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  1. That's some great help JoeW! Just what I'm looking for. https://www.profender-shocks.com/adjustable-Gas-Shock-D-Max.html https://stamfordtyresthailand.com/product/tyres/falken/wildpeak-at3wa/
  2. Thanks for the input. Interestingly, and maybe it's accounting for a load, the book & door say 29 front/41 rear. The 225's, which I don't have says 54 rear. Seams pretty high in the rear without a load. I've been running 32 in the rear. That said, I still need tires & shocks. Tires are of age & shocks have showed signs of leaking some time ago. Last rotation I had an alignment done & everything checked out mechanically. I'll do some more research on the shocks, but probably go with OEM as Liverpool Lou said. I was hoping someone might have had a Wow moment with some brand of truck tires here. I've had those impressed moments with certain motorcycle tires, and no doubt, some disappointments also. Couldn't find anything through the search here, but found this & more searching internet. https://aseannow.com/topic/1041402-new-tires-for-my-truck/ I'll add, driving my wife's new car & riding my new bike most likely made me more sensitive to all this. Thanks again!
  3. I have an older (2008) Isuzu 4x4 with low mileage I would like to keep. Don't use it often but when I do, the ride is horrible. Can anyone recommend tires (245/70R16) that are soft enough for gripping the roads (dirty or wet)? I don't care if they wear fast as long as they improve the ride & hold to the road for safety. Also shocks. The local auto parts store sell them cheap, but I can't get a good answer on quality shocks that keep the wheels on the road in all conditions while improving the comfort of the ride. Appreciate any experience & advise on this!
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