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Posts posted by jbradley2093

  1. So.... just ...so I understand.

    You had a worker for 18 months....AND you couldn't finish whatever repairs you needed blink.png ....whistling.gif

    Well...BeachTROLL...to....help..you..understand, I have completely gutted to the pillars and rebuilt a 280 sq/m villa with 'finishes' imported from Europe, North and South America and did most all the work with that worker and when necessary a couple of his friends. I am actually at the 95% mark and a intend to do another property once I finish this one. Since I am busy programming the interface and backend of my custom built, property-wide automation system I don't feel like doing these tedious, time consuming tasks. I also didnt feel I needed to explain every detail of my past, present and future, but I forgot about TROLLS, so now that you have the info, you can go troll someone else.

    To the other constructive posts, when I said the company would pay the worker 1/3 of what I would and charge me 3x what I would pay them - i didn't mean 3x the minimum. I mean, for instance, they charge me 4500, pay the worker 500, to which I would have paid him 1500, which is an average daily wage that I pay "freelance" or "private" workers DOE and quality of work. The problem I have with hiring a company is they ALWAYS use the cheapest materials, cut the most corners to save time, and never protect their work area or clean up after themselves. I prefer to pay someone much more so it benefits them and I can control the process, materials, speed (read: sloppiness). for the last 6 months my worker was making 45,000 per month working 22 days a month, 9 working hours per day.

  2. If this is the wrong forum, my apologies. It seemed the logical choice.

    First I will preface by saying that I pay very well for reliable people who do good work, so if you know any that you could recommend you can be assured you are recommending them for a very good job. I live in Kata

    I am currently in need of and would be very grateful for any recommendations / referrals for any of the following.

    - a tile layer to replace some damaged (already removed) pool tiles and re-grout the entire pool (prep already done)

    - a 'sandwash' 'expert' to replace the same (also within the pool, prep already done)

    - an electrician to install surge protectors (from the US) onto 6 AC units and also do some other general electrical work.

    - someone experienced sanding, staining, and urethane wood. I can teach specifics so long as the person has a basic knowledge of what we are doing here.

    Some basic english is prefered but its not required as I get by just fine with Google Translate.

    At this time I am not looking for a business to do these items as I myself can do them, and have a background in construction, but there are only so many hours in the day and I can only do so much. I do not want to pay a company to bring a couple workers here, pay them 30% of what I would pay them directly, and charge me 3x more than I would pay the workers. IF I strike out then I guess I will revisit that. All was going well until my full time Thai worker that i had been grooming for 18 months had to go back North to their home village with his wife and new baby, as I guess a village is a more important component to raising a baby than a flexible, steady job that pays more than double what he made prior. I expected he would come back but he has been stringing me along so I need to move on.

    Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.



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