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Posts posted by mantu

  1. You are the one who needs to lighten up; you sound like a grumpy old man who is whingeing over spilt milk....you made a mistake, made a derisive and sexist comment about women and ended up being wrong...have a laugh out of it, learn from your mistake and move on instead of getting all defensive....

    Jiu-jitsu maybe channeling his inner feminine side on this one!

    Drive south on Sukhumvit until you see the 332 road on the left opposite the Navy base, turn there and follow it all the way to the to the gate.

    Do you mean U-Turn? If he turns left on the 332 he'll be going inland. I thought it was just women who were terrible at giving directions. smile.png

    Perhaps you are suffering from grumpy old man syndrome. All of your posts are complete whinge fests. Give it a rest man....

  2. Jiu-jitsu maybe channeling his inner feminine side on this one!

    Drive south on Sukhumvit until you see the 332 road on the left opposite the Navy base, turn there and follow it all the way to the to the gate.

    Do you mean U-Turn? If he turns left on the 332 he'll be going inland. I thought it was just women who were terrible at giving directions. smile.png

  3. Halong is a total dump. plastic bags floating everywhere, and vendors chasing you around by boat wherever you go....

    not to mention the dangers of the live-aboards, which you can google if you don't believe me....Best way to visit it, is to get a copy of the movie Indochine and pretend Catherine Denueuve is sitting beside you while you sip on your single malt....

    Just a note, Halong is worth at least 2 full days. It's pretty much the top attraction there. Hue is OK, Hoi An, Dalat, etc. But don't skimp on Halong. At least 2 nights in each destination. Otherise, you're losing too much time in travel.

    P.S. internal travel is not necessarily one of the highlights of a trip to VN! LOL

  4. appalling food....including in that Chinese area!

    Since I replied and after initially saying Chang Mai I will amend it to Havana , Cuba.

    I am a American who legally travelled there 12 years ago LAX to Cuba. Reason is a little Money goes far, weather is better and I speak Spanish well.

    Many good places to eat when paying with dollars and the ladies and music more to my liking. But unfortunately I am married but would love to retire there and make a go of it.

    Bonus they have a nice small china town.

  5. I aLmoSt felt tHAT Charles bukowski might HAVE written this....

    I Wrote a reply But WiFi went out and Lost it ALL.
    I will make it Short this time. Frist Thailand is Great. But Don't Get hurt PERIOD.
    Ok I Have Some thing to say. Your Life is not worth anything to Thai People, You May say
    I am Bitter no I am not. I Happen to Fall off a Bus when I was getting off. I Don't Drink
    I was Going Home after Buying some Food. the bus started to go when I was half way off
    that's when I fell and hurt my Knee and land on my face, NO ONE I MEAN NO ONE HELPED ME
    Too see if I was ok, The bus just Drove off after I rolled over. ALL Thai People on the BUS.
    I AM A AMERICAN an have lived here for Two Years now and no Problems that I cannot except.
    Not until this happen which made me Realize my LIFE Means NOTHING TO THEM Not even to see if I was Okay. Just be carful and spend your money you are just a GUEST HERE AND Don't ever forget
    That FACT. I Wanted to stay here for my Retirement but now I am rethinking it After this
    Accident. I could have Died or Broke a Hip, But who would Care. Just SAYING I live alone
    I do have friends and they are sorry that this happen and that I must be carful but accidents
    do Happen,
    WHO CARES RIGHT. Luck have it I am in good shape for my age 70. I Look like 55 or 60 Just
    saying and MIXED in Nationalty very light skin not dark. Maybe that had something to do with
    it. But remember we are Human Beings and I dont care if you cant speak English or Thai OVE
    which I can speak a little. So Just remember Have your money ready for Problems and EMERGANCY. I am now thinking about leaving, Don't want to but Life is to short to be Cut SHORT BY NO

  6. This must be a joke....other than as a stopover point for trekkers, hard to believe that anyone would choose to live there.

    Crumbling(literally) infrastructure, polluted, dusty, crap weather no social activities, lousy food.....what exactly is it that you like about the place, other than it reminds you of Brooklyn?

    My favorite place to live in Asia, and where I live now is Kathmandu Nepal, despite earthquakes and oil blockades. It's much cheaper to live here than in Thailand, and if you are a retiree on a fixed income, this place is perfect. Food and healthcare are great, a non-intrusive small government is the way to go, and the people are fantastic (disclaimer, I am married to a Nepali). However, I do miss the beach and do spend quite a bit of time in Thailand for that reason, as well as to occasionally work. That's the downside to Nepal, it's not a place where you can both live and work. There is not much money here to go around.

    Outside of Nepal or Thailand, there are few other places that I would consider living. Any developed western country is out, and Africa (as noted above) is a bit of a mess. I do however like Brazil and a few other spots in S. America, but in my mind, S. Asia rules.

    I once lived in HK, but that was before the Chinese takeover in 1996 or so, and I did really enjoy my flat in Kowloon. That most resembled my childhood environment, growing up in Brooklyn. Which I think is key to me, finding that childhood spot that you can never go home to again. I remember my first visit to BKK, and thinking there were some similarities... but now all most all of the older charms are disappearing fast, and BKK has become too much like every other large city in the industrialized world for me to feel comfortable.

    I'll stay where I am now, and perhaps even doubly retire out to a small village in the hills and grow rice, chickens and a few goats during the later years...

  7. Nirun isn't bad as long as you don't have noisy neighbours and water leaking from the bathroom above you. Which seems to be the old cheaper buildings. The building at the back will cost a little more but that seems to weed out some of the less desirable people.

    That's is the problem with these cheaper rentals. Undesirables.

    The high ratio of uneducated, inconsiderate, lazy, filthy, noisy, petty, ignorant neighbours can really be annoying.

    I defer to Groucho Marx who said, "I wouldn't want to be a member of any club that would have me as a member"

  8. These local bike gangs are not really motorbike gangs, like the hardcore ones in the west.

    But if you are intimidated, why not form your own. You can square off with them West Side Story style....might even get some internet coverage if you can get together a bunch of 80 year old guys covered in tats and wearing colors...

  9. I don't agree. I love Cuban food.

    The vast majority of Cubans complete lack the culinary gene. Though I have been to a few paladars in Havana that served good food, for the most part the food in Cuba is absolutely horrendous. Worse than in the Philippines, buy far. Atrocious. Horrific. Abominable.

    I have to agree....this other guy claiming to love it has obviously never been there....

  10. Is this automatically done as part of the scheduled service as it is not listed in the service items? Or does it have to be requested separately as an add on and will there be a charge for this? Do they keep track of tire rotation history for future reference. Do they automatically inflate the tires to correct pressure during the service or does this also require special request?

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