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Posts posted by ChiangMaiFalung

  1. In the past 10 years, I have met many English Teachers that make a lot less than 100,000 baht a month, some at 'proper' schools.

    Would the money be sufficient to live on anyway?

    Some Teachers are on 20 to 30 K. I do not see that as enough to live on, but I guess that is up to the individual.

    I was making the statement about 100 wrt some else saying teachers in "proper schools" make 100 K. Not always so.

    • Like 1
  2. I note that the OP, confused american 48 has not responded since his first post.

    Maybe he has not been inspired by the responses above. The responses are fair comment in my view.

    I have seen / heard about several similar relationship disasters here in Thailand, though not for those amounts / on quite that scale.

    I have one close friend that took his wife that stole houses, kids, car, credit card etc from him. He went to Thai court and won. He has sole custody of 2 kids.

    He did not get any money back. The Judge placed a lot of emphasis on the credit card that she faked his signature on and then spent to the (10k) limit. It arrived in the mail, and she promptly went shopping. A few witnesses helped out there. All the other charges stuck, but she got off lightly. At least he got custody. A small win among the many not so successful relationship cases in the LOS.

    • Like 1
  3. I have not closely followed the details of this case. It does make reasonable sense to me that a couple of poorly paid immigrant workers -- who maybe have gone without sex for weeks or months or more -- could be on the beach at 4 AM drunk and/or doing drugs and could be sent into a frenzy when they realize two farangs are having sex on the beach close to them with the resultant outcome. It does not make much sense to me that a wealthy Thai scion of the local bigwigs who can get laid any time he wants would have a similar reaction if he stumbles upon the same couple under the same circumstances.

    You're completing missing the point. Have you ever seen a Thai man's reaction to a little loss of face? Especially a wealthy and self entitled Thai man? Especially in the South.

    Look at the horrific pictures. It wasn't about sex. It was about horrible emotions of insane violence.

    As I said I am not aware that scenario has been established.

    You begin by saying you have not bothered to acquaint yourself with the details of this case and finish by stating your lack of awareness. Thanks for this stunning contribution to the thread.clap2.gif

    JLCrab has a habit of commenting on what he knows nothing about. Once again his naive statement shows this. He might be new to Thailand, or too eager to speak.

  4. William,

    Please get hold of me when you come to Chiang Mai. I will give you the full run down - but only face to face. I came here in 1975, have lived here 4 times since then, came back in 2001, been here since then. I own 2 Thai companies, have had 6 Thai work permits (different companies). Own various Thai properties, Have Thai relatives that are in various government positions including police (wife) and immigration. I think I can help you. Roger D <snip>

    Edit: email removed

  5. Always very sad to hear of such cases. Some people get angry about suicides but depression can be like cancer - once it gets a hold it develops a life of its own. Like cancer depression should not be ignored in its early stages.

    I have been told by a teacher from 'the' best known international school that pupil numbers are on a decline and they have been laying off. He is one of the ones to go and he said they were cutting from the top, those most highly paid.


    My son attended 'the' best known international school. It was a terrible school. He now attends another school. Not the best known, but well known. It is turning students away. It is fully booked in many classes beyond next year.

  6. 28 year old dude,

    You will be fine with the visa thing. Once you get here, and you have swapped stories with many of us here, you will do what you need to do to stay here. It can be a little inconvenient, but no big deal. Thailand is not likely to change visa requirements much. It has the occasional slight change, but don't worry. Living in the best place in the world is worth the small trouble.

  7. Agree with Soi Biker, try not to get worked up about it.

    I request Soi Biker starts another thread, different topic. You have appear to have a skill of throwing a valid comment out there, prompting controversial yet interesting responses back. Among the good comments, there are some sad cases that comment that clearly need to get a life. But that's ok, we can put up with them. Some might say, I am one of them. Ha Ha.

  8. Point1: Soi Biker obviously raised a worth while topic, otherwise we would not have had so much interest and discussion. Fair comment to raise I think. many of us are just bored and are chatting about any topic raised. Why not. My Thai wife and I when in public, hold hands only. What a great wife I have. Living the dream.

    Point 2: I was standing behind a youg falung couple on the BTS waiting for a train recently, when they starting sucking heads, only a foot or so from me. Without warning, I dry reached. I was as surprised as the couple who stopped sucking and glared at me. Tears came out of both eyes as I held my mouth to prevent any possible leakage. It stopped their mood rather quickly, and they desisted from then on.

    Point 3: It happened again, though in a store this time. As the 2 falungs started closing their eyes, I dry reached but intentionally this time and at it had the same effect as the train couple. I have learnt a useful tactic. Some of you guys will think I am weird or sick. Maybe so, but I will probably do this again.

  9. Berkshire,

    I am not implying an epidemic. That is your word only. Be careful what you accuse others of.

    But yes, a little alarmist is what is needed. I am trying to get the message out there. Trying to protect peoples kids. We also need to counter the posts that are denying that it exists. It needs to be communicated, so that people are aware it is happening.

    If you need more proof, if you still don't believe it, contact me personally. I will give you enough eveidence. I am off out soon to visit a friend. I will take a look at the site tomorrow.

    Chiang Mai faLung (with a capital L).

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  10. Looks like we we still have some doubters out there.

    Here is one case in the Thai news:


    You will need a Thai to translate it for you, unless you are one of the very few Falungs (with a L) that can read Thai at that level.

    The cops are keeping this stuff out of the news, it is too shocking. (My wife is a Thai cop).

    Chiang Mai Falung (with an L - the way the Thais pronounce it)

  11. Costas2008,

    Thanks for your reply. Yes they have caught people. A man was caught by police recently this month in Nakhon Panom, a 52 year old - (Mr Sakhon Sinarkeh). It has also been in the Thai news - A case 2 days ago in Saraburi. A small girl recently ran away from the van, after her friend threw a rock at the guy that had her by the arm and trying to pull her into the van. The rock hit him in the head and he fled without the girl.

    Reading on the internet, the Chinese have been using prisoners organs for years now. They are reducing this due to international criticism, also have banned international patients that was previously a big part of the business. Because it is a lucrative trade, they are now sourcing elsewhere. Some have speculated that Thailand is one of the sources.

    Another case quite some time back, where 5 women were caught in the van in Surin (Amphur Sikonpoom), with a well prepared system, freezer inside and all tools and instruements required. The woman spoke Yarwi (Southern Thai Dialect - Near Malaysia). I have pictures of this as well, but it is too graphic.

    Chiang Mai Falung

    (Costas2008 -BTW- I prefer to use Falung - not Farung - Thais pronounce this word with an L not an R).

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