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Food traveler

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Posts posted by Food traveler

  1. If you are actually worried about the cost of a visa, how do you intend to support yourself for one year without work ? ... a question that, at some point, you may be asked to answer by an Immigrations officer.

    Of all the expenses you're likely going to have to deal with, the visa would be pretty near the least. Or maybe you mean what would be overall cheapest way to stay in Thailand for a year while eating your way through every restaurant and food stand in Bangkok and pretending to be a student?

    Thanks for the reply sir

    My family will support me for 1 year.

    But I don't want them to spend too much money so I would like to know the cheapest visa :)

  2. Hi everyone smile.png

    I am a food traveler and I want to stay in Bangkok for like 1 year and I want to get the ED visa
    I can speak like very well. So do you think it s cheaper to go to thai university for 1 semester or to go to a Thai Language class like Wallen?

    Do you know what is the cheapest university ? I just wanna take 4 courses to get the ED visa.

    Thanks in advance !

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