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Everything posted by sanuk711

  1. Indian Man says he was attacked and puts in a claim for 200,000 baht Gold Chain British man says he was attacked and has a claim for 2nd hand mobile phone..............
  2. Thanks for that recom273--watched the first ep last night, I had enjoyed the first 2 series --& this looks as good. I see they haven't given any credits to Ben Affleck who thought out the first 2 seasons out with Chuck MacLean----maybe he was to busy with Ja-lo to help contribute to the 3rd season. ** first 2 seasons still available on TPB
  3. Could that possibly be because you dont live in Thailand Richard--- How many Thai's do you get to speak to at the seas-side in the UK. Just under a Million a month---that was in the Pandemic era--so more now----"As of March 2021, there were around 818.77 thousand regional train passengers in Thailand. In that same month, most of the passengers traveled via third class regional trains, amounting to around 714.76 thousand." https://www.statista.com/statistics/1275336/thailand-regional-train-passenger-volume/
  4. Yer I remember that well--- I had never seen anything like it before--I guess that sort of thing is really rare. Banks here are as safe as any bank --just make sure you get your paper work correct in case you need to move on to somewhere else--or back home.
  5. Will it be "London Rules"....which at some games gives you a chance --or follow the American versions----2 sets of zero's on roulette, no restrictions on the card dealers etc etc
  6. Posted 1 hour ago Scubaascuba3 -- Can you stop using those BIG words when your posting to bob smith --we have got him on a real writing course next week , with joined up letters........
  7. Uncoupled---29/7----8 episodes All out. RARGB & everywhere----no IMDB rating yet A nice Gay one for you Bert Blogs ...I'll expect a report on it when you have finished the 8 episodes. Michael's life seemed to be perfect, until his husband blindsided him after 17 years of marriage. He has to confront the nightmares of losing his soulmate and suddenly finding himself as a single gay man in his mid-40s.
  8. Where's Bernard Cribbins When You Need Him ?
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