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Posts posted by NoThainess4U

  1. I am sorry for your personal unhappiness. I am putting together a booklet with advice for Western men to live with and marry Thai women. I will read all the messages here with great interest and use some of the wisdom herein, when I find some.

    The sad situation in Thailand seems to be a Western Man, WM, comes to Thailand filled with the idea of getting himself a little brown servant who he can mold to his will. WM makes little effort to learn about the woman he has connected with and basically says "change to my expectations" because I am paying the bills. That is an untenable distribution of power in a relationship and the seeds for failure are too many to really overcome.

    Your description of your Thai wife mirrors millions of Thai who do not share the Dog Eat Dog, competitive, striving world view of the WM. Yes "they" are quite content to live day to day, be surrounded by FAMILY, and set goals that are very short term (one day). These ideas are anathema to the WM who believes in his world view of "constant betterment."

    My advice, worth just what you paid for it, is for you to release your captive back to her own culture because you will never get the Thai out of a Thai woman. It is so odd that WM come here because of the admirable traits of the women and then set about immediately trying to make them over into Westernized types, the very types a smart WM will be attempting to escape.

    WM at the next stool are complaining they cant get a good hamburger; I say, if you want things to be "just like back home," THEN GO BACK HOME before you take on a good Thai woman and try to bend her to your ideas.

    Read up on Cultural imperialism.

    wish I could give more than one like to this postclap2.gif


    this post was for me, like a bad play,

    you hope is gets better because you paid for it already, but it doesnt

    what a load of manure,

    the only thing you got right, is the difficulty finding a good hamburger,

    this post assumes so much, it has no chance of a sliver of fact ever being attached to it


    Because you just don't get it.

    and nothing I can say will change that.

    She will change just as much as you will change.

    How much can you change?

    Either accept her for who she is or move on.

    because you assume men come here expecting to find a slave

    • Like 1
  2. that is exactly what I had, BUT,

    I did give her money,

    but it was worth it, because she also had a home in the suburbs, with a swimming pool and a guarded gate

    I moved in with her

    if I didnt do the above,

    I would have never seen her because she had to work,

    and I would have been giving nearly the same amount in BAHT to a fat chinese condo owner, and not had the same girl to sleep with every night, in her kingsize, very comfy bed.

    I didnt have the time, nor the inclination to meet anyone else as I found what I wanted, and paid for it

  3. seismology website has begun showing an increase from the last 5.y in Myammar, to now








    the CME's were yesterday, and are earth facing.

    the effects should be felt in the coming hours thru friday

    be prepared not scared is the motto of the aware

  4. law and order comes to thailand

    we'll see how happy all the Thai's are when they start abandoning their cars and stop paying on them with money they no longer have from jobs they no longer have

    pain has come to thailand, but, it is like banging your foot,,

    it doesnt hurt right away, but you know it is coming

    sadly, too many dont believe it yet,

    but wait

  5. Thailand is being westernized anyway,

    the concept of face will soon fade away with the last of the old guard,

    unfortunately for thailand,

    there is no new guard coming up behind them, so slavery awaits them all

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