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Posts posted by gropes

  1. 3 hours ago, Salerno said:

    Haven't released June's yet but all figures can be found here: 



    Key stats

    • All arrivals to Australia for May 2021: 114,520, a monthly increase of 60,620 trips
    • All departures: 107,230, a monthly increase of 43,310 trips


    For yourself not as big an issue as most (you don't need an exemption to escape Aus). You're main hassle is getting a flight in (business or first class best option to not get bumped) but once here and vaccinated you can just rock up to the airport for your flight out, plenty seats on the way out.


    A little off topic but these figures are very misleading. They have been greatly inflated by the Australia - New Zealand travel bubble (which has been closed or is being closed for the two major states as they are back in lockdown).

  2. 12 hours ago, DavisH said:

    It's best to assume there are a few undetected cases lingering and act accrodingly. Australia got down to 2-3 cases a day at one time. Now parts of Melbourne are in lockdown. 

    The whole of Melbourne is going into a 6 week lockdown as from 2100 hrs tonight thai time. A few people carrying the infection can quickly run into hundreds. Yesterday 134 new cases, the previous day 191 were recorded in Victoria, and the big concern is the number that are going to be hospitalised and will need intensive care. All borders to Victoria have been closed. As DavisH has said just a few undetected cases can have a big impact.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 3 hours ago, petedk said:

    That's all they talk about.


    It's imperative for the government to be able to track us. The idea of a special sim card didn't work, TM30 didn't work, and all the other suggestions they came up with didn't work, but now they have the apps.


    We will all be safe now as they will know exactly where we are and when.




    Unless of course you leave the phone at home (turned on) when you go out.

    • Like 1
  4. 12 hours ago, fruitman said:

    No they get free petrol when they bring in customers at the tailor shop or jewelry...

    I got scammed on my first trip to Thailand in 1996 - though I learnt from it  In 2005 I was staying in Bangkok for a period of 3 months so I had plenty of time to go to where I wanted to go. Being a Cheap Charlie,  I came to an arrangement with one of the "unmetered" taxi drivers - he would take me where I wanted to go for free but only after we visited a number of gem stores / tailors  etc (number depended on the length of journey to where I wanted to go) - he got his petrol coupons and I got a free ride (albeit 2 to 3 hours in time!).

    • Haha 1
  5. 3 hours ago, Foexie said:

    This "problem" is a problem what not even should excist.


    This problem is THE sollution for every country what is near the sea, have problems with lack of rain, drought, drinking water shortage, flood problems and what ever.


    The only thing what needs to happen is that all the politicians and all global warming idiots start to take their heads out their "aises". Instead of making stuppid expectations and anoying speechess blamming eachother start to do something, have protest walks every week in many places and make boat tours to South America because they think they have to say something smart there. Just start working and DO something for solve the problem.


    And the problem for the sea water what is rissing is very simple: use the sea water!!!! 


    This summer some peoples here in Belgium start working on that idea for the cities near the sea. Now their drinking water is comming 100-200 kms from the source/well to them. How stupid is that when they have so much water nearby.


    I remember this idea was already brought up in the '90s in Ethiopia. A company was making portable containers with inside big pumps and filter instalations for make thousands of liters drinking water a day with every unit. Costs that time was around 20-25.000€ for one container. NEVER heared about that idea anymore after.


    If you only knew how much money the meeting in Spain did cost,that would already a boat full containers.

    Probably didn't get "off the ground" as Ethiopia is a land-locked country with (obviously) no sea coast. However there is an interesting article at https://www.wired.co.uk/article/charlie-paton-seawater-greenhouse-desalination-abu-dhabi-oman-australia-somaliland regarding use of sea water for agricultural purposes (good) and much salt and brine (probably bad in the long run).

  6. 3 hours ago, Burma Bill said:

    FLY, FLY, FLY from either of the Bangkok airports. Air Asia from DMK or Thai Smile, Bangkok Airways, Cambodian Angkor Air from BKK. You can get a visa on arrival in Siem Reap airport. Like other members travelling into Cambodia via Poipet, it was a nightmarish experience for me. What made it worse were the thousands of people going back home for Songkran - horrendously long queues. I had no option but to use the "fixers" to get me the documentation and "fast track" me into Cambodia. What would have cost $30 for my visa ended up costing 3,000 baht ($90 approx). The price did include a "private" bus ticket to Battambang - another horrendous story. Unfortunately Battambang airport is currently closed to civilian airlines. 

    I also would suggest you fly. Bangkok Air has a special of 6,170 THB return (including all taxes) at the present moment - not sure how long this price will last.

    • Like 1
  7. 18 hours ago, Kasset Tak said:

    Don't trust banks and insurance companies as all they do is take your money and try to trick you out of as much as they can!
    My bank told me that I had to get a more expensive VISA card but that it would include accident insurance... it turns out that: you have to be a Thai citizen for that insurance to apply (that part was written only in Thai and not in the English translation of the documents), there is no rules that say that I as a foreigner must have that card, and the bank refuse to change to a cheaper card as I signed the documents/contract for 3 years (and in that contract it states in ENGLISH that an insurance is included with the card... and again in THAI it say that it only apply for Thai citizens!!!) ...and they did it just so that they could charge me another 2000 Baht a year!

    So yeah, the 3 biggest crooks out there are:
    Insurance companies

    Certainly the Royal Commission into Banks and Superannuation Funds in Australia would support the first on your list; fees for services not provided, fees charged to deceased persons etc.

  8. 20 hours ago, BobbyL said:

    You've still got Robin Hood, Herrity's and Royal Oak within a 50m stretch. 


    20 hours ago, Cats4ever said:

    Soi 33/1 seems to be gone already. Used tobe a good bar for watching AFL there.

    That bar could have been the Kangaroo Sports Bar. Aussie Football is now shown in the bar above Christie's Club.(don't mistake the entrances!!)

    • Thanks 1
  9. 5 hours ago, balo said:

    We will do it by by land for a change. It's not too bad , 8 hours and comfortable seats where you can stretch out. 


    We choose the bus company with best reviews from Bangkok, Giant Ibis, directly to Siem Reap , they will take care of everything at the border.  1000 baht one way. 


    But if I did not get an E-visa , they would ask for $10-20 extra in fees. 


    Return flight with Air Asia is 6000 baht , so you'll only save 4000 baht , but still money saved that can be spent on food/ drinks.  We are not in a rush . 



    As you have said you are not in a rush, the 1000 baht bus trip sounds excellent. For those that may not have as much time currently Bangkok Air has a Web Promotion return fare of 5,425 baht. I don't know how long the Promotion lasts.

  10. 11 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

    They have shown quite a bit if understanding and compassion towards the parents thus far, making special arrangements for them throughout, briefing them of the impending rescue before telling the media, etc, etc


    I think it is more likely wanting to avoid undue anguish/worry for those parents whose children were nto in the first groups out. They may think that knowing that some boys are safely out and that theirs might be among them, may be easier for them to handle.


    There also seems to be concern to protect the boys from any source of infection in case their immune systems are compromised. That and other medical measures being taken may be excessive but better excessive caution than the opposite.

    And to protect the parents from any communicable infections that the boys may be carrying such as leptospirosis, histoplasmosis and / or melioidosis.

    • Like 1
  11. Haha yes I have lots of space in my passport so I'm not worried about that.

    Of what I can gather from this chat I don't need to get a visa for Thailand or Vietnam and I can get a visa for Cambodia and Laos at the border. I am going with STA travel in a group with a tour guide so I presume we will all we in the same boat and the tour guide will make sure we don't get scammed at the borders

    Which travel group are you going with? Although most groups will say that the Visa situation is your responsibility the tour leader will check your passport at the start of the tour (normally day 1) and if there are any issues bring them to your attention and proffer advice on possible solutions. Do check on-line re Visa requirements for Vietnam - this would appear to be your only possible problem

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