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Posts posted by freestylegirl

  1. hi 666,

    thanks for your reply and well done for not relapsing in 6 weeks - how long was it before the cravings got less? are you finding it a lot easier to not smoke now?

    i'm not using gum/patches etc, as like you, i wanted to just completely stop by willpower.

    yeah, the drinking thing is hard although i have been trying to go out with non smokers which makes it much easier to not want to smoke. i'm fine with going for a meal, but i've yet to go clubbing as i think that will be another trigger point for me.

    i think also what helps is knowing that there are others in the same position - i feel like i need a smoking version of AA!

  2. good luck!!!

    I stopped on 16th Nov and now thats not a big topic anymore. Very normal for me :-)

    Just a bit dangerous that I am a bit to self assure......

    So continue and good luck, welcome in a more healty world :D

    That's it - Ive done it - 31 Days Since my last cigarette!

    Feeling chuffed to bits, and feel as though Ive never smoked at all... no cough, no cold, no weight gain, a few bad moods and sleeping troubles at the beginning..... but thats it.... determined more than ever now :o

    January sorted..

    February.. lets 'ave ya


    i gave up for 6 days, had a relapse last friday and this is now my 4th day of quitting again.

    my main problem is with stressful situations - how do other people deal with these? sometimes i just feel stressed, ratty and irritable for no reason and need to find a way of dealing with this without resorting to smoking again or snapping at people!

    any solutions from people out there who have successfully stopped?

  3. Has anyone who's been to Ko Samui recommend a beach and hotel/bungalow to stay? My parents are coming for christmas and I don't know where to take them. We want a nice beach, somewhere not too developed but with some nightlife; they're also into good restaurants and drinking!

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