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Posts posted by semaj1957

  1. So you can buy a condo in Thailand as a foreigner but unless you are over 50 and qualify for a retirement visa, you cannot stay in it regularly unless you have a work permit, a student visa or are married to a Thai. There must be a few worried developers in Pattaya! I have quite a few friends here who work on rotation in the oil and gas business, offshore and like to spend their time off in Thailand. Some have bought condo, some were thinking of doing so. Not now! Surely a non immigrant visa could be made available to condo owners with evidence that they work elsewhere? This crackdown without further thought and input from business will have a very negative effect on the Pattaya economy.

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  2. Hi all,

    I know the following has been asked before but I've been out of Thailand for two years, only returning for several holidays from my work in Qatar. I have still kept my rented apartment all this time though and will be living full time again in Pattaya on 3rd July

    My question is this and specific to Jomtien Immigration office only:

    If I arrive on a 60 day Tourist visa and wish to convert to a retirement visa (I have the required funds in the bank for over 2 years) what paperwork do I need and how many copies etc?

    Any advice greatly appreciated.

    I will answer this one...

    Make sure you have your passport size pictures.....I always carry a few, have at least two...

    Go to the bank where you keep the 800k or plus baht and tell them you need the letter for your retirement visa... They will know what you are talking about... While waiting for said letter make sure they update your passbook with any internet transaction ect...SCB charges 200 baht for this letter...

    Have a copy of your rental lease agreement or something proving you live somewhere in Chonburi...

    And of course have your passport..

    When you get to immigration front door...do not go in...instead look to your left as you face the door and you will see an open office... You can see through it as the back is open to the condo parking lot behind it... In the office you will see two young ladies manning copy machines.. Hand all of the above over to one of them and say in a sing sing voice retirement visa... They will know what to make copies of and how many... Pay the 20 or so baht or more for a tip as these girls just saved you 1000's of baht that a visa company would charge you for the same service... Now take all to the office and say again in your sing song voice retirement visa.. They will hand you the correct form.. Fill our said form and walk back over to the help desk where they will check to make sure you have all that is needed... Then they give you a que number... When it is your turn, be nice polite, and patience while they check everything again.. If all good as it should they will ask for fee which was 1900 for my extension...and let them keep the hundred as they will appreciate it.. They will hand you a llamented number.... Bring that with you the next day to pickup your passport with the new visa inside..

    See it's not that hard of complicated... At least not at the Chonburi Immigration office..

    Good advice re the photocopying etc but err, the total fee is Baht 3,900. Baht 1,900 to convert to a non immigrant 90 day visa and Baht 2,000 for the extension of stay visa (which does say 'retirement' on it).

  3. Hi all,

    I know the following has been asked before but I've been out of Thailand for two years, only returning for several holidays from my work in Qatar. I have still kept my rented apartment all this time though and will be living full time again in Pattaya on 3rd July

    My question is this and specific to Jomtien Immigration office only:

    If I arrive on a 60 day Tourist visa and wish to convert to a retirement visa (I have the required funds in the bank for over 2 years) what paperwork do I need and how many copies etc?

    Any advice greatly appreciated.

    Hi Phatcharanan

    I was in Qatar before I moved here. I miss MX in the dunes and the track at Losail! I originally came in on 3 x 60 day visas and extended each by 30 days. I was advised that a 60 day visa cannot be converted to a Non immigrant visa. So my advice is to come on on a 30 day visa on arrival (or is it a 30 day visa exemption, i never know!) if you are a citizen of a qualifying country. As a West Ham supporter, I gues you are a UK national?? in which case you qualify.

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