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Everything posted by Graham8888

  1. Yes i have worked with them - they went to school and uni in either England or America and obviously there are natural entrepreneurs in business that will succeed without school its the way -a few well educated at the top of the pyramid earning all the money
  2. I agree with most of the above - but if you are young and ready to take the plunge- why not?? Not everyone wants to live paying a mortgage for 25 years saving for a pension they might never see - if it doesn’t work out at least you have done it i live partly in Thailand and only return when i have to for business. my son is 19 and living in Thailand and works online - yes legally. It is cheaper here - £2.10 a pint - that is not the average price which is what is quoted for other bills / costs in the uk next time you’re staring into your pint down the “club”’ think of the excitement of travel and taking calculated risks
  3. What about the misery, death and cost to everyone else that herion causes
  4. Be very careful- i have been through this with my son - if you keep getting id cards/ passports he WILL be eligible for national service lottery - his worst nightmare. spoke to the thai embassy but they are reluctant to put anything in writing- he is 19 and hasn’t had a Thai passport since he was 8. I know he is a uk citizen etcetc but try arguing that in Thailand if they decide differently
  5. If you look at his finances, property and wealth background against actual earnings etc ., it is painfully obvious - add to this the number of his officers involved , he cannot be clean, but this is about power struggle between different groups in the same pig sty - nothing to do with right or wrong . Chuwit only mouths off because his place at the trough was taken by others
  6. Where are you from? Here in the uk often illegal foreigners do exactly what they want with no recrimination or deportation only highlighted by GB news . This is not a moan , I actively live abroad 10 months of the year
  7. Exactly- hammas knew what would happen when their leaders ordered the attack from the comfort of their mansions in Qatar bought with stolen aid money ( fact) but they care less about the people than the israelis but as usual it is the decent honest people that suffer for the egos and greed of a few . barbaric acts on both sides
  8. That’s because they aren’t constantly demanding everything be changed for their benefits - eg we need a temple built in every town
  9. I have dived for years am astounded by these pictures-Exactly can’t believe anyone would try this type of diving you cant make this stuff up - last picture of the guy tangled up with the hose says it all.
  10. Yes fuel has since before covid - oil companies price gouging more than airlines staff costs have gone up - look at the (real) annual inflation rates since 2020
  11. Not if you haven’t paid the import taxes
  12. I would imagine that in my experience in the uk of this process with santander , which is a worldwide problem is that the bank does everything it can to hang on to the money for as long as possible in the hope that you may give up trying- took me 2 years with santander
  13. Same same - have a read up on the post office scandal in the uk
  14. And you actually believe that this is a serious forum for the last 10 years at least ! Chill out its nearly Christmas . RIP the passengers
  15. And your username ? Is that a “ i want to be a comedian attempt?”
  16. I visited this summer for the first time in 20 years and found still the same friendly courteous people across the island from the hotel staff to taxi drivers and in restaurants. It’s a stunning place to visit.
  17. Unfortunately this is a now a boring and pointless story to run everyone knew the outcome from the start - leave until the red bull heir is arrested and prosecuted ( just after the herd of flying pigs go over bkk) until then ots a non story or what about asean now tracks him down and writes about it ?
  18. M3 earphones - they instantly translate ( including Thai)
  19. And every youtuber has been vlogging it to death for the last 2 years …. stunning group of islands though
  20. And this is the company that bought selfridges last year for 4 billion while struggling through the pandemic ?!
  21. You still have to go to the office in chaeng wattana- wheres the improvements? Fact -not whingeing about whingers
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