds of muscle on in just 6 weeks, which was a record for me by +10 pounds. Anyways a big component of what i did was tracking everything I ate and measured how it affected my performance in the gym later on.

    I'm going to try the same for MSG for one week. Anyone in Chiang Mai interested in joining this experiment?

    That would only work if your wife cooks several things with and without MSG. She numbers them and write down which number has MSG and which not. All will be deep frozen.

    Than you eat, write down if you have effects and the number of the dish.

    After all is eaten finish you make the statistics.

    Not scientific, but as close as you can get.....

  4. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Arsenic also occurs naturally in many foods, for example in rice. But when we eat too much of it, we die.

    Same for MSG. Proteins contain most or all of about 20 amino-acids, including glutamic acid, but Mother Nature never intended to isolate one of them artificially and dump it in huge quantities into our food, to induce people to consume more of that particular food.

    Any substance, when consumed in excessive amounts, will kill us. And that includes water, sugar and salt.

    MSG may not affect some lucky people, but it is toxic to many of us.

    Oh nice, snuck this one in here right before I could post mine.

    With any substance you can generally do a self test to see how it affects you. Just track how you feel at set times after eating the substance. I did this 2 years ago for body building after reading the 4 Hour Body. I put 15 pounds of muscle on in just 6 weeks, which was a record for me by +10 pounds. Anyways a big component of what i did was tracking everything I ate and measured how it affected my performance in the gym later on.

    I'm going to try the same for MSG for one week. Anyone in Chiang Mai interested in joining this experiment?

    That would only work if your wife cooks several things with and without MSG. She numbers them and write down which number has MSG and which not. All will be deep frozen.

    Than you eat, write down if you have effects and the number of the dish.

    After all is eaten finish you make the statistics.

    Not scientific, but as close as you can get.....

    You got some of it right but its not going to work exactly like that. Its going to be one week eating a certain amount of msg, once at each meal so 3 times per day. Then each day will do some form of exercise and measure performance (best to challenge your body in some way to see if you are at your relative peak performance given what youve eaten that day). Will also watch out for things like headache and other reported side effects of msg. The following week we will repeat the same exact schedule in regards to food, exercise, and timing of eveything. Only difference is that there will be no msg this week.

    Yeah its not 100% scientific, and it wont measure long term effects, but some of the short term effects can be evidence of long term problems (for example its not good if your food gives u a headache right away)

    Can anyone provide any of the side effects to look out for? Any thoughts are appreciated, but anyone, especially with medical or nutrition experience would be appreciated for any advice.

  5. An allergic reaction does not have to be life threatening. Anyway, you're splitting hairs. Call it an allergy, intolerance or whatever. I've been around a few years and I know I react negatively to large amounts of MSG in the food.

    Yeah then there's always those people that say "You can't be allergic to that." If you've noticed something after eating certain foods your whole life then you generally get to know what affects you negatively.

    I've always noticed that I often get a pimple after eating chocolate. Then about 50% of the time when I brought this up when talking to women, they would say, "That's a myth! Chocolate doesn't give you pimples."

    I'm not sure how all these 20 year old women had such knowledge of the chemical structure of chocolate and how this substance affects the body, but I'm guessing it appeared in a popular edition of Cosmo Magazine that many of them read.

  6. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Arsenic also occurs naturally in many foods, for example in rice. But when we eat too much of it, we die.

    Same for MSG. Proteins contain most or all of about 20 amino-acids, including glutamic acid, but Mother Nature never intended to isolate one of them artificially and dump it in huge quantities into our food, to induce people to consume more of that particular food.

    Any substance, when consumed in excessive amounts, will kill us. And that includes water, sugar and salt.

    MSG may not affect some lucky people, but it is toxic to many of us.

    Oh nice, snuck this one in here right before I could post mine.

    With any substance you can generally do a self test to see how it affects you. Just track how you feel at set times after eating the substance. I did this 2 years ago for body building after reading the 4 Hour Body. I put 15 pounds of muscle on in just 6 weeks, which was a record for me by +10 pounds. Anyways a big component of what i did was tracking everything I ate and measured how it affected my performance in the gym later on.

    I'm going to try the same for MSG for one week. Anyone in Chiang Mai interested in joining this experiment?

    • Like 1
  7. The MK chain of restaurants has banned MSG and is certified MSG-free. Their food is delicous, which proves the point that MSG is not needed to make food taste good. And most customers in MK restaurants are Thai.

    MSG tells your senses that there is some high quality protein in the food. Therefor your body likes it.

    Ad some MSG (which costs virtually nothing) and you can remove some expensive meat and it will still taste the same (perfect for low cost soups).

    Now there are several solutions to declare something MSG free and still add it: Some yeast that produce MSG, so you declare Yeast Extract....some mushrooms and some other fermented things that have very high content of it.

    No need to declare the MSG as it is naturally.....

    Just because something is natural doesn't mean it's good for you. And just because it's a mushroom doesn't mean it's good for you.

    Also, for many substances, the human body adapted to the amount that occurs naturally in the food. For example, sugar is good for you when eating it in small amounts like in blueberries, rasberries, apples etc. But when it's refined and given in large doses then the human body is not able to process all of it, and thus it's bad for you in unnatural doses.

    This statement is not for or against MSG, but it's not a good idea to determine that something is good for you just because it occurs naturally in some food.

    • Like 1
  8. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    And, let's face it. Most Thai Bachelor degrees aren't worth the paper they are printed on.

    lets face facts, most bachelors degrees are not worth the paper they are printed on from most universities in the world these days... alt=thumbsup.gif>

    The problem is not that universities are worthless, but its that students go in with no idea about how to take advantage of what the universities offer. While some students are mentally mature enough to make a real decision about what they want to do, the majority are not. I went to a quality university in USA and there was almost no guidance to help you decide what you really wanted to do.

    They just say try this class, try that class, and see if you like it. In reality those classes might teach you almost nothing about what you'll be doing when you finish.

    What really needs to be done is to let students try working in their desired field for a little bit, and then have them pick the classes they want to take in order to get qualified for it. Instead it's: study 4 years to get qualified and then start working to see if you like it.

    Check out Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell. It shows that when smart people find out exactly what they really want to do, and then devote themselves to it they do amazing things.

  9. Yarinda, you're absolutely correct. MSG is extremely toxic to some people and should be avoided at all costs. My wife and I actually carry a card with us that we can give to the waitress or cook to ask them not to add MSG to our food. It goes on to say that we are extremely allergic to MSG and may die in their restaurant if we consume it. My wife breaks out in hives for days, has trouble breathing, has heart palpitations and arrhythmia and has on occasion gone into anaphylactic shock. We have had to take my adult stepdaughter to the ER at least three times in the past three years. Unfortunately, as much as we insist that the MSG not be added to our food, many times the message never makes its way back to the cook, and other times they refuse to comply because they are afraid their food will not taste good unless they add the MSG. Many will simply lie to us and say that they have not added it when they actually have. Keep in mind that most of the local bottled sauces have MSG added and that is usually enough to trigger a reaction in some people. My wife shops carefully and is able to find these sauces that have no MSG added, so they are definitely out there if you'll just look around. Also, the manufacturers have conveniently come up with alternative names on their labels in an attempt to disguise the existence of MSG, so you must be very careful and learn to identify these counterfeit names.

    Don't let the manufacturers fool you with their clever research that insists that MSG is harmless and don't take the advice of other posters who say that it is harmless to them. Listen to your own body and stay away from the stuff. It is a "silent killer"! See the following article for the truth about MSG.


    You are deathly allergic to MSG and you live in Thailand?

  10. Hey there's a few of us in Chiang Mai looking to learn a little bit about rooting phones, jailbreaking, etc. Would anyone on this thread interested in teaching us? Or maybe have any friends interested in teaching us? We've agreed to put our money together and pay someone with intermediate or better skill 300 baht per hour.

    Why would anyone anywhere want to pay as a group learn how to manipulate the security of a mobile phone?

    Besides, there are many, many websites that have step-by-step tutorials that do a great job for free. xda developers is a great site.

    And every new/variation of an android/iOS/windows/bada/blackberry/tizen device requires finding and exploiting vulnerabilities unique to that manufacturer or device. Much better to follow the popular sites and see what methods or tools have been or are being developed.

    What special need do you have that requires a rooted or jail-broken phone?

    "Why would anyone anywhere want to pay as a group learn how to manipulate the security of a mobile phone?"

    Sorry I'm a bit confused by this question. Do you mean: It's not really useful, so why would anyone want to know how to do this? Or do you mean: it's useful, but pointless to get a group of people together to learn it at the same time?

    A few things I've read about:

    1. Be able to edit the code of an app so you can block ads.

    2. Save battery life and adjust performance to exactly how you want it

    3. Phone carriers block certain features of your phone and then charge you if you want to use them. With a rooted phone you can turn you phone into a wireless hotspot for free, instead of paying a $10 / month charge to have that functionality.



    There's a few ideas about what you can do, although I don't know exactly what I'm going to do with it once I have it. My friends and are just Learnists and like to know about how to do things that can benefit your life in some way.

    • Like 1
  11. Does anyone know of a program like:


    I already have a Thai keyboard, and I want to type in Thai, but faster, without having to hunt and peck.

    This is the winner that I found:


    but it still sucks!

    It doesn't show you where your fingers need to go.......which is kind of the point of a keyboard trainer program. If just want to copy Thai paragraphs I could do that by looking at any Thai website.......

  12. Hello from Chiang Mai,

    I represent a small group of business owners in Chiang Mai, and we're always looking for ways to improve our businesses. We're looking for someone with intermediate or better skill to help us out with the following specialties:





    Google Analytics

    Adobe Photoshop

    Video Editing

    Accepting Online Payments

    If you possess some useful skill related to growing your business online then please let us know! Nothing formal, but we will pay for the help.

    • Like 1
  13. Hey there's a few of us in Chiang Mai looking to learn a little bit about rooting phones, jailbreaking, etc. Would anyone on this thread interested in teaching us? Or maybe have any friends interested in teaching us? We've agreed to put our money together and pay someone with intermediate or better skill 300 baht per hour.

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