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Na Fan

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  1. Can you share an agent or contact privately? Would be great to have an alternate option
  2. That's a thought. We actually know some that have done it the legal route as well. It's possible and still pays way more than here.
  3. I can't see how anyone can survive with 2 kids at 10k per month.
  4. Shade tree? Is that a brand or chain of some sort?
  5. One male, one female. Female finished high school, age 21. Male has a mechanical engineering degree, age 26.
  6. For two young people in their twenties, zero English skills or other notable skills - what are some opportunities for entry positions that could get them on a solid track where they can earn a living and not risk losing a limb or a couple fingers in some shady factory. I guess I'm just looking for random ideas. I'm also a bit out of touch what one should expect to earn in some low level jobs (hotel maid, dishwasher, etc). You've got to start somewhere, but you still shouldn't be ripped off. Thoughts?
  7. But it sure seems to be exactly what is happening here?
  8. But hmm.. 7500 interest per month and 8 months have been paid, at 16000 per month. The actual loan amount has only gone down to 564000. If what you were saying was exactly how it worked, the loan amount would have to be different. 8x 7500 (interest) + 8x 8500 (loan back pay) Total interest paid: 60000 Total loan paid back: 68000 So the remaining amount would have to be 532000? We're missing 32000 ? Are they taking more money for interest initially ? That feels wrong / illegal to me?
  9. I'm afraid to say that what you are saying makes a lot of sense! Thank you for spending your time for that. Looks like somebody has gotten screwed 😞
  10. A lot doesn't seem to add up for me, either.
  11. So there's a personal loan, 600'000 THB with a bank. According to some quick research, the max allowed interest rate for such a loan is 15%. However, 8 payments have been made into repaying said loan, 8x 16'000 = 128'000 and the loan "balance" has only come down to 564'000. Apparently the loan is for 71 instalments, 16k each - so that is a total of 1.136 million THB. How is that 15%? That is more like 100% extra interest ? Can someone please ELI5 that?
  12. This guy did a good job - it's visible handmade, but it fits the purpose and looks very strong and solid. Thanks for the tip!
  13. Thank you!
  14. Our bed frame's leg gave in and we'd like to get it replaced. Any places that are good with this sort of thing? I believe it's aluminum, but could be an alloy or something else; not my area of expertise at all, I'm afraid. Any pointers greatly appreciated!
  15. Yeah I know. The trolls and donkeys are the reason why I hesitate to post here in the first place. And I really only do it when I sort of need to for one reason or another. But thanks for the kind words. They are indeed appreciated.

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