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Everything posted by sanuk711

  1. The Undeclared War---Ch-4..... crime/thriller 6 episodes........................UKChaosTV .........................IMDB 7.3 Your like this one Bert Blogs--the British prime Minister is Black. Set 2 years in the future THE UNDECLARED WAR tracks a leading team of analysts buried in the heart of GCHQ (the UK's version of the NSA), secretly working to ward off a cyber-attack on the country's electoral system. Warning -although IMDB gives it 7.3 the papers have really panned the first episode --The Guardian review – Enid Blyton could have written this cybersecurity drama Better
  2. Rig 45--Season 2 .....Ch4 UK-TV-- Crime/thriller 12 episodes --Language Dubbed English -- ----- Swedish TV...TVChaosUK Shown in Sweden 2020--Chanel 4 UK TV last night Two days before Christmas, Andrea is sent by Benthos Oil to investigate a fatal accident on the company's North Sea rig. Faced with silence and a raging storm that cut off communications, she and the crew soon realize a killer's on board.
  3. It's possible that your both talking different helmets--if your wearing a full face helmet (and everyone should be IMO) then yer--I find it difficult to wear anything else with it. My mask is around my neck for when I take it off.
  4. You have got to recognize that gold has stood the test of time......it was being traded as money over two half thousand years ago, and wanted a lot longer before that. Bitcoin 2009 and it is already it's in trouble. Bitcoin could never have survived without it being driven by the internet. Gold has been considered precious throughout history, but it wasn't used for money until around 550 BCE. At first, people carried around gold or silver coins. If they found gold, they could get their government to make tradable coins out of it. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=when+did+gold+become+of+value
  5. The Guardian newspaper printed a story last week that a large portion of Miners had pulled the plug, as the cost of mining outweighs the return. In the same Edition their financial editor has also classed Bitcoin in the Ponzi category. Electricity used to mine bitcoin plummets as crypto crisis widens --https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/jun/24/electricity-consumption-mine-bitcoin-plummets-crypto-crisis-widens-cryptocurrency
  6. TPB has all the episodes from it---no as usual they BBC couldn't help themselves as far as the casting went they put a black miner & family in Daughter falls in love with one of the main white police actors. Its all well acted--now being touted as best drama of the year-(1 I think it maybe could have been put into 4 episodes instead of 6 ---but there was a lot of stuff there that had me looking at Google after. You have to have a certain amount of fiction in a Doco drama --so when they started about on about putting Police into different communities taking dead children's names for Identity, & basically stirring up trouble I thought it may be stretching it a bit-- but it wasn't. From 1968 to 2008 the Met police special unit was doing this all over the place. I expect the police to put under cover guys into criminal gangs---even into a mosque if its over the top radical, Just dont expect them to put 5 into a small community where some of the guys just thought they should be paid a few quid more for what is a dangerous dirty & thankless job, while the coal board managers were on £1,000s a week. I was looking at some of the names (18 pages ) of police they had put into different groups around the country. Some still they wont ID just a code Number--- Called "The SDS" it was a covert unit:... but have a look you may have known someone. But for the Met police that wasn't enough--so they then set up the NPOIU . This wasn't to infiltrate dissident groups , this was to start the groups up....It really reads like John Le Carre fiction. One really radical group they started was the Animal rights-- this attracted loons from all over the country , ending up with burning down Battery hen places, bomb a cosmetic place that used rabbit to test . You could make the argument that they never would have met if the MET police didn't start up a group for them, & many others. (2 (1 https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-61978886 (2 https://www.ucpi.org.uk/who-is-involved/
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