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Posts posted by TAWP

  1. Does the world in general associate Red with communism?

    It's mostly seen as a left wing colour, although in the USA I think it's used to represent the Republican party.

    Not really the Republicans have never been to far to the left more to the right and now the far right. The way PTP is throwing around money at present would have been ok with George Bush but this bunch in control now would be haveing a fit.

    He didn't mean to imply that the Republicans in the US has ever been left. Neither is the 'red' something associated with them, you cannot say you voted 'red' and everyone knows what you mean. It is more a case of 'using two basic color to paint the map to represent what major party the representatives comes from', not what color of t-shirt they have or what is part of their name.

    Those with red in their name are more often left.

  2. And yet the last Dem-led government wasn't disbanded for it's blatant use of a banned politician in the formation of it's coalition.

    As we have been so clearly instructed by PTP-fans, Red Shirt fans and the EC - it isn't against election-laws to cooperate with banned politicians. They are merely only disallowed from themselves taking seats in parliament or the government.

    First can I say that I have not studied the ideology of Libertarianism sufficently to differentiate it from the ideology of Anarchy, so I don't understand completely your beliefs.

    However it is my understanding that the Constitution of Thailand and Organic Laws about Political parties do not specifically prohibit banned politicians from giving financial support and "advice" to those parties. That may be due to the rush to rewrite these laws following the last coup but it makes it difficult to initiate action for disbandment unless it can be proven that a banned politician had an executive position in the party.

    So in your lengthy non-responsive reply you are trying to say that PTP and Thaksin did nothing wrong? Which is what I wrote [that you guys feel] in my post. And thereby pointing out that then, by using deductive logic, neither did BJT do anything wrong when they took advice from their own Newin. So what is Siam Simon complaining about?

    You guys need to decide on a position and keep it. Preferably all Red Shirt fans also need to decide that you cannot populate all positions of an argument depending on what makes you win the debate...

  3. And yet the last Dem-led government wasn't disbanded for it's blatant use of a banned politician in the formation of it's coalition.

    As we have been so clearly instructed by PTP-fans, Red Shirt fans and the EC - it isn't against election-laws to cooperate with banned politicians. They are merely only disallowed from themselves taking seats in parliament or the government.

  4. "People complain about rising prices because around this time of the year they feel they have the least money in their purse due to expenses for the new school term and holiday trips," Yingluck Shinawatra said yesterday after inspecting a market in Pak Kret district, Nonthaburi.

    I'm not blaiming Ms Y. to directly be responsible for this inflation in food-prices, there are many factors at work.

    But her excuses are pathetic. So my latest receipt from the supermarket was higher since I went on an imaginary vacation trip?

  5. You can't have it both ways, supply and demand is not allowed to work when laws are broken. Illegal business practices see to that, otherwise they would not do them. Just because you can find or force people to work as slaves does not make it right nor legal nor moral. Blood Diamonds come to mind or in this case Blood Products.

    You are mixing oranges and apples.

    Supply and demand is the basis of the system - subversion's will include price-collusion, intrusive laws or strong unions. It's not a matter of legal vs illegal, it is a matter of roadblocks towards a free market.

  6. Minimum wages are a way to stop exploitation of workers.

    No, they were introduced to placate voters that lack understanding of economics.

    And watch how low-end salaries gyrate down towards minimum wage in places where it is introduced or increased upwards.

    It has changed from 'negotiate with manager to get a salary' to 'you get minimum wage and the same salary will be paid by everyone else in the region'.

    This isn't pro-worker, it is pro-corporatism. Sadly some of you don't understand this.

  7. Why the fascinating and weird sympathy for the shooter Zimmerman? Is this because of the "gun rights" issue?

    I have no sympathy for Zimmerman, but I neither have any pre-conditioned defense for Trayvon either.

    I would like this to be handled in a court-room and not by some race-war mongering speakers on stages, on radio, on web-sites or over Twitter.

    Have you seen the things being put out?

    • Like 1
  8. The activities of the ruling elite and their SS stormtroopers in the Democrat party in murdering 90+ people in 2010, should leave you unsurprised that that K. Boonyod should use the phrase 'Heil Hitler' -He's got an audience though: a number of hi-so kids are going through a Hitler is Cool period at the moment.

    If one party (of a coalition) is responsible for all deaths during an event due to policy then that means that Thaksin and TRT was responsible for 2500+ deaths during the drug-crackdown.

    Thaksin's drug crackdown was wildly popular with the Thai public and the drug smugglers themselves are responsible for the deaths of countless Thai kids, whereas the deaths caused by the Democrat government, were of ordinary Thais protesting against the usurping of power by the Democrats after their friends in the judiciary banned the PPP party without a proper trial on order to end the illegal occupation of the airport by the Ruling Elites shock troops the Yellow Shirts (Blackshirts?) And yes, this does smack of Nazism

    If you honestly think all deaths during the drug-crackdown was by drug-dealers then one could argue that all deaths from the 2010-riot-crackdown was all due to the rioters themselves. Hey, you have no problem stating incorrect facts in one direction (including your very odd perception of why PPP was banned)...let's go for the full set.

    • Like 2
  9. Pretty hilarious. A thread full of Westerners upset with the Thai government about higher prices. If only Yingluck could get some advice from the EU Central Banks and Ben Bernanke on monetary policy.

    The monetary policies are enacted to enrich the few that is 'in the loop' and not make the nations nor the populations prosperous. So being from a western nation, perhaps some of us have a better understanding of how wrong you can drive things...

  10. I don't slag on the scientists, they respond to the question. The question from the population (or part of it).

    And to be clear, if I had an employee that was convinced that the lunar event would bring about a apocalyptic event I would make sure to phase him out of the organization.

    "If" you had employees. Would you really be so callus to fire some one, for voicing their opinions?

    As a manager I have many employees that I handle and that sometimes have to take tough decisions in regards to.

    Voicing opinions is fine - truly believing there is going to be an apocalyptic event or catastrophe looming will affect a persons psyche and actions and such a person cannot be trusted to think long-term.

    It would be like hiring a Jim Jones follower a couple of weeks before the mass suicide while requiring the employee to think about the companies next 5 year plan. Doesn't match.

  11. No, the coup was an effect of the 'business' setup by Thaksin and friends.

    That it didn't succeed in removing him and friends long-term is due to the new modern era of trying to have bloodless coups without a real purge of people.

    As we can see it isn't enough if the players involved are too rich and too influential in number of family members on propped up positions around the different arms of power.

    Sounds like you are suggesting, if not condoning purges such as Mao and Stalin effected on their political opponents.

    The coup was engineered in order to maintain the status quo of hierarchy who's time is almost up.

    Populist politics has given the people the taste of something different and the outcome would be just the same whether the coup was bloodless or not.

    No, it is an explanation why Thaksin can get back/isn't pushed away as if the recent events had happened 50 years ago.

    Or during the French revolution - an event the Red Shirts like to bring up on their radio shows and magazines a lot...

  12. Some more new dirt on Zimmerman. A choirboy, he ain't:

    The pictures posted on the page including several with an ethnically diverse group of friends. The blog section boasts about having two felonies knocked down to misdemeanors and describes a court battle with an ex-girlfriend. Zimmerman faced two felonies in 2005 for obstructing justice and battery on a law enforcement officer, but the cases were reduced to misdemeanor simple battery, and he was left with no criminal conviction on his record.


    A man clearly capable of manslaughter? You bethca!

    So atleast this part:

    The pictures posted on the page including several with an ethnically diverse group of friends.

    ...should prove that the racist-nonsense some of you posters (and NBC) try to push is pure bull.

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