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Posts posted by otewar

  1. Everyone has an opinion, no one has a solution.

    1) Tablets and mobile devices should be banned in all schools, and reading time compulsory.

    2) No school should have more than 25 students in a classroom.

    3) Parents need to spend more time teaching their children, and less time blaming teachers.

    4) Parents should be educated that their child is not special, and can not have whatever they want.

    5) Teachers should realise that they are often wrong

    6) Quota research should be dropped, quality research encouraged.

    No solutions there either, just my 2 cents worth.

  2. Ok, I work on cars on a daily basis here in Thailand, so I know about them mechanically and from a drivers point of view. An earlier poster suggested the suzuki swift, and I would second that. It is the best car for the money. However if you have already decided on one of the 3 mentioned then...

    Safety: They are all budget cars, and as such anything you hit which is larger than them (which is pretty much any other car), they will fold up like a deck of cards. They are all designed to absorb a low speed impact consistent with city driving, but anything approaching highway speeds, and you are toast. Winner = whatever you hit.

    Load capacity: Again they are all very similar, although I think the March has the most versatility when it comes to folding down the seats to increase capacity. Winner: close but edge given to the March.

    Fuel economy is pretty much on par in the city between all three cars. If you take longer trips the Brio edges it given that it can travel at highway speeds at lower RPM. Winner: just, the brio.

    Having worked on all three cars the least problematic is the March.

    Like I said earlier though you should choose the Suzuki Swift. It will beat hands down the other three except on fuel consumption, but even that is very close. It is a better car capable of longer trips without feeling like you have been in a boxing ring for 5 rounds.

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