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Everything posted by sanuk711

  1. If you have to sell your car to make up the extra 400K --do you think your on a good footing to come here permanently? The Other option ThoMichael is an agent--once you have set it up I think the cost ranges from 12K up..... for 15 months. Depending on where you live--
  2. Well whats new--- another artist from the 50s Jerry Lee Lewis, after his wife (and cousin) 13 years old being refused a visa to UK --- talking to the American Radio he said.."What is a matter with those Limeys we have been together for years....... Amazing isn't it--and now a Ponce Prince pays 12 million quid and a socialite gets locked up for 18 years for going with girls in America, who are nearly 2 years over the age of consent in the UK / Europe/Australia most of the world
  3. Bruce Willis has one out also--Wire Room" they (IMDB) give it a 3...and most posters think that is to generous --- he seems intent on ruining whatever legacy he had as an actor---as long as there is a few more 000 in the Bank account. ---------------- I watched that "have I got news for you" its very funny (Especially if your a Brit)..its supposed to be a tribute to Boris leaving this week--but it turns into a complete roasting. Some stuff I didn't know about , awarding Garter-hood (a female knighthood) to women he slept with, I knew about awarding citizenship then a Lordship to the son of a high ranking KGB officer after 1 million donation --but not heard about him trying to have a journo beaten up . He leaves this week and is allowed to submit a list of people for awards (knighthoods/Lordships etc ) so expect the list (of donors ) to be long.
  4. Some companies --(I am told) want the patient to pay the cost then submit a claim for reimbursement. I have no knowledge if this is the policy WRLife........ In fact I have many friends who have joined it.
  5. We just have pass Jing--we dont have strong or Medium ones,......---..---
  6. Have I got news for you--- Is back out (now in its 35 year of broadcast) for series 64 --11 episodes 1 a week takes it to December.
  7. My Son Hunter..... Out in 3 days---if you want to stream type in Roku which screens many different movies--but I guess downloads will be around. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt15481952/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1
  8. I had it done over 40 years ago---- even then it was a simple opp, done in the Doc's surgery. I read now that it can be 100% reversible, they can put a clamp on the tube instead of cut & Tie.
  9. Never heard of him his nothing to do with construction or engineering I take it, who the ell is he He was a dog lover....apparently shared a flat with a guy named Schrödinger & his cat..................
  10. My wife left me for my best friend. Well ... actually he was a complete stranger at the time. …………… Pakistan Floods - Free Calls from UK to Pakistan From EE Now it's actually free to phone them and laugh. Follow me for more money saving tips ……….. The word hyphenated doesn't have a hyphen, yet non-hyphenated does have a hyphen. This has to be the maddest thing in the English language. A word that contradicts its own rule …………………. I was told to live every day like it was my last. That's why I'm lying on a trolley in a hospital corridor. ……………………………. Floods in Pakistan have killed over 1000 people. Both families say they are devastated ……………….. All this talk about putting the first black man on the moon is all very well and good but for safety should they not stick a police station up their first ………………. I'm not surprised Germany lost the war. In every picture you can clearly see that Hitler used paper whilst Churchill chose scissors. ………………………….. I'll never forget the last words my dear old Dad said to me before they found him brutally murdered. "You ungrateful Git! First thing tomorrow morning I'm cutting you out of my will!" ……………………. I bet little Mohammed isn't having to walk 3 miles fetch water now! I think I'll ask for my $1 a month donation back. ………………. What do you call a Pakistani flood survivor......................Mustafa dinghy. ……………………..
  11. The Indian Space Program
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