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Everything posted by sanuk711

  1. All Creatures Great & Small----Drama -series 3 --7 episodes 15/9/............. everywhere Veterinary Practice set in Yorkshire 1930s ----IMDB 8.5 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10590066/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0
  2. As most posters have pointed out here- Thai baht isn't dropping in its value overall, No more then the GBP or Eruo is "tanking" against the $us--Its a run-away $us Which in the longer run isn't good for most Americans 1 Jan $US 1= buys--GBP 0.729 To-day = GBP 0.871 1 Jan $us1 = Buys EUR 0.876 To-day = EUR 1.009
  3. Looking at your chart KhunLA....shouldn't your hope be ...I wish Bush would make a come back----
  4. And its not hurting anyone anywhere else ..is it ?....... I mean people from your country are not worried about the highest inflation for nearly 50 years. People from my country (& the rest of Europe) are not worried about --Do they buy oil & keep warm or buy food this winter. China is possibly looking at its biggest Property crash in its history. And some people on here seem to think that Thailand shouldn't be caught up in this looming world recession--because its all Thailand fault. The short term future all over the world, is not looking so great--but I know where I would rather be at the moment.
  5. Here we go again----so the Baht is tanking...................... go ask anyone who is not American & has to live on an overseas income what they think of that assessment.
  6. When you call your brother to see how he likes the new job you got for him in Pattaya
  7. Me jumping to --"Wrong" conclusions I saw him on stage once---so when I saw--and copied the the wrong posting ---took me a few minutes to think---wasn't he a Yorkshire geezer --and he just used that name on the space ship........DUH........... he real one---film maker .
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