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Posts posted by happydude303

  1. I'm coming to Thailand just before Christmas Day but I'm spending 5 and half weeks I know I've got 30 days on my Uk passport , do I drive to hull from Southampton and get a single entry 60 day visa or could I just buy a ticket to let's say to Cambodia before I fly let say for toward the end of my 30 days , as proof I'm going to leave Thailand and before 30 days is up, then come back across boarder for a b 15 day visa and then Go home at end of January just so it shows customs at the airport , and in fact I'll nip of to Imergration in Bangkok and get the extended stamp for 30 days , main reason can't be asked to drive to hull tomorrow what do you people think ... Apart from me being a lazy C$@t

  2. Why don't these men from these countries stay there and fight to keep there countries , just like England and Europe did all them years ago . Image all of our grandparents left and went to there countries back then oh yeah there really going to tolerate is and our ways , also I've notice a lot of these videos on the internet show mainly Middle Aged men coming , but it's all a plan I think from the elite rich family's that run the world , so it can cause mass chaos , and then they can set into motion about the one world order shit

  3. 15000 a month should be good enough full stop , but the problem is that alit of very rich old or your mugs treat there girl friend because money is easy and create these monster which tell there friends what they get and say there man cheap Charle get more from him but f that I send my mrs about 80 pound a week so just over 15000 Barth a month and she has big debts to pay from here days of younger times like many of us do lol

  4. To all that disagree with what I said well that's up to you , and mainly the op , but in England specially the south of England a three bed house can get up to 900 pound a month in rent and also in England house never lose money they gain , yes you have the odd dips in The market but it soon comes back in fact England high demand for house and also mortgages are hard to get for the young so rent is the main option , so it is a good invest , there is also and old saying about investing on Bricks and mortar ;)

  5. Yes it raining here, blowing a gale, cold and probably snow soon , so the last place I want to be at 50 plus is here stuck on some roof when I can then go to Thailand for good still live and play like a 20 year old with my hard earned money and talk to some Greek oz wannabe oh maybe his family left Greece because they new their country was going to end up broke

  6. Well I'm British, but..............

    For me it started when the neighbour sold his house to an Arab Family.

    The Jewish family across the road weren't happy about that.

    Anyway then a Pakistani moved in two doors up

    That angered the Indian family living on the other side of me

    Then the Chinese at the corner shop told me a Muslim Family just bought 14 houses in the next street.

    That wasn't true, they only bought 10 houses, the other 4 were bought by Russians.

    Then the Rumanian gypsies occupied the spare land at the end of the road

    The Muslims weren't happy about that as it delayed their plans to build a Mosque there.

    With so many of these foreigners starting to stir up trouble in the UK,

    I thought Faz, If you can't beat them, join them, so I came to Thailand to become a foreigner.

    And that's about the truth of it all. And I totally agree. So I'll be back over soon..........ps there's more to England then London , Lake District , Snowdonia , Peak District , Cornwall is beautifully In the summer and even that cold shit part of the UK has some lovely country, once you get out of Glasgow. oh and for the younger generation we have the best music scene going in the world full stop, real house music , and rock , in fact all styles of music , not that shit edm stuff and hip hop crap the euro boys Play and the American lads play. But I must admit I'm mid 30s so I can still cut some shapes on the dance floor and get away with it ;) and has for some of our ladies there beautiful as well, but hay there is a few trolls here to , but to be honest there a lot of hideous creatures in Thailand as well with there buck teeth And wrinkle up skin and there is not nothing worse then a fat Asia bird , oh hold up i take that back there is, a fat middle eastern bird......:) oh and as for oz yeah it's a nice place , but the Sheila's are rough and tough as old boots

  7. Well the UK did invent the steam engine and double line track , just saying , why not let them have a bid. At the end of the day it's got to better then some shit Chinese crap and North Korea ...well lets hope not, the way I see it is the more investment from the western world the better it will be for westerners , the more investment from Asia the more chances there are , there tell us all to piss off

  8. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Time to close the borders!!

    Who has entered already can stay if integrating!! If not, a one-way ticket to Mecca!!

    This is the whole point, islam is a way of life not a religion, they don't want to integrate, it's their way or the highway.

    According to history muslims have tried to conquer the world twice before, 7th century and 11th century but have failed both times. For me personally Allah, is exactly the same as Hitler, they both had the same goal, to rule the world, only time will tell if his wishes come true.

    Please don't mix up everything : Islam is a religion and 99.9 % of muslims are rejecting these barbaric terrorists. By posting such absurdities you are contributing to worsening the issue. And since we are talking about extremists, keep in mind that christians, and other religions, have also their followers. Open your eyes.

    I beg to differ I don't know of any Christians from the west that are causing terror and killing people in the name of Jesus unless your talking about 800 years ago , in fact not one part of Jesus word mention or says it's ok to kill not one part of that new testaments
  9. This all is becoming a melting pot. First Canada, then Australia and now France.

    The World has to unite against those terrorists for once and for all.

    What about England have we forgot lee Rigby and there is other European country's which are having mass problems and do I dare say south Thailand and other country's from only a year ago and what about Africa

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  10. I was having a discussion with a Muslim last night , and one thing they said was in there lovely book it states they can kill if there lands are threaten...they were trying to defend there book and then saying these Muslims take these words to extreme, but come on I think to my self , in nearly every part of the world they are killing in the name of there religion in other peoples land , how can the moderate Muslim still keep quite or try to defend these people always making excuses , this is why people are sick of them because they sit quite and watch it all .... Angola have the right idea , they've banned Islam from there country and that's that

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