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Everything posted by sanuk711

  1. Your watching them together ??....wow
  2. Thanks Daffy I have found the hidden files page (which I didn't know about before--is that there for all there movies?) but there doesn't seem to be a way of selecting--I can not click on it ect................. I do hate it when I come across as a Computer Blond ......
  3. Thanks Daffy--I like Colin Farral's acting---& Ron Howard productions are usually good. Who plays Elon Musk................... Anyone seen Thai subs for it yet---would like to do a family thing....... (if they put their phones down for an hour)
  4. ..I went to my local barbers the other day, which is owned and operated by African-Americans, only the shutters were down with spray paint across them saying, 'N*****S OUT!" Wow, I thought. That's a bit over the top. Why don't they just put "Back in 5-minutes" like normal people?
  5. I've now applied for a job as a lighthouse keeper . . . .
  6. ...............Shocking...............
  7. One for Crossy.....................
  8. You have to be a Monty Python fan to get that joke.......
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