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Everything posted by sanuk711

  1. I didn't even know of it---seems a good idea.....great name, the London Lunatic asylum..... Liverpool st station is there now.
  2. Yer, years ago --I was mod on 2 sites, Boxing & Chess, as you can probably guess --no problems at all on the Boxing site---Screams, Threats & tantrums galore on the chess site-no one got banned as they were in competition with 3 other sites, it went under anyway.
  3. The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst--6 episodes-HBO If you have not seen The Jinx--it would rate as one of the best Doco out--- 6 years latter , it should end today. The Pirates are still running with it (and other places probably) Riveting stuff State making their final arguments to-day
  4. If you air travel a lot BKK-Bank (and maybe others) have a Air Asia Card , you have to spend very little to get free Luggage/red seats /coffers/meals etc I don't know about their hotels. If you spend nothing --just showing the card means you load first, Lug age off first etc. BKK Bank usually gives out 2 cards of choice on the one account. I take it are employed in Thailand--money in the bank isn't usually enough to get a Credit card with no strings to it.
  5. Golds shops usually are a good place to change foreign currency----most times they pay higher then a lot of exchange places.
  6. How can they do that---have an internet currency, if you want to go and buy something small? Its a large oil producing country Maybe--maybe they are just going to use it for Oil sales. Venezuela replaces national currency with bitcoin https://thefinanser.com/2021/04/venezuela-replaces-national-currency-with-bitcoin.html/
  7. Apologies to Blackcab--- I got that wrong, posting your name not BobinBKK---- a trip to spec Savers is due. Sorry Mate.............................????
  8. Really Blackcab-- I don't often see impolite posts from you. So your feelings are that I should have read it that, all other sites in Thailand ignore reporting of overseas events or having discussions on them. Sorry if I read that wrong, but I haven't found that to be the case with the ones I have visited--- and I certainly have never seen a posting like the one below (I put) in red, basically telling its readers that posting about anything outside of Thailand -isn't wanted. World News This forum will not be updated after 31 March 2021..
  9. I've got the very man for you , just the corner to where you live..................
  10. Yer TooBig, I have got mine -Niches---Movies and the Joke page, just sometimes I think it may be refreshing to comment on something about the outside world, other then British Football.
  11. Wow Skallywag, that sort of answer takes me back to the 70s......... I just need the beads, and a lot of my hair back.......... ????
  12. You feel this forum is mainly read by Thai Nations BobinBKK.??
  13. I don't think anyone was suggesting otherwise-- blackcab, just commenting on some forums (insurance) that are open to any subject.
  14. World News This forum will not be updated after 31 March 2021.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Its a big scary world out there........................
  15. yer--I guess enough for an exciting Thursday.................
  16. I understand that this forum is primarily about Thailand--but it seems that we are not able to talk about any really important events happening around the world that affect us. Most of us come from a country that after a 20 years war---- we lost. Obviously headlines TV everywhere -but, seems not a subject to be discussed here. But--I can tell you about a guy in a Moo Barn up country who punched hi wife after drinking Lao khao A large oil producing country --has announced that it will change its currency to Bitcoin---what does that mean to the people investing in it--- how can you do this when its an internet currency. Or-- Have you heard about the lady from Barn Nok? who has found a likeness to Buddha on her slice of toast? There's a guy in the UK who is 7th in line to the throne is apparently wanted by the FBI for questioning relating to rape allegations. & so on......... If you are going to tell me that can post anything-- then you either haven't posted or gone to look at the options. I truly understand that the proprietors have to cover their A$$s-sets, so in some (Thai) forums there is a delay in your post--while Mods check it. Cuts down in any quick repartee---not that you see to much of that on here anyway. Some might think that maybe people are not interested in whats happening outside of Thailand.? --- I like the arrangements here for discussion --- if the subject doesn't have a lot of interest it just sinks to the bottom. As this one might do.......... Anyway-My rant--Over, back to where I contribute the most--The Joke page...................
  17. Picture of Andy who has fled to his mommies again-- Hiding from those nasty men who want to serve him papers in a Rape case. Don’t they listen? He has already said on tv that he is willing to talk to them, .
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