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Everything posted by sanuk711

  1. When you need another coat . . .
  2. " Yeah, I live a stone's throw from here"
  3. I know its little off topic, but did anyone follow the Milk Tea Alliance ... the Internet meme war between Thailand - China, which raged all through the Pandemic period . (Latter Taiwan/HK joined Thailand hence the name) Its brought to mind because it started over something like this--- A Thai Soap star saying the wrong thing about China.. I was Surprised ASEAN never reported on it . The insults were quite funny & as there was a language barrier most of it was carried on in English. Chinese refer to Thais as Little Pink.
  4. Yer I like traders -(if I was on Holiday) possibly it annoys when you live there. I have never found Thai traders as aggressive as other Asian spots --Bali -Vietnam etc I always thought trying to walk up Sukumvit Rd in BKK was an experience for a tourist-I know when I was new to it all-- there was an Adidas Shop selling genuine at top prices and out side his window was a knock off stall--selling the same.
  5. This debate has been raging for years ---when I was living in Pattaya in the 90s-- they even made an announcement where the first Thai Casino would be Ambassador City Jomtien There was a rush to buy units there --so they could rent them out. This was before the terrible inconvenient -Go tap a computer Key every 90 days came in-- the 90 days then was , Get out the country. Aranya Prathet border crossing to Cambo was chokka full of buses on Thai day trips to the Casino's & 90 day Farangs --I dont know how many Casinos they fitted in that little town. I know the 3 major ones Diamond City/Crown Casino....... then lots of small out of the way spots.----the money leaving Thailand every day must have been tremendous. Earlier in the 90s I was in Phnom Penh when they oped their first Casino---an old boat on the river--- there was still fighting in the country side and you were all told not to leave the city area...... Still the Thai's came for the Casino....... Greeks & Asian's all made gamblers aren't they .
  6. yes i am obsessed with Ozark ,i just cant stop watching it .. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you 2 keep arguing , people will think your married...... Ozark must have improved-have to go back have a look, I watched "some" First season, That was where they brought all this money with them to where-ever & these Kids stole it, about a million, So he goes and talks to them and they give it all back..... After that -haven't looked-but people keep speaking well of it so , give it another try
  7. Yer--I wish I had traveled Thailand more the last 2 years, done about 6 trips around , and the Thai pass was good-- Goverment paid for 40% of our meals in Phuket and 30% of the hotel. The only thing stopping people coming to Thailand, I think will be the horrific price of the air fares---
  8. Correct-- My friend brought a Condo some years back, then realized he only had mostly Thai Baht---No Good. So he went to the Pattaya Super Rich ,explained to them and brought -with Thai Baht a lot (I know it was over 1.7 million) of Euro's--$US. put them into his bank and it was marked Foreign exchange (because it was) . Lost some on the exchange but said the condo price was so very good. His G/F was complaining that if he had just put it in her name he wouldn't have lost anything ---which was debatable as they parted 2 years latter........
  9. Not only BKK---I live up in Issan--& great service, many to chose from, I haven't been to Europe for about 7 years built it was always pay extra if you use over a certain amount, I do download a lot of Football/Boxing & movies, some sports ones are really quite high Gig amounts--haven't been throttled yet.
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