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Posts posted by saraburioz

  1. Not sure if you're trolling?

    I don't see why you couldn't trust your kids with a ladyboy unless you think all ladyboys are also pedophiles. Which is not true.

    Secondly, GID might apply to some, but certainly not all of them. There's a lot more to it than that, I suggest you do some research.

    Thirdly, even if it was a choice, rather than being something you are genetically/epigenetically predisposed to, who cares? I'd be saddened to think that people out there think there is something morally wrong with it.

    I am also wondering what the problem is with the kids. There is no rational reason to think TS people are more likely to be pedophiles than anyone else. If he has a SPECIFIC fear based on specific behavior of his relative, that would be reason. Perhaps he thinks the kids will "catch" the TS thing by example or thinks he doesn't want them to be exposed to something different to be seen as acceptable. That also sounds irrational.

    I don't see the point of stressing over the word normal here. If a baby is born a boy and declares later he wants to be a girl, that is certainly something you've got to notice and needs to be dealt with somehow. I don't think you can force such a person to change what they are on the inside, but society can indeed make their lives miserable.

    Every father is concerned about the safety of hi kids. Maybe it is an irrational fear. I don't believe you can catch a mental disorder. If one of my sonos were to develop this thing, I would be shocked.

  2. One contemporary treatment for this disorder consists primarily of physical modifications to bring the body into harmony with one's perception of mental (psychological, emotional) gender identity, rather than vice versa.[9]

    More efficient to see a SURGEON than a shrink. Snip snip.

    But what if you got it cut off and medicine found a new drug to cure you - wouldn't you be a bit annoyed?

  3. My brother in law is a ladyboy and a nice affable ladyboy. I like him but don't trust him with my kids as I have posted about on here before.

    Many people say ladyboys are normal in Thailand but I believe they are mentally ill.

    I discovered that they do, in fact, suffer from a psychiatric disorder, stated by the American Psychiatric Association.

    This disorder is "Gender Identity Disorder" or GID for short.

    I feel that is important that people in this country know this and NOT to let their child decide for themselves. A child or teenager should be sent to a professional mentala health expert to be helped. Too often these people are accepted to easily as just being a ladyboy when help could be available.

    Also, do you think that a ladyboy should be put in a position of responsibility or trust?

    I'm not so sure but would like some opinions.

  4. I was on duty in the Totteham Riots in the 80s In SPG (if any of oldens its remember them)..... We didnt take priosners then BUT now its all on camera, I WILL GUARUANTEE YOU THAT SEVERAL OFFICERS IN ENGLAND WILL BE PROSECTED FOR GOING OVER THE TOP and "unfairly treating the poor youth" what the ********** is going on here.


    Its pathetic to watch and listen to whats going on There will be a big public enquiry, how many more of these totally crap committees/ enquiries do we need to "establish" what went on. Normal people will just have had enough of these scum, I HOPE THE SITUATION WILL REVERSE FOR THE GOOD GUYS and not just a fightback but a 5 year sentence passed immediately for ANY body convicted of any criminal offense, (don't think that will happen not British way) Well it must happen to get back our way of life,,,, Watch the court sentenses this will be a laugh......

    Anybody remember, Notting Hill Riots, Brixton riots, lewisham riots, Southall Riots etc That's just London not to mentioned Toxeth, bristol etc anything in common work it out for yourselves mmmmmmm?

    It ain't rocket science is it ? Little S***** WHO WILL NICK ANYTHING AND KNOW THERE'S NO DETERRENT IF NICKED.

    Ain't you glad your here is a largely peaceful and firm country, I KNOW I :D AM. and retired !!!!!

    Cheers all

    Have you never committed a crime in your life?

    5 years , come on.

    Have some compassion. Do you think these blacks will be able to retire to a tropical land?

  5. Now here is the thing about AA that most sceptics don't realise.

    You don't have to believe in god, a higher power, Jesus or any of that kind of stuff. I know I don't. Not for even a second.

    There are 12 steps in AA, the first step is all I've really needed and it simply states that you accept that you are pretty much powerless over your levels of drinking.

    Sure, there are some other steps, the most interesting of which is saying sorry to every body you've ever upset. Nice if mean it.

    I thought it was ALL about a higher power.

    I have done step one a couple of times and it didn't keep me sober

    I believe I would have to do all the steps to remain sober and sane and happy.

    . It states you are completely powwerless - i don't think you can be a little powerless

    I believe that I have to stop using "i' and start believing in a higher power

  6. It seems that Thais seem to lose face when negotiating for extras on a big ticket item, and my friend has gotten upset with me for trying to do so.

    I'd say that is a specific issue with your friend, not a trait of Thais, as you seem to think.

    Just about all Thais I know negotiate the hell out of anything, big or small and especially big.

    I agree - what rubbish about Thais not negotiating when buying a car.

    The Thai salesman might lose face when giving a certain type of farang discount - the fat bald one with a twenty year younger farmer's daughter doing all the talking.

  7. In certain parts of Bangkok, it would be dangerous.

    Outside Bangkok even more. When I take our most expensive car(Range Rover) to another town at night my wife always checks to see if I have the gun hidden under the dashboard in case I break down somewhere.

  8. 2 bloody threads to your wanting to know!

    I regret telling you now as you sound like the kinda sexpat that walks around making sexual references to normal Thai ladies.

    I sure don't want to do that. Since you have so much experience how do you tell a normal Thai lady from the kind of Thai ladies that it is OK to ask for sex? Lady I met last night had 7 piercings in her right ear and a tattoo behind her left ear, she also studying for her masters, do you think she is normal? Or maybe just a hooker going to Chula?

    Not sure what you mean - are you saying that you don't realize that many uni girls do sexual favors for cash to help them through uni.

    Chula is no exception, I'd say at least 30% do it.

    Where did you meet her? Sukumvit Road ? Do you think you are attractive to university students?

  9. To be honest in 99% of situations I'm more likely to cut a local more slack than I would a fellow countryman back home. I suppose it's the part of me that doesn't want to come across as an arrogant westerner lording it over folks in their own country. But anybody who's ever put the wrong fuel in their car knows its not a 5 minute job to rectify and heaven forbid starting the engine and actually driving off. If the guy had just done his job but chosen the wrong hose then for sure a polite " Diesel khrap" would have sufficed. The fact that his gooning around ( with me as part of the floor show ) nearly ruined the best part of my afternoon was what made me bite.

    And no he didn't apologize.

    Can you speak Thai fluently?

    Did you actually say, Diesel or the diesen?

  10. Some people seem to have a misconception that Thai's aren't people like the rest of us.

    So yeah, I have on occasion had the need to raise my voice, just as the need is likely to arise from time to time in any other country.

    They do don't they.

    If you would shout at a local in your home country the chances are that you will shout at one here.

    personally, I don't shout at people.

    IN this situation, I'd probably turn it into a joke, but making sure the guy realised his mistake.

    Btw, did he apologize?

  11. In a round about way that is kind of my point. No one who has posted negative feelings about the word “boom boom”, knows how to say sexual intercourse in a polite way in the Thai language.

    But no one really wants to admit this obvious lack of knowledge in an important area as it would make them seem like booby's or newbee's.

    So, the obvious fall back position when you don't know something is to say that something is not important and anyone who wants to know the answer is an idiot. Kind of like a Thai teacher when you ask a question they don't know the answer to.

    The conclusion I draw is Andrew and JAFO are Thai teachers. Congratulations boys your written English is excellent.

    Perhaps the reason is that us long-term residents who speak fluent Thai can't be bothered as you obviously can't be bothered to learn Thai.

    How many years have you been here? What English/Thai dictionaries do you have?

    I'm surprised you haven't heard of , 'Thai for lovers', a must for every sexpat.

    You are so obviously that newbie who hangs out with bar-girls,your converstions will be so limited that they can't be bothered to teach you any new words and speak a simplified form of language that they do to all other mongers.

    ok, here are a few I've heard for sex:-

    payt sampan (common 'polite' one)




    sex is taboo in Thailand btw - unlike what many , especially older guys i see around town think.

  12. As for my opinion, boom is still used by all levels of Thai society but I could be wrong. Apparently it is not used by Nocturn's level but I would consider that an exception, however like I said that is only my opinion.

    But as a Canadian he unlikely to use any those word. :D

    My lady and I just watch Lakorn Tv, Boom boom mentioned about 6x in 3 hours by us.

    She boom boom him or not? Not yet but she want him. My Thai not good enough to follow all.

    ('Yet' also funny) Guess we just low class, but not everyone can be hi-so educated chinese.

    I have to believe the term "Boom Boom" is used as neither of the individuals speak enough of the others language to communicate in a respectful manner. Boom Boom appears to be like the term Same Same which I hear all the time between foreigner men and Thai women. Must be universal. My GF has never used the term "Boom Boom" or "Same Same"

    I think couples do not take enough time to assist the others with languages. My GF and I go out of our way to correct each other so we speak properly. In fact I like watching Lakorn's for the simple reason I learn the language and can ask specific questions about terminology. I could not imagine introducing my friends to a gal who says "Boom"Boom", "Same Same" or "Mak Mak" all the time. But that's me.

    Besides the term "go to sleep" (by nawn) how do you ask a polite women to have sex. See I told you. JAFO does not have the answer either. Boom is the only word used. I am of course waiting to be corrected. And don't give me some semantic stuff about politeness and reading the others mind. I want a word. There are lots of polite ways of asking a woman do you want to have sex in most languages except Thai. In Thai they say boom not make love or any other romantic word. Don't get me wrong I would love to be corrected. But until I am boom stands out as the only word understood by Thai women. Why is there a word for a female to make love with herself "dok bet" and not a word for make love with another person?

    Why on earth would you ask a woman you want sex with to go to sleep?

    I imagine you are one of those guys who have learn one thai word a month.

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