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Posts posted by madtrucker

  1. On 2017-05-15 at 6:53 PM, robsamui said:

    How exactly to you cook a truck? :-)

    I use this as a slow cooker. Before starting my day. I prepare the food I want to eat later in the day.    Like  beef cubes in a port wine sauce with Italian seasoning mix and bell peppers and vadalia oignons 


  2. I did a little test with my wife. Aka Tom cat.    I told her my tax return would be late due to revenu Canada revising  the amount requested.


    i told her that we. Needs to tighten up the purse string possible one more month.



    she whent from being super nice happy go lucky to a total bitch in half a second.


    last week I transfers funds from my account to hers and with out missing a beat. Goes to  big C in Trakan and spends a 1000baht in a heartbeat and most of the shit is cleaning supply's and sanitary products for herself


    and I got. Noodles,meatballs, and green tea , and a ice cream sandwich.


    oh and she is Isaan with a batchlors degree in Thai law and her whole family is highly educated and all in the medical field except for my wife


    She can only fry eggs and boil noodles. Also a wiz at ordering take out.


    on the other hand. I can cook and clean and drive a eighteen wheeler.  And when I cook just about anything westerners like to eat she refuses to eat it. But no issues with going to KFC or McDonald's or Starbucks the second I give her money.



    to sum it up just like a cat I Agree with the other gents

  3. I whent there on april19th. They never asked for proof of outbound flight. And I showed them a screen shot of my current Canadian bank. Balance  from my IPhone. And they granted me the 60 day tourist visa for 1000baht as requested  or for 2000baht and proof of marriage and proof of residency they will give you a 90 day tourist visa

  4. Does anyone know how to do it 

    and can anyone recommend a shipper 

    does anyone know the cost from bkk to port of Vancouver,British Columbia,Canada 


    i found a early 70's Datsun 620 pick up completely restored and daily driven 


    but before I go buy it, I need to know if it's possible to export it. Or will Thailand ask for my left nut before it can leave the country


  5. Rent,food,multiple trips to bkk from ubon to see a obgyn since she had sist on her overies the operation took place in a bkk hospital and all the follow up treatments and special medications needed are not cheap. Plus 4000baht for diesel in her mother pick up truck for many other doctors she needs to see in ubon. Plus her food and occasional trip to the mall.I paye the cellphone bill and sat tv in our house where she lives alone and not with all her familly.electicity and water and paying for our farmhand and weekly visit from the gardner.

    If I consider what it would cost me in canada. I am getting off real cheap. And with my line of work in the alberta,canada oilfields I dont need a car or a apartment. I have free room and board and company truck at my disposition. Allso my wife does'nt know my actual salary. And she does'nt have access to my bankbooks every 3 months I take 1 month off work and spend it in thailand. Next I get back here is to see the obgyn with my wife to attempt artificial encemmination "test tube baby" due to her recent surgery on her overies natural ways to make a baby are now impossible.

  6. I've been with same thai woman sin september2011. When we met I made it clear to her about my source of revenue and that no matter how she runs the numbers in her head. I am not rich and my cdn gov keeps half of my revenu in taxes and my cost of living is much higher than hers. We got married april 2013. And I made it clear to her that I refuse to paye sinsod well before we got married. Since she was'nt a virgin and getting old to make me children. But her mother thinks she is still a virgin well I stuck to my guns and said I will support her to the best of my revenu capability's. I give her 30000baht everymonth and made myself clear to her since her english is very good. If she spends it all in one day too bad so sad but I will not give her more t'il the next month. Lately she is dead set on getting a car. She has botherd about 50 of her friends and relatives to be guaranter for her since she has'nt worked in over 1 year and has no savings in the bank since she manages to spend every cent I give her before months end. So I told her wait for the car. Stop spending so much and I will paye cash for the 460000baht car after I save up for 12months. If she refuses to listen well its her familly and friend left holding the bag if all goes wrong. As for the house thing we got lucky. Her father had 3 houses and gave us the bungalo and a few acres of land for free. So far in 3 years she has gotten 1million baht from me and invested it all in her mothers house etc...

  7. I am canadian and married to a thai woman. Lately we have been shopping around for a new car. We encounterd the same thing. A bkk mitsubishi dealer was willing to bendover backwards to sell me a lancer ex. Then we visited 2 diffrent mitsu dealers on the same stretch of road in ubon rachathanie. One dealer only stocked the lancer gt. And the other dealer told us they were impossible to get and did'nt even bother calling mitsubishi to enquire about the car. So we allso asked about a limited production purple mirage and the dealer with the lancer gts told us he can get it in 2 trim levels straight out of bkk to ubon within 10days and the 2nd dealer not having lancers told us he could only get us the top of the line purple mirage and it could take him 3weeks to get it. Then they start dicking you around for downpayment and intrest rates. The lancer gt dealer said we need 40000 down and must finance for 72months. The dealer with no lancers and trying to sell the top mirage sayes 69000 down but 60month payements. Both dealers are including 1st years premium insurance,free film,free rubber floor mats,free rear licenceplate cover,free 500baht of gas. After all this we decided to wait t'il the next big promotion. To improve our deal. But atlease now I have a good knowledge how to deal with these dealers and where I whant to buy the car. Mind you I am 41yo I've owned about 20new cars and pickup trucks and have agressive barganing skills wich seams to intimidate the Thai sales poeple and I end up haggleling with the dealerships sales manager.time and time again.

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