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Posts posted by Gringogazzer

  1. I wonder what sort of life people must lead here who never wai. In my life i would have found it impossible not to have wai-ed whether it was respectful, in thanks, in apology or even facetiously for comic effect. In my job i taught thousands of Thais as well as foreigners to wai correctly. One wonders what some of the non wai-ers on here would think of a Thai who never shook hands or greeted with a kiss as might be appropriate in their home countries.

    I only wai monks at the Wat and is only in respect for my wife as Buddhism is her central core. I go for her and making myself a chump by being disinterested or ignorant would reflect on her.

    Her parents are dead.

    I would wai if I had to apologise to someone and a "kor tort" wouldn't suffuse, but this has never arisen.

    So my life is wai free. In social aspects when I receive a wai I bow my head with a closed lipped smile which is unconscious and followed my from day 1. They know I'm falang, I know I'm falang and I like being me. They never stop from giving me a wai and I don't change my nod. We respect each other for our individuality.

    My life is not incomplete or boring without the Wai. Everyone who wants to Wai, nothing to do with me, crack on.

  2. It will not help your mood to discover (as I did last week) that it is far easier for a European with a Thai wife to visit the UK than it is for a British citizen with a Thai wife to do so.

    They can enter under EU citizen's rights rather than the usual immigration regulations.

    Britannia is an excellent host, but a bastard mother.

    I've had to jump through untold hoops just keep my wife close to me when I'm home for work or visiting and I've paid tax into that system all my working life.

    I told the wife it would of made life so much easier and been financially better off with her benefits if I strapped her to a lorry.

    My humour was lost translation and she didn't talk to me for nearly an hour.

    I have every sympathy with you. Your wife is your wife and should be given priority over all other vagabonds from your home nation if you can prove its a valid marriage.

    My rant over.

    Good luck

    • Like 2
  3. I agree with what your saying about open & honesty & see where your coming from now with if your thinking she's out to get me, it's the wrong woman.

    But love & hate is a very very fine line. Any woman that has truly loved me and I think there's only been 2 in my short life, that didn't work out, would of killed me if they were sure to get away with it.

    Therefore I would make sure the Wife didn't know the ghost shareholders as in the same light, never make yourself worth more dead than alive because in Thailand can be an easy option.

    Not that I think she would rob or kill me, but haven't mastered this taro card thing yet & I've plenty of years left.

    Good answer!

    Home loan in her name for 30 years is so much safer.

    Then she really needs you alive to keep paying the loan, if she gives you trouble, you can just walk away.

    And if she dies, you get the home for nothing (they make her have compulsory life insurance)

    Nice, I like the way you have pushed the boundary of the envelope on the way I think.

    I only ever thought as far to even out the balance of power on our assets & never went as far as making a profit on them if she were to get electricuted while making toast in the bath.

    You can't take away the margins & bottom dollar from you Americans.

    • Like 1
  4. I had a pal in the UK who was always late. He once told me that it wasn't his fault, he was physically losing time or someone was stealing it from him.

    He also told me he rode a bike through the centre of manchester swinging a sword and he was a modern day knight so I took most of what he said with a pinch of salt.

    Wonder what happened to him.

    Think I saw him in Thong Sala bout a month ago scaring the khao phat out of the locals.

    Was muttering on about them stealing the full moon for themselves...

  5. If you feel the need to be devious, you are with the wrong woman to start with.

    Follow the advice in post #2, more appropriate.

    There is nothing devious thinking about worse case scenario and making sure you can't be strung out to dry or in a position to be dictated to.

    Too many people walk into their biggest commitments in Thailand with just their hearts and balls, with their brain in the clouds.

    I've heard countless miserable stories. I've only been on TV for a week & there's some1 wanting advise on messy break up after 2 years & from what I read kiss goodbye to his recent investment because of no thought of, "what if".

    I don't know about LTD's with farang shareholders being flatly refused land registry now but think your right going in with your head and your heart. Maybe you won't another 1 at the end of the bar with jai dam if it doesn't work the way you want.

    My post was referring to "You need to make sure the wife does NOT now" which IS devious.

    There is nothing wrong with taking precautions, but be open and honest about it, she will understand your position and probably help you achieve it. Userfruct is a common answer.

    I agree with what your saying about open & honesty & see where your coming from now with if your thinking she's out to get me, it's the wrong woman.

    But love & hate is a very very fine line. Any woman that has truly loved me and I think there's only been 2 in my short life, that didn't work out, would of killed me if they were sure to get away with it.

    Therefore I would make sure the Wife didn't know the ghost shareholders as in the same light, never make yourself worth more dead than alive because in Thailand can be an easy option.

    Not that I think she would rob or kill me, but haven't mastered this taro card thing yet & I've plenty of years left.

    • Like 2
  6. If you feel the need to be devious, you are with the wrong woman to start with.

    Follow the advice in post #2, more appropriate.

    There is nothing devious thinking about worse case scenario and making sure you can't be strung out to dry or in a position to be dictated to.

    Too many people walk into their biggest commitments in Thailand with just their hearts and balls, with their brain in the clouds.

    I've heard countless miserable stories. I've only been on TV for a week & there's some1 wanting advise on messy break up after 2 years & from what I read kiss goodbye to his recent investment because of no thought of, "what if".

    I don't know about LTD's with farang shareholders being flatly refused land registry now but think your right going in with your head and your heart. Maybe you won't another 1 at the end of the bar with jai dam if it doesn't work the way you want.

    • Like 2
  7. My Thai teacher was always kicking off about her friends making her wait while it's hot & had a screaming baby in her arms. Was always looking for a rant together because maybe I'm farang I understand her pain.

    Would just point at my wrist with no watch, shrug my shoulders & raise my eyebrows. I forget what day it is but get by.

    Thai's have issues with it as well, but can't see it changing.

    My wife is Lao & have no such problem regarding her, never left me at swampy for an hour, thank god & more punctual then me...

  8. Fortunately im british. We dont play the face game so much, but we do skirt around the flower garden a little. Just learn to be indirect or 'diplomatic' and voila, you understand 'face'. If you still dont understand, spend a month with copies of yes minister/prime minister and watch Sir Humphrey until you get the general gist.

    im a brit too,

    but im not sure i agree with this,

    you live in a street, go buy a new car, i bet there would bo some down that street go and get a new car even if it skint them or on tick, just to show face, like we can afford one too,

    i used to call it keeping up with the johnes,

    ive seen it mant times, new conservetory,,, next door get one,,,

    its all face

    That's called jealousy and is a little different to face but jealousy is alive and veritably thriving in Thailand as well.
    Face is rife in British people and the thought of losing status with those around you can and does lead to out of character behaviour and violence.

    It's in my make up that if I haven't received what I asked for to take the responsibility on myself by "maybe I wasn't clear and didn't explain myself too well" taking the "face" issue on myself to start dealing with what I want.

    People will not complain to someone's face to make them loose face, but the moment they are out of earshot bitch, whine and moan for days.

    The funny thing is, if you do complain it is you who is loosing face for making an issue and a show for people.

  9. Like you said, the money is irrelevant to you.

    Locate the Benz driver, tell her you heard of this poor, hard working, old mans misfortune and would like to help out.

    Give her ฿5000 for the repairs which you could see as you've located her, leaving her with the dilemma of chasing a potless Thai family for ฿3000 when a farang has felt their pain and stepped up with ฿5000.

    Let her take some of the hit. And the Benz driver will surely report back to the old fella of your actions, and we all like people to know of the good deeds we do anonymously.

    • Like 1
  10. I don't think he is English - I believe he may be Australian, not that they'll be wanting to claim him.

    Not a chance. I would say South American or Eastern European.

    Sorry to offend people from those regions putting a person like this on you, but clearly English is not his native language.

    No trolling but this blokes mind only works in algorithms he can understand.

    Sitting with his "sex friend" living in luxury for 6k-10k a month was where I gave up hope. Either isn't in Thailand or as most of us do in country, has too much time on his hands and this is up for a crack.

    Made me giggle...

  11. If you have some prospects on starting up some in line business or writing a book or something like this...and have about 2 mil thb saved up...

    Then sure you can give it a go, but should have a bit more realistic timeline and financial plan in place

    A more realistic time line may be... Plan for your 2 mil to last 3 years (55k per month)

    Then give it a go... Realizing that if you can not get a book published or the online thing off the ground within 3 years.. Then it is not likely to happen

    So if you get to 2.5 years and you are not yet able to support your self with these other things, start planning your exit strategy

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    i already finished the book, i like it alot, and im writing the second one now, its really not that hard to do, there is such a massive freelance community out there that can do pretty much any thing you want for cheap, editors and artists, voice actors, etc, and for those negative people who like to punch wholes in every thing with their imaginary images of of what things are not like! the quality of the freelancer u hire is as good as what you can measure with your own two hemispheres! Plus you get better as you go.

    This is why i can NOT understand how a farang can spend his whole life and end up with no savings, no plan for inflation etc, and not marketable human captial! We are living in the greatest age of human history everything and anything is at your fingertips. The people who are rude to me make me want to succeed with such a fury that it is hard to put into words! What I really want to say is that you <deleted> wouldn't like to know what I really wanna say Cu.. okay i had better stop.

    55k a month... i live a life of pure luxury atm and im spending about 6-10k a month.

    I often have the unpleasure of talking to old farang who continuous like gripe about young people on their phones all the time. Your brains are rotting, my 22 year old sex friend supprises me all the time with new apps that are so unbelievable awesome!! and she sux with technology so bad.

    I do enjoy talking to old farang but i hate you people so much at the same time, i know you people will abuse me again, just remember you started it, so ill make sure ill piss on your graves.

    "And then the world will be mine...All mine...hahaha"

    Narcissist unraveling...


  12. "Yer they have charges on taking out money here...but big deal."

    It is a big deal when you only have £4000 with eBay income stretched out over 6 months. The card charges will be over £200 to draw that and you'll wish you had that come the end.

    All the fun for me at the start was cracking each hurdle and problem as I found it. Your only here for a finite time before going home for more funds. Draw out £1500 in 50s to bring and the rest in travellers cheques at 1.5%. Use the card to pay the digs and let the eBay funds pay the card off.

    Once you start feeding and watering a chick, which you will, probably got 3/4 months in ya.

    Be a riot...

  13. @charles my stuff will be shipped from the uk. money will be transferred from my paypal to my bank account and transferred to credit card, isp will be from a friends place, never much of an issue, i will only need around 2 hours every weekend, and whats wrong with the 60 day visa? why 29 days?

    Using your credit card will only hurt your funds more over. You'll be hit with non sterling transaction fee and if you wanted to draw cash, as you will have to, you'll be hit with cash advance fee on top of that every time.

    There are far too many points you have too learn to mention in a post and would suggest you visit regularly until you understand the lay of the land.

    I think the most important point is don't go under the radar. Could be a ฿20000 fine and a stint in the Bangkok Hilton until you can get someone to buy you a flight out, just not worth it.

    But have fun whatever your doing.

  14. There are two things you can do in this situation. The first is to say (in Thai) you don't speak English and continue the conversation in Thai. The second is to start speaking English as you would to a native speaker and when they fail to understand, continue the conversation in Thai.

    In theory a good idea. But what if the Thai starts talking street slang at machine gun speed. Then he beats you with your own weapon.
    If this happens or they talk back to you in an Isaan dialect, then they do not want to talk to you and you should move on. Some Thai people do not like to speak Bangkok dialect, but can speak and understand this dialect. If they want to sell you something or have a brief conversation they will accommodate you. If not you have your answer.
  15. There are two things you can do in this situation. The first is to say (in Thai) you don't speak English and continue the conversation in Thai. The second is to start speaking English as you would to a native speaker and when they fail to understand, continue the conversation in Thai.

    The first part of this is an excellent idea but the second part fails to work. In my experience when I've only talked in English but the Thai person doesn't understand my request so I explain myself in Thai, it's had a negative reaction as though looking down on their intelligence. Which always made for an uncomfortable moment as it wasn't my intention, but only to make myself understood.
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